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An desktop app to simulate and estimate electrical consumtion

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General Information

This program was created to complete the IF2250 Software Engineering Implementation Task. This program has two main features: Estimator and Simulator. The Estimator feature is used to calculate the estimated cost of electricity consumption. This feature requests input data for electrical devices and an estimated duration of use for these devices. The Simulator feature is used to simulate the electrical devices in a house. This feature requests input data for electrical devices, circuit breakers, and rooms. After that, the program will simulate whether an electrical overload occurs or not if the electrical devices are turned on simultaneously.

How To Run Program

  1. Clone repository
git clone ""
  1. Go into the directory in which the repo is cloned

  2. Enter src

cd src
  1. Run the program

List of Modules

  1. Data Input Module

    Figure 1. Data Input Display

  2. Simulator Module

    Figure 2. Simulator Display

  3. Estimator Module

    Figure 3. Estimator Display

  4. Room Module

    Figure 4. Room Display

  5. Electrical Device Module


1. perangkat_listrik

This table is used to store information regarding any electrical devices that are used in the program.

Attribute Constraint
id Integer, Primary Key
status Integer
nama Text
daya Real
arus Real
tegangan Real
nama_ruangan Text
durasi Integer

2. ruangan

This table is used to store the rooms in the house frame.

Attribute Constraint
id Integer, Primary Key
nama_ruangan Text
circuit_breaker Integer
circuit_breaker_name Text
threshold Real

3. ruangan_perangkat_listrik

This table is used to show the relation between the room id and the device id.

Attribute Constraint
id_ruangan Integer
id_perangkat_listrik Integer

Task Distribution

Name (NIM) Task
Wilson Tansil (13521054) Simulator, GUI
Bill Clinton (13521064) Electrical Device, GUI
Jimly Firdaus (13521102) Data Input, GUI
Ulung Adi Putra (13521122) Estimator, GUI
Muhammad Zaki Amanullah (13521146) Room, GUI