this package has been replaced by TypedDelegation.jl
Jeffrey Sarnoff © 2016-Mar-22 in New York City
*family* | *type of resulting value*
:--- | :---:
__@delegate__ | the result is `bare`, having the return type of delegated function
__@traject__ | the result is `wrapped`, returning a value of the same type processed
import Base: (<), (<=), isequal, isless
type MyInt val::Int end;
# IMPORTANT: include isless, isequal with any of ==,!=,<,<=,>=,>
@delegate_1field2vars( MyInt, val, [ (<), (<=), isequal, isless ] );
myFirstInt = MyInt(3)
mySecondInt = MyInt(7)
myFirstInt < mySecondInt # true
mySecondInt <= myFirstInt # false
import Base: log, tan
type MyFloat val::Float64 end;
@traject_1field1var( MyFloat, val, [ log, tan ] );
myFirstFloat = MyFloat(1.0)
mySecondFloat = MyFloat(0.25)
myFloatLogs = log(myFirsFloat) # MyFloat(0.0)
myFloatTans = tan(mySecondFloat) # MyFloat(0.5463024898437905)
import Base: (+), (-), (*)
type MyInt val::Int end;
@traject_1field2vars( MyInt, val, [ (+), (-), (*) ] );
myFirstInt = MyInt(3)
mySecondInt = MyInt(7)
myIntAdds = myFirstInt + mySecondInt # MyInt(10)
myIntSubtracts = myFirstInt - mySecondInt # MyInt(-4)
myIntMultiplies = myFirstInt * mySecondInt # MyInt(21)
import Base: hypot
type RightTriangle legA::Float64; legB::Float64; end;
@delegate_2fields1var( RightTriangle, legA, legB, [ hypot, ] );
myRightTriangle = RightTriangle( 3.0, 4.0 )
hypot(myRightTriangle) # 5.0
function renormalize(a::Float64, b::Float64)
hi = a + b
t = hi - a
lo = (a - (hi - t)) + (b - t)
hi, lo
type HiLo hi::Float64; lo::Float64; end;
@traject_2fields1var HiLo hi lo [ renormalize, ];
myHiLo = renormalize( HiLo(12.555555555, 8000.333333333) )
# HiLo(8012.89,4.44089e-14)
# HiLo(8012.888888888,4.440892098500626e-14)
import Base: length, last
type MyInts elems::Vector{Int} end;
type MyNums{T} elems::Vector{T} end;
@delegate_1field1var( MyInts, elems, [ length, last ] );
@delegate_1field1var( MyNums, elems, [ length, last ] );
myInts = MyInts([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
myNums = MyNums([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
length(myInts), length(myNums) # 5, 3
last(myInts), last(myNums) # 1, 3.0
# macros that return values typed as the function delegated returns
# (providing the delegated function result as directly computed)
@delegate_1field1var, @delegate_1field2vars,
@delegate_2fields1var, @delegate_3fields1var,
# macros that return values typed as the parameter[s] of the delegation
# (wrapping the delegated function result in the dispatching type)
@traject_1field1var, @traject_1field2vars,
@traject_2fields1var, @traject_3fields1var,
# aliases
@delegate1f1v # aliases @delegate_1field1var
@traject1f1v # aliases @traject_1field1var
# others patterned as
@delgate1f2v # aliases @delegate_1field2vars
@traject2f1v # aliases @traject_2fields1var
Please see the online help for each macro, or read the source file, for more examples.
This module is based on original work by John Myles White and Toivo Henningsson.
Relevant webpage references are given in src/Delegate.jl, at the end of the file.