A Complex Number library. It uses its own complex number implementation. Its main goal it's to provide a more complete API, compared to the default complex number implementation in Python.
It's as simple as:
>>> from AlComplex import I, AlComplex, pi
>>> 2 + 3*I
2.0 + 3.0i
>>> AlComplex(2,3)
2.0 + 3.0i
>>> AlComplex(1)
1.0 + 0.0i
>>> # You can also use Polar Coordinates
>>> AlComplex.polar(2, pi)
0 - 2i
Just run
pip install AlComplex
It has no external dependencies.
Basic operations with complex and real numbers are supported
>>> -I + 4 + 3*I
4 + 2i
>>> (25+35*I)/5
5.0 + 7.0i
>>> (-8 + 14*I)/(2+3*I)
2.0000000000000018 + 4.000000000000001i
>>> I**I
.20787957635076193 + 0.0i
Note that since Floats behave weirdly, we use relative equality. Two Complex numbers are equal if their real and imaginary parts are close by at least 1e-14
>>> (-8 + 14*I)/(2+3*I)
2.0000000000000018 + 4.000000000000001i
>>> (-8 + 14*I)/(2+3*I) == 2 + 4*I
AlComplex objects have a basic but complete API:
>>> z = 1 + I
>>> z.real
>>> z.imag
>>> z.abs()
>>> z.phase()
>>> z.to_polar()
(1.4142135623730951, 0.7853981633974483)
>>> z.to_rect_coord()
>>> z.conjugate()
1 - i
Note that there many aliases and ways to get the same value:
from AlComplex import phase, module, conjugate, real, imaginary
z.phase() == z.arg() == z.angle() == phase(z)
z.abs() == z.magnitude() == z.module() == abs(z) == module(z)
z.real == real(z)
z.imag == imaginary(z)
z.conjugate() == conjugate(z)
There's also basic math functions, optimized for Complex objects.
>>> from AlComplex import sin, exp, Ln
>>> from math import pi
>>> exp(2*pi*I)
1.0 + 0.0i
>>> sin(2*pi)
0.0 + 0.0i
>>> sin(2 + I)
1.4031192506220411 - 0.48905625904129324i
>>> Ln(exp(I))
0.0 + 1.0*I
Note that these functions work differently to cmath
functions, since very small numbers are rounded to zero automatically.
>>> import cmath
>>> import AlComplex
>>> from math import pi
>>> cmath.sin(2*pi)
>>> AlComplex.sin(2*pi)
0.0 + 0.0i
>>> cmath.sin(2*pi) == 0
>>> AlComplex.sin(2*pi) == 0
The functions available are sin
, cos
, tan
, sec
, csc
, cot
, asin
, acos
, atan
, sinh
, cosh
, tanh
, sech
, csch
, coth
, asinh
, acosh
, atanh
, exp
, Ln
, sqrt
and inverse
You can set representation of complex numbers with j, if you prefer.
>>> from AlComplex import J, use_j
>>> J
0.0 + 1.0i
>>> use_j(True)
>>> 2 + J
2.0 + 1.0j
>>> use_j(False)
>>> 2 + J
2.0 + 1.0i
There's also partial support for multiple valued functions. They all create generators.
>>> from AlComplex import int_roots, ln_values
>>> from math import pi
>>> list(int_roots(I, 3))
[0.866025403784439 + 0.5i, -0.866025403784438 + 0.5i, 0.0 - 1.0i]
>>> # Gives log(z.abs()) + (z.phase() + 2*pi*n)*I, where n takes the values from 0 to 2
>>> list(ln_values(I, 0, 3))
[0.0 + 1.5707963267948966i, 0.0 + 7.853981633974483i, 0.0 + 14.137166941154069i]
Currently only int_roots of a function and complex logarithm are supported. More to come.
You can also get the n-th value of the log directly
>>> from AlComplex import ln_n_branch
>>> ln_n_branch(I, 2)
0.0 + 14.137166941154069i