An Selfmade Deployment system for some self education
- Github Integration
- configurable Deploys
- Commands
- Files
- external Server to handel all this stuff
- which ssh's into other servers to upload the necessary files
Steps for a Vue deploy:
- Pull down code
- run npm run build
- delete all except dist
- Move the dist to anoter folder
Step for a HTML deploy:
- Pull down code
- delete .gitignore
- delete Readme
- move all other to the specified location
Steps for a Nodejs deployment:
- Pull down the code
- Delete unused files
- somehow restart the running node process (maybe nodemon) || Kill the old screen and just start a new one
deploy.createDeploy(); // Creates a dir to do the deploy in
deploy.exec(`git clone ${data.repository.url} .`); // Executes any ssh-deploy command in the dir the data comes with if you link the deploy
deploy.step(); // Steps to the next in this case 'Deletion'
deploy.delete(''); // Deletes on file in the dir
deploy.delete(['.git', '.gitignore']); // Deletes an array of files in the dir
deploy.step('Build'); // Steps to Building
deploy.exec('npm run build');
deploy.step(); //Steps to Upload
await host.connect('IP-DEPLOY-SERVER', 'username', 'password', 'PATH-TO-DIR'); // Connects to the deploy host and decides the path to upload in this case: /var/ww/html/proj
await host.connect(config.get('Rooti')); // Connects to the deploy host and decides the path to upload in this case: /var/ww/html/proj
await host.upload(); // This will upload everything left in the dir
await host.upload('PATH'); // This will upload everything in the sub path of the deploy dir
host.disconnect(); // Cleanes the connection
deploy.deleteDeploy(); // Deletes the dir where the deploy was done // A Boolean if should save or not
- trigger / t : Triggers a deployment process
- list / ls : lists all registered deployment processes
- history / h : lists a history of all the already deployed processes
- info / i : Shows Informations about one specified deployment process
- Personal Website
- Ez-Uploader (Website)
- Dev-Ez-Uploader (Dev Edittion)
- GitHub-Information
- Amazon-Price-Tracker
- CineFinn
- Implement a database
- Log every deployment
- Display Deployments in an ui
- Implement multiple deploy hosts
- Implement a config file
- Store the server connections there
- Discord Webhook Integration
- Slack Webhook Integration
- Upgrade to typescript
- On deploy store the current commit ID to trace back if something happens
- Implement a native Website renderer so it renders a file default on the slash route
- Implement a simple api to get deploy infos
- Implement hot swap deploys