- The sources can be cloned to any directory:
cd /path/to/install/
git clone https://github.com/lgmgeo/AnnotSV.git
- Then, the user can easily install the package using make:
cd /path/to/install/AnnotSV
make PREFIX=. install
make PREFIX=. install-human-annotation
make PREFIX=. install-mouse-annotation
- Set the global environmental variable as the location of the git repo on your system.
In csh:
setenv ANNOTSV /path/to/install/AnnotSV
In bash:
export ANNOTSV=/path/to/install/AnnotSV
- Change to the repo directory, and run the test
cd /path/to/install/AnnotSV/share/doc/AnnotSV/Example/
$ANNOTSV/bin/AnnotSV -SVinputFile test.bed -outputFile ./test.annotated.tsv -svtBEDcol 4
- Examine the output
Happy exploring!
Anyone interested in implementing new annotations/features in AnnotSV?
Thanks to the AnnotSV user community:
- Bugs could be tackled efficiently
- New ideas could be investigated faster
I look forward to the opportunity to work together,
feel free to fork the page if you want to help :-)