- Copy the folder mzehr.mod and all its content to <BlitzMax installation directory>/mod.
- Go to the <BlitzMax installation directory>/bin folder.
- Execute the bmk executable to build the module for your platform:
bmk makemods -a mzehr.ini
- (Optional) Execute
to update the module documentation.
- Supports groups/sections denoted as [Group name]
- Supports a global group that contains all the variables that do not belong to other groups.
- Allows to switch back from a named group to the global group by adding the line: []
- Group and variable names are treated case sensitive
For example:
GlobalVar = Hello World
ResolutionX = 1920
ResoultionY = 1080
AnotherGlobalVar = true
Contains the following classes/types:
- TIniFile
- TIniGroup
- TIniVar
Just create an instance of TIniFile by using one of its static functions:
- TIniFile.Create([path])
- TIniFile.Load(path)
- TIniFile.LoadStream(stream)
- TIniFile.Parse(contentString)
Read from, modify and remove variables:
- ini.GetValue(groupName, varName, [fallBackValue])
- ini.SetValue(groupName, varName, value)
- ini.RemoveVar(groupName, varName)
Get, add or remove groups/sections:
- ini.GetGroup(groupName)
- ini.GetOrAddGroup(groupName)
- ini.RemoveGroup(groupName)
A group contains its own similar methods:
- group.GetValue(varName, [fallBackValue])
- group.SetValue(varName, value)
- group.RemoveVar(varName)