This project is a multiplayer version of the classic Snake game, developed in Python. It includes an AI-controlled enemy snake for an added level of competition.
- Multiplayer functionality: Play with your Enemy AI and see who can get the highest score!
- AI Enemy: Compete against an AI-controlled snake that adds an extra layer of challenge to the game.
- Settings: Change the game settings to your liking.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run
to start the game.
- Use the arrow keys to control your snake.
- Avoid colliding with the AI snake and the game boundaries.
- Eat the food items to increase your score.
- From Setting The Multiplayer Option can be toggled on or off.
- From Setting Enemy Snake Algorithm can be changed to Greedy or A* Algorithm.
- Python - Programming language used to develop the game.
- Tkinter - Python's standard GUI package.
- Custom Tkinter - Custom Tkinter widgets.
- Add a main menu.
- Add a leaderboard to track high scores.
- Add a pause button.
- Screen size can be changed.
- Snake speed can be changed.
- Other snake colors can be chosen.
- Add a game over screen.
- Other Snakes Can Be added
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.