Telegram bot that displays the number of playing players on a specified Minecraft server
You can try it without installing: @mc_status_bot
- Need python 3.7 or higher
git clone
cd mc-status-tg-bot
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Using @BotFather, create a bot
- Change the BOT_TOKEN in the script to value from @BotFather
Do it once: chmod +x mc-status-tg-bot
and then always call like this: ./mc-status-tg-bot
Write to the bot or add it to the group and write there:
/check host:port
The bot will reply and update the message every 15 seconds. To stop updating:
Tip: Only one server per chat can be specified. When specifying a new one, old messages will stop updating.
Tip: You can pin a bot message so that everyone can easily see online count. For this, the bot was created.