Backup for my Vim and TMUX configuration
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- Vim_Tmux_Config
- Context
- Demo Current Customization
- Part 1 - Vim/Gvim/Neovim
- Part 2 - TMUX
Created by gh-md-toc
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Color scheme | More Information | |
Vim/Gvim/Neovim | Gruvbox | |
TMUX | 8 pywal-color using Pywal | For pywal usage, check My_I3_Environment |
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- Use interchangeable configuration for various vim-family e.g. vim, gvim, and neovim
- Integrate useful vim-plugin e.g. auto-pair parentheses, auto-popup completion, etc.
- Integrate various color theme for better syntax highlighting e.g. gruvbox, nord, etc.
- Integrate Vim with TMUX for both pane/split and clipboard to work together smoothly
- Map built-in/plugin-in function to keys that are easier to remember systematically
- Add IDE-like features for python e.g. linter, formatter, analyzer, etc.
- Add IDE-like features using LSP e.g. linter, formatter, analyzer, etc.
- Add Markdown features e.g. preview, folding, wiki-style markdown writer, etc.
- Add Latex features e.g. real-time preview, compilation, etc.
- Try to minimize loading time while keeping maximal functionality/variety
- Also offer Minimal cross-platform configuration (
) for both UNIX-like system and Windows system
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Common Requirement
Git [for plugin installation]
#_For Fedora dnf install git
Curl [for plugin manager setup]
#_For Fedora dnf install curl
Requirement for Diverse Vim
- version >= 7.0
- clipboard option is on (+clipboard) [for sharing system clipboard]
- python3 option is on (+python3/dyn) [for python completion]
#_Check vim version and other options vim --version
- version >= 7.0
- gvim already shipped with clipboard and python3 options
#_Check gvim version and other options vim --version
- version >= 0.4
- neovim already shipped with clipboard and python3 options
#_Check neovim version and other options nvim --version
- Requirement for Python Completion
ipython (version >= 7.20) [python consoler]
#_Python3 pip install ipython
jedi for jedi [python code analyzer]
#_Python3 pip install jedi
pynvim for deoplete neovim plugin usage [python code analyzer]
#_Python3 pip install pynvim
- Requirements for Basic Latex Compilation
texlive [latex suite]
#_For Fedora dnf install texlive-scheme-basic
- Requirements for Latex/Markdown Viewer
Web browser with markdown extension (e.g. google-chrome, Firefox, etc.) [for markdown preview]
#_For Fedora dnf install firefox
PDF viewer (e.g. zathura, Okular) [for latex preview]
#_For Fedora dnf install zathura*
- Copy
(current user's home) - Rename
cp vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
- Copy
- Copy
(create one if not exists) - Rename
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim cp vimrc $HOME/.config/nvim/init.vim
- Copy
- Following installation should start automatically at the first time startup
Vim-plug (plug manager) installation via curl
- If not working, try manually install vim-plug (also within this repository)
#_For vim/gvim cp -r vim/autoload $HOME/.vim #_For neovim cp -r vim/autoload $HOME/.config/nvim
Vim plugin installation via vim-plug
- If not working, try manually install vim-Plug
#_In vim command line mode :Pluginstall
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- Enabling too many plugins may slow down your vim. You can check your loading time with following command
- For managing plugins enable/disable, see next section (Plugin usage configuration)
#For vim/gvim
vim --startuptime /tmp/startup.log FILE_TO_TEST +q && vim /tmp/startup.log
#For neovim
vim --startuptime /tmp/startup.log FILE_TO_TEST +q && vim /tmp/startup.log
for more details, check sections in vimrc
Plugin usage can be configured in the first section of
file" ============================================================================ " Vim and Neovim settings " ============================================================================ " Select vim-plug to load, set GUI color (real color) support, etc. " Assign 0 to disable plug option
Detect using neovim or not (automatic detection)
- Neovim is better for loading tons of plugins
- Neovim configuration path is different from vim
- If using vim,
plug will be loaded to bridge vim and neovim
" Use vim or neovim (Auto-detect) let USING_NEOVIM = has('nvim') let USING_VIM = !USING_NEOVIM
Check if using vim 8.0 or higher
- If vim version is less than 8.0, some function is not available (e.g. terminal)
- Required for
- [Built-in] terminal mode
- [Plug-in] vim-polyglot (multi-language support)
- [Plug-in] ale (multi-languages syntax highlight)
" Check if vim version >= 8.0 (also for neovim >= 0.5) let USING_VIM8 = 1
Customize vim color scheme
- For fancy symbol support, nerd font is needed (check )
- For pywal theme support, pywal is needed (check ), also remember to change the directory path to your $HOME/.cache/wal
" Customize vim theme (Include colorscheme and statusline) let USING_CUSTOMIZED_THEME = 1 " Fancy symbols (Mainly affect lightline and nerdtree icon) let USING_FANCY_SYMBOLS = 1 " Wal theme support (Xresources colortheme support, check pywal) "let USING_WAL_THEME = isdirectory('/home/jordankhwu/.cache/wal') let USING_WAL_THEME = 0
Extra vim-plug
- Extra plug for productivity (or enhance vim-built in function)
- Including
- [Plug-in] goyo (distraction-free editor)
- [Plug-in] limelight (light-off with goyo)
- [Plug-in] vim-startify (start page for empty buffer)
- [Plug-in] vimwiki (markdown wiki in vim)
- [Plug-in] yankring (clipboard history)
- [Plug-in] vim-peekaboo (vim register viewer/manager)
- [Plug-in] vim-markbar (vim mark viewer/manager)
- [Plug-in] vim-easymotion (physical movement)
- [Plug-in] AutoComplPop (auto-completion pop-up)
- [Plug-in] FixedTaskList (find TODO tag in vim)
- [Plug-in] vim-hexokinase (hex color code color highlight support)
" Extra vim-plug (Include easymotion, yankring, autocolpop, etc.) let USING_EXTRA_PLUG = 1
Coding tool vim-plug
- Tools for coding, git, language syntax highlight
- Including
- [Plug-in] vim-polyglot (multi-language support)
- [Plug-in] ale (multi-language syntax highlight)
- [Plug-in] neoformat (code formatter)
- [Plug-in] rainbow (pair bracket highlight)
- [Plug-in] indentLine (indent line indicator)
- [Plug-in] vim-indent-guides (indent highlight)
- [Plug-in] vim-indent-object (add indent object to vim)
- [Plug-in] vim-visual-multi (multiple cursors)
- [Plug-in] vim-fugitive (git toolbox)
- [Plug-in] vim-gitgutter (git diff highlight)
" Coding tools vim-plug (Include syntax support, git function, etc.) let USING_CODING_TOOL_PLUG = 1
Python completion vim-plug
- Tools for python completion
- Requirements must be satisfied (check python completion preparation at the first session)
- Including
- [Plug-in] nvim-yarp (yet another remote plugin framework for neovim)
- [Plug-in] vim-hug-neovim-rpc (plugin bridge from neovim to vim)
- [Plug-in] deoplete-jedi (python completion)
- [Plug-in] jedi-vim (definition and feature finder)
" Python Completion (Use deoplete and jedi, neovim is recommended to be used) let USING_PYTHON_COMPLETION = 1 " Python that used to install jedi, pynvim and python packages for completion let PYTHON_FOR_COMPLETION = '/usr/bin/python'
Python skeleton file
- Add preset python skeleton file for new created
python file - If you use different skeleton file, please change
" Add python skeleton file for new created .py python file let USING_PYTHON_SKELETON = 1 " Python Skeleton file let s:PYTHON_SKELETON = '$HOME/Desktop/Vim_Tmux_Config/share/'
- Add preset python skeleton file for new created
GUI support
- Functions for external GUI software
- Requires
- Latex previewer
- Markdown previewer
" Support of external GUI software (e.g. Okular, Google-chrome, etc.) let USING_GUI_SOFTWARE = 1 " Web browser for markdown preview let WEBBROWSER = 'brave-browser'
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1. Key Mapping should not be much different from the original VIM
- To make life easier instead of filled up with bloated key mapping
2. Every function (motion) should start with a leader key for most time
- To prevent conflict with built-in hotkey or other program hotkeys
- In this configuration, leader key is SPACE key
- Key mapping should be related to the name of the function
- Make it easier to remember or connect with configuration
- e.g. "wrap toggle" function is mapped to
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- Most leader key related key mapping is mapped by which-key plugins which will show useful hints when leader key and following keys are pressed. Table below includes some frequently used key mappings.
[LK] + |
Function | Description |
a |
Arg | Built-in arg |
b |
Buffer | Built-in buffer |
c |
Commenter | Commenter |
d |
Diff | Built-in diff |
e |
Ale | Linter |
f |
Fzf | File-browser |
g |
Git | Git |
m |
Mark/Manual | Built-in mark |
n |
Neoformat | Neoformat |
p |
Python | Python |
s |
Spell | Built-in spell |
t |
Tab | Built-in tab |
w |
Vim-wiki | Note-taking |
y |
Yank | Yank manager |
s +l |
Statusline | Status line |
c +s |
Colorscheme | Color scheme |
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- Fu-key Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [F1] |
Vim help page | Vim help page (help.txt) | Built-in function |
N/V | [F3] |
Toggle NerdTree | On/Off NerdTree plugin | |
N/V | [LK] +[F3] |
NerdTree current file | Show current file location | |
N/V | [F4] |
Toggle Tagbar | On/Off Tagbar plugin | |
N/V | [LK] +[F4] |
Markdown/Latex previewer | Open external Viewer | Only for .md or .tex file |
N/V | ([LK] )+[F5] |
Toggle (Rel)/Abs line number | On/Off rel/abs line number | |
N/V | [F6] |
Toggle fold column (short-4) | On/Off fold column (short-4) | For easier code fold visualization |
N/V | [LK] +[F6] |
Toggle fold column (long-8) | On/Off fold column (long-8) | For easier code fold visualization |
N/V | [F7] |
Toggle show line border | On/Off highlight 79th character | VIM recommends at most 78 characters for one line |
N/V | [LK] +[F7] |
Toggle show line border | On/Off highlight 79th column | VIM recommends at most 78 characters for one line |
N/V | [F8] |
Toggle highlight comment | On/Off highlight code comment | Assign brighter color to comment to highlight it |
N/V | [LK] +[F8] |
Toggle highlight fold | On/Off highlight vim fold | Assign brighter color to comment to highlight it |
N/V | [F9] |
Toggle indent highlight (line) | On/Off indent highlight (line) | |
N/V | [LK] +[F9] |
Toggle indent highlight (block) | On/Off indent highlight (block) | |
N/V | ([LK] )+[F10] |
(Load)/Save vim layout | Load/Save vim layout | Including pane split, folds, etc. |
N/V | ([LK] )+[F11] |
(Off)/On synchronized cursor | Off/On synchronized cursor | Need to execute in every pane to synchronize |
N/V | ([LK] )+[F12] |
(Exit)/Enter terminal mode | Exit/Enter terminal mode |
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- Arg/Buffer/Tab Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [LK] +[b] +[a/d/e] |
Add/Delete/Edit new buffer | Add/Delete/Edit new buffer | Here b for (b)uffer. Edit action will switch focus |
N/V | [LK] +[b] +[n/p] |
Go to next/prev buffer | Go to next/prev buffer | |
N/V | [LK] +[a] +[a/d/e] |
Add/Delete/Edit current to args | Add/Delete current to args | Here a for (a)rg. Edit action will switch focus |
N/V | [LK] +[a] +[n/p] |
Go to next/prev arg | Go to next/prev arg | |
N/V | [LK] +[t] +[a/d/e] |
Add/Delete/Edit new tab | Add/Delete new tab | Here f for (t)ab. Edit action will switch focus |
N/V | [LK] +[t] +[n/p] |
Go to next/prev tab | Go to next/prev tab | |
N/V | [LK] +[t] +[Shift] +[n/p] |
Move tab to next/prev tab | Move tab to next/prev tab |
- Split/Window Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[s/v] |
Add new split Horizontal/Vertical | Add new split Horizontal/Vertical | |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[h/j/k/l] |
Move between vim splits | Move between splits (L/D/U/R) | With plugin, you can move between TMUX panes and VIM splits |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[h/j/k/l] |
Move between vim splits | Move between splits (L/D/U/R) | |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[Shift] +[h/j/k/l] |
Move current split (L/D/U/R) | Move current split (L/D/U/R) | |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[Shift] +[t] |
Move current split to new tab | Move current split to new tab | |
N/V | [Alt] +[h/j/k/l] |
Resize current split size | Resize current split size | |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[=] |
Re-split splits equally | Re-split splits equally | Here =(equal sign) for equally split |
N/V | [LK] +[r] +[1/2] |
Resize current split to 10/20rows | Resize current split to 10/20 rows | For VIM terminal pane resize |
- Code Folding Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | ([LK] )+[F10] |
Load/Save layout and folding | Load/Save current split and code folding | |
N/V | [z] +[k/j] |
Go to Prev/Next folding | Go to Prev/Next folding | Vim built-in |
N/V | [z] +[o/c] |
Open/Close current folding | Open/Close current folding | Vim built-in |
N/V | [z] +[Shift] +[r/m] |
Show/Close all foldings | Show/Close all foldings | Vim built-in |
V | [Shift] +[k/j] |
Move selection block up/down | Move selection block up/down |
- Diff Mode Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [LK] +[d] +[s/v] |
Add diff split Horizontal/Vertical | Add diff split Horizontal/Vertical | |
N/V | [Lk] +[d] +[j/k] |
Jump to next/prev diff | Jump to next/prev diff | |
N/V | [Lk] +[d] +[o] |
Get diff from neighbor pane | Get diff from neighbor pane | Recommend to use with visual mode selection |
N/V | [Lk] +[d] +[p] |
Put diff to neighbor pane | Put diff to neighbor pane | Recommend to use with visual mode selection |
N/V | [Lk] +[d] +[u] |
Update diff | Update diff |
- Spell Mode Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[l] |
Toggle spell mode | Toggle spell mode | Here sl for (s)pel(l) |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[j/k] |
Jump to next/prev bad word | Jump to prev/next bad word | |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[a] +[g] |
Add word to good word list spell mode | Add word to good word list spell mode | Here a for (a)dd, g for (g)ood |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[r] +[g] |
Remove word from good word list spell mode | Remove word from good word list spell mode | Here r for (r)emove, g for (g)ood |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[a] +[b] |
Add word to bad word list spell mode | Add word to bad word list spell mode | Here a for (a)dd, b for (b)ad |
N/V | [LK] +[s] +[r] +[b] |
Remove word from bad word list spell mode | Remove word from bad word list spell mode | Here r for (r)emove, b for (b)ad |
- Quickfix/Location List Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N | [LK] +[q/e] +[g] |
call built-in vimgrep/lvimgrep function | search like grep and store results in lists | |
N | [LK] +[q/e] +[o] |
toggle quickfix/location list pane | toggle quickfix/location list pane | built-in: copen/cclose, lopen/lclose |
N | [LK] +[q/e] +[j/k] |
go to next/prev quickfix/location item | go to next/prev quickfix/location item | built-in: cnext/cprev, lnext/lprev |
N | [LK] +[q] +[d] |
call cdo for items in quickfix list | call cdo for items in quickfix list | like argdo, bdo for args and buffers |
- Miscellaneous Function Key Mapping
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
I | [k] +[j] |
Esc (escape form insert mode) | Esc (escape form insert mode) | |
N/V | [Shift] +[k] |
Search current word in manual | Search current word in manual | |
N/V | [Alt] +[/] |
Toggle search highlight | On/Off search highlight | |
N/V | [LK] +[w] +[p] |
Toggle line wrap | On/Off line wrap | Here wp for (w)ra(p) |
N/V | [LK] +[c] +[l] |
Toggle list characters show-up | On/Off list characters show-up | Here cl for (c)haracter (l)ist |
N/V | [LK] +[m] +[k] |
Show all vim marks | Show all vim marks | Here mk for (m)ar(k) |
N/V | [LK] +[r] +[r] |
Show all vim registers | Show all vim registers | Here re for (r)egiste(r) |
N/V | [LK] +[a] +[b] |
Show all vim abbreviates | Show all vim abbreviates | Here ab for (a)(b)breviate |
N/V | [LK] +[c] +[h/v] |
Toggle Horizontal/Vertical cursor | On/Off Horizontal/Vertical cursor | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[o/i] |
Show all cursor jump | Show all cursor jump | [g/Ctrl] +[o/i] jump backwards/forwards |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[;/,] |
Show all file change | Show all file change | [g] +[;/,] go to earlier/later change |
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- File/Code Browsing Key Mapping
- Note: Fzf is needed for file browsing
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [F3] |
Nerdtree Current Files | Show current file location | |
N/V | [LK] +[F3] |
Toggle Nerdtree | On/Off NerdTree plugin | |
N | [s/v] |
Open file in split/vsplit pane | Open file in split/vsplit pane | In NERDTree pane |
N | ([Shift] )+[t] |
Open file in new tab (silently) | Open file in new tab (silently) | In NERDTree pane |
N | [g] +[s/v] |
Preview file in split/vsplit pane | Preview file in split/vsplit pane | In NERDTree pane |
N | [c] +[d] |
Change pwd to selected location | Change pwd to selected location | In NERDTree pane |
N | [Shift] +[c] +[Shift] +[d] |
Change tree root to selected location | Change tree root to selected location | In NERDTree pane |
N | ([Shift] )+[o/x] |
Open/Close folds (recursively) | Open/Close folds (recursively) | In NERDTree pane |
N/V | [LK] +[u] +[t] |
Toggle Undotree | On/Off Undotree (visualizer) plugin | Vim built-in undotree visualizer |
N/V | [LK] +[F4] |
Toggle Tagbar | On/Off Tagbar plugin | |
N | [p] |
Preview tags within Tagbar | Preview tags within Tagbar | In Tagbar pane |
N | [d] |
Show definition of tags | Show definition of tags | In Tagbar pane |
N | [o] |
Toggle folds | Toggle folds | In Tagbar pane |
N | [LK] +[f] +[f] +[s] |
List files under input directory | List files under input directory | |
N | [LK] +[f] +[l] +[c] |
Locate files matched input | Locate files matched input name | Use system locate command |
N | [LK] +[f] +[r] +[g] |
Find files with input pattern | Find files matched input pattern | Use system ripgrep command |
N | [LK] +[f] +[f] +[t] |
Select file type for current file | Select file type for current file | |
N | [LK] +[f] +[c] +[d] |
Show all command in vim now | Show all command in vim now | |
N | [LK] +[f] +[n] +[m] |
Show all normal mode mapping | Show all normal mode mapping | |
N | [LK] +[f] +[h] +[t] |
Show all helptags in vim-help | Show all helptags in vim-help | |
N | [LK] +[f] +[q] +[f] |
Show build-in quickfix list | Show build-in quickfix list | vim quickfix list |
N | [LK] +[f] +[l] +[l] |
Show build-in location list | Show build-in location list | vim location list |
N | [LK] +[f] +[c] +[l] |
Show build-in change list | Show build-in change list | ./vim/patch/fzf_patch.vim is required |
N | [LK] +[f] +[j] +[l] |
Show build-in jump list | Show build-in jump list | ./vim/patch/fzf_patch.vim is required |
- Python Coding Key Mapping
- Note: Jedi is needed for python code analysis (Check )
- Note: All below functions only work in .py files
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [Shift] +[k] |
Search current word in doc | Search current word in python doc | |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[n] |
Find current word occurrences | Find current word occurrences | Here p for (p)ython |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[a] |
Find current word assignment | Find current word assignment | |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[d] |
Show current word definition | Show current word definition | |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[m] |
Show current word | Show current word | |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[Shift] +[m] |
Show input module | Show input module | |
N | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[i] |
Run import module formatter | Run isort formatter (for modules) | isort needs to be installed. Here n for (n)eoformat |
N | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[y] |
Run code formatter | Run yapf formatter (for formats) | pyment needs to be installed |
N/V | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[t] +[d] |
Run pyment (default: reST) | Run pyment (default: reST) | pyment needs to be installed |
N/V | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[t] +[g] |
Run pyment (google) | Run pyment (google style) | pyment needs to be installed |
N/V | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[t] +[j] |
Run pyment (javadoc) | Run pyment (javadoc style) | pyment needs to be installed |
N/V | [LK] +[n] +[p] +[t] +[n] |
Run pyment (numpydoc) | Run pyment (numpydoc style) | pyment needs to be installed |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[b] |
Insert pdb trace start | Insert pdb trace start | pdb is python built-in debugger |
N/V | [LK] +[p] +[Shift] +[b] |
Run pdb in new terminal pane | Run pdb in new terminal pane | pdb is python built-in debugger |
- Miscellaneous Function Key Mapping
- Useful tool (Note: startup by default)
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N/V | [LK] +[c] +[c/y] |
Comment (and copy) current line | Comment (and copy) current line | NerdCommenter |
N/V | [LK] +[c] +[u] |
Uncomment current line | Uncomment current line | NerdCommenter |
N/V | [LK] +[Shift] +["] |
Select vim pane | Select vim pane in tabs and splits | vim-choosewin |
N/V | [LK] +[z] |
Toggle maximize current split | On/Off maximize current split | vim-maximizer |
N/V | [Ctrl] +[w] +[z] |
Toggle maximize current split | On/Off maximize current split | vim-maximizer |
N/V | [y] +[s] +[a] +[w] +["] |
Add wrapped quotation/bracket | From word to "word" | vim-surrounder |
N/V | [d] +[s] +[a] +[w] +["] |
Del wrapped quotation/bracket | From "word" to word | vim-surrounder |
N/V | [c] +[s] +['] +["] |
Change quotation/bracket | From 'word' to "word" | vim-surrounder |
N/V/I | [LK] +[ ]` |
Toggle auto-completion pop-up | On/Off auto-completion pop-up | autocomplpop |
N/V/I | [Alt] +['] |
Toggle auto-pair | On/Off auto-pair quotation/bracket | auto-pairs |
N/V/I | [Alt] +[;] |
Jump to next pairs | Jump to next paired quotation/bracket | auto-pairs |
I | [Alt] +[w] |
Auto-pair fastwrap | Auto-pair fastwrap current pairs | Example: ()test -> (test) |
N/V | [LK] +[c] +[w] |
Highlight current word | Highlight current word and its twins | vim-current-word |
N | [LK] +[w] +[Shift] +[i] |
Open vimwiki index page | Open vimwiki index page | vimwiki |
N | [LK] +[w] +[d] +[Shift] +[i] |
Open vimwiki diary index page | Open vimwiki diary index page | vimwiki |
- Extra plug (Note: "let using_extra_plug = 1" must be set in vimrc)
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N | [LK] +[h/j/k/l] |
Quick move in four direction | Quick move in four direction | vim-easymotion |
N | [LK] +[/] |
Search and then move | Search and then move | vim-easymotion |
N/V | [LK] +[y] +[s] |
Show yank history | Show yank history | yankring |
N/V | [y] +[n/p] |
Paste next/prev clipped item | Paste next/prev clipped item | yankring |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[y] |
Distraction-free mode | Distraction-free mode | goyo |
- Coding tool (Note: "let using_coding_tool_plug = 1" must be set in vimrc)
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N | [Alt] +[n] |
Enter visual-multi mode | Enter visual-multi mode with selected word | Press n to next word; q to ignore word, Q to erase word mark |
N | [Alt] +[a] |
Enter visual-multi mode | Enter visual-multi mode with all selected word | Press n to next word; q to ignore word, Q to erase word mark |
N | [Alt] +[Shift] +[j/k] |
Add vertical multi-cursor | Enter visual-multi mode and add vertical cursor | |
N/V | [LK] +[e] +[l] |
Toggle ALE | On/Off ALE | Enabled at startup for code files. Here e for al(e) |
N/V | [LK] +[e] +[j/k] |
Go to Next/Prev ALE linter hint | Go to Next/Prev ALE linter hint | Here e for al(e) |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[g] |
Toggle GitGutter | On/Off GitGutter | Disabled at startup |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[h] +[s/l/n] |
Toggle GitGutter highlight | Toggle GitGutter highlight symbol/line/line number | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[j/k] |
Go to Next/Prev git hunks | Go to Next/Prev git hunks | Hunk means changed block |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[Shift] +[p] |
Hunk preview (before changed) | Hunk preview (before changed) | Here p for (p)review |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[Shift] +[f] |
Fold all unchanged lines | Fold all unchanged lines | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[Shift] +[a] |
Stage current hunk | Stage current hunk (git add) | Here a for git (a)dd |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[Shift] +[r] |
Restore current hunk | Restore current hunk (git restore) | Here r for git (r)estore |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[s] |
Show status of current git repo | Show status of current git repo | Here s for git (s)tatus |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +([Shift] )+[d] |
Git diff (all) unstaged files | Git diff (all) unstaged files | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +([Shift] )+[a] |
Git add (all) unstaged files | Git add (all) unstaged files | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +([Shift] )+[c] |
Git commit (all) staged files | Git commit (all) staged files | |
N/V | [LK] +[g] +[Shift] +[b] |
Git blame current file | Git blame current file |
Click to expand!
- LSP server management
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N | [LK] +[s] |
Show LSP server status | Show LSP server status | |
N | [LK] +[Shift] +[m] |
Manage LSP server | Manage LSP server (install, remove, etc.) | |
N | [LK] +[Shift] +[i] |
Install LSP server | Install LSP server for current filetype | |
N | [LK] +[Shift] +[e/d] |
Enable/Disable LSP server | Enable/Disable LSP server | LSP is disabled by default to save resources |
N | [LK] +[Shift] +[s/r] |
Stop/Reload LSP server | Stop/Reload LSP server | |
N | [LK] +[f] |
Run LSP formatter | Run LSP formatter |
- LSP server tool
VIM-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
N | [LK] +[e] +[e] |
Send LSP diagnostics to location list | Send LSP diagnostics to location list | |
N | [LK] +[r] +[e] |
Rename variable across current file | Rename current word across current file | |
N | [Shift] +[k] |
Show information in a hovering window | Show information in a hovering window | Same as [Shift] +[k] in vim |
N | [[\]] +[g] |
Go to previous/next LSP diagnostic | Go to previous/next LSP diagnostic | Includes warnings, errors etc. |
N | [g] +[d] |
Go to current word definition | Go to current word definition | |
N | [g] +[i] |
Go to current word implementation | Go to current word implementation | Not supported for python |
N | [g] +[t] |
Go to current word type definition | Go to current word type definition | Not supported for python |
N | [g] +[r] |
Find current word references | Find current word references (occurrences) | Results are saved to quickfix list |
N | [g] +[/] |
Symbol search | Search variable, function, etc. |
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Click to expand!
Click to expand!
- Primary keybinding prefix is remapped from "Ctrl+b" to "Ctrl+a", but "Ctrl+b" still works as secondary keybinding prefix
- Commands related to pane and split are remapped to my vim-like key mapping to keep things consistent
- Add new status line theme to make press of bindkey (prefix) more eye-catching
- Add clipboard sharing between vim, system, and TMUX (through xsel or xclip)
- Also offer minimal configuration (
) on UNIX-like system
Click to expand!
- Common Requirement
Git [for TMUX plugin manager setup]
#_For Fedora dnf install git
Powerline [powerline support for TMUX status line ]
#_For Fedora dnf install powerline dnf install tmux-powerline
Check if TMUX version >= 2.0
#_Check TMUX version tmux -V
- Copy Configuration File
- Copy
to $HOME (current user's home) - Rename
cp tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.conf
- Copy
- At first time startup, we need to install TMUX plugin manager, load configuration file and install plugins
TMUX plugin manager (TPM) installation
#_In terminal git clone $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Load configuration file
#_Open TMUX in terminal tmux #_In TMUX, press ctrl+b to enter command mode #_In command mode source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Install plugins
- Press "Ctrl+Space", then "I"
- Plugin manager should start installation automatically
Click to expand!
- [Plug-in] tmux-prefix-highlight (prefix/mode indicator for status line)
- [Plug-in] tmux-pop (flash when change focus to different pane)
- [Plug-in] tmux-sidebar (nerdtree-like file tree for TMUX)
- [Plug-in] tmux-sessionist (make create/kill session ability easier to use)
- [Plug-in] tmux-resurrect (save TMUX layout, and restore after restart TMUX)
- [Plug-in] tmux-continuum (auto-save, autoload for tmux-resurrect)
- [Plug-in] vim-tmux-navigator (move between vim and tmux pane seamlessly)
- [Plug-in] tmux-copycat (enhanced TMUX search)
- [Plug-in] tmux-yank (share TMUX clipboard with system clipboard)
- [Plug-in] tmux-open (open TMUX context easily in TMUX copy mode)
- [Plug-in] tmux-logging (logging and screen capturing for TMUX)
- [Plug-in] tmux-transient-status (TMUX statusline auto-hiding)
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Click to expand!
1. Key mapping should not be much different from the original TMUX
- To make life easier instead of filled up with bloated key mapping
2. Key mapping should start with bindkey
- Though more keys is needed, but this can prevent key conflict with other applications
3. Key mapping of operations for pane/window/session should only differ by prefix
- To make it consistent for pane/window/session within this TMUX configuration
- e.g. go to last pane/window/session should be mapped to
- e.g. select pane/window/session should be mapped to
- e.g. go to last pane/window/session should be mapped to
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- Session
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[4] |
Rename current session | Rename current session | [$] |
Normal | [BK] +[s] |
Show all TMUX sessions | Show all TMUX sessions | |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt +[c] |
Create new session | Create new session | tmux-sessionist |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[x] |
Kill current session | Kill current session | tmux-sessionist; Default key is [BK] +[&] |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[9/0] |
Move to prev/next session | Move to prev/next session | ( / ) |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[q] |
Switch to last session | Switch to last session | tmux-sesionist; Default key is [BK] +[Shift] +[l] |
Normal | [BK] +[k/j] |
Move to prev/next session | Move to prev/next session | |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[t] |
Merge session to another session | Move all window to another session |
- Window
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[Number] |
Move to window (number) | Move to window (number) | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[q] |
Move to window index | Move to window index | Default key is [BK] +['] |
Normal | [BK] +[,] |
Rename current window | Rename current session | |
Normal | [BK] +[w] |
Show all windows | Show all windows | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[c] |
Create new window | Create new window | Default key is [BK] +[c] |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[x/7] |
Kill current window | Kill current window | Default key is [BK] +[Shift] +[7] |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[Shift] +[x] |
Kill all other windows | Kill all other windows | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[Backtick] |
Switch to last window | Switch to last window | Default key is [BK] +[l] |
Normal | [BK] +[h/l] |
Move to next/prev window | Move to next/prev window | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[h/l] |
Swap window to prev/next window | Swap window to prev/next window |
- Pane
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[Tab] |
Show all panes | Show all panes | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[5] |
Split pane horizontally | Split pane horizontally | Default key is [BK] +[Shift] +[5] ([%] ) |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +['] |
Split pane vertically | Split pane vertically | Default key is [BK] +[Shift] +['] (["] ) |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[\] |
Split pane horizontally (full window) | Split pane horizontally (full window) | [Shift] +[\] just | for horizontal split |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[-] |
Split pane vertically (full window) | Split pane vertically (full window) | [Shift] +[-] just _ for vertical split |
Normal | [BK] +[q/'] |
Move to pane (number) | Move to pane (number) | Pane number shows on pane |
Normal | [Ctrl] +[h/j/k/l] |
Move to pane (L/D/U/R) | Move to pane (L/D/U/R) | vim-tmux-navigator |
Normal | [BK] +[t] +[h/v] |
Move marked pane to current window | Move marked pane to current window | tmux-sessionist; pane to move must be marked ([BK] +[m] ) first |
Normal | [BK] +[Backtick] |
Switch to last pane | Switch to last pane | Default key is [BK] +[;] |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[j/k] |
Swap pane to prev/next pane | Swap pane to prev/next pane | |
Normal | [BK] +[Space] |
Toggle pane layout | Toggle pane layout | |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[h/j/k/l] |
Resize pane in (L/D/U/R) direction | Resize pane in (L/D/U/R) direction |
Click to expand!
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[[] |
Enter copy mode | Enter copy mode | |
Normal | [BK] +[]] |
Paste selected contents | Paste selected contents | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[3] |
Show all buffer list | Show all buffer list | [#] |
Normal | [BK] +[=] |
Paste from buffer list | Paste from buffer list | press [e] to edit with $EDITOR |
Normal | [BK] +[/] |
Search and select pattern | Search and select pattern | tmux-copy-cat |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[t] |
Show time in copy mode | Show time in copy mode | |
Copy | [v/Space] |
Start selection | Start selection | TMUX built-in clock |
Copy | [Ctrl] +[v] |
Vim-like block selection | Vim-like block selection | |
Copy | [Shift] +[v] |
Vim-like line selection | Vim-like line selection | |
Copy | [y] |
Vim-like yank selected region | Vim-like yank selected region | |
Copy | [q/Enter] |
Quit copy mode | Quit copy mode |
Click to expand!
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[i] |
Install plugins | Install plugins | tpm |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[u] |
Update plugins | Update plugins | tpm |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[i] |
Uninstall plugins | Uninstall plugins | tpm |
Normal | [BK] +[F3] |
Sidebar file-tree | Sidebar file-tree | tmux-sidebar |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[s/r] |
Save/Load current session | Save/Load current session | tmux-resurrect |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[d] |
Search for digit | Enter copy mode and search for digit | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[f] |
Search for file | Enter copy mode and search for file | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[g] |
Search for git | Enter copy mode and search for git | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[v] |
Search for hash value | Enter copy mode and search for hash value | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[i] |
Search for IP | Enter copy mode and search for IP | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[w] |
Search for URL | Enter copy mode and search for URL | tmux-copycat |
Normal | [BK] +[y] |
Copy current line | Copy current line | tmux-yank |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[y] |
Copy current directory | Copy current directory | tmux-yank |
Copy | [BK] +[o] |
Open selected with $EDITOR |
Open selected with $EDITOR |
tmux-open |
Copy | [BK] +[Shift] +[o] |
Open selected with xdg-open |
Open selected with xdg-open |
tmux-open |
Click to expand!
TMUX-Mode | Key Mapping | Function | Description | Note |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[/] |
Show all TMUX key mappings | Show all TMUX key mappings | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[b] |
Toggle TMUX status line | Toggle TMUX status line | |
Normal | [BK] +([Alt] )+[b] |
Set status line position (bottom)/top/bottom | Set status line position (bottom)/top/bottom | |
Normal | [BK] +[b] |
Toggle TMUX borderline | Toggle TMUX borderline | |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[r] |
Reload TMUX configuration | Reload TMUX configuration | Run (source) $HOME/.tmux.conf file |
Normal | [BK] +[a] |
Clear pane output | Clear pane output | Act like Ctrl-l in terminal |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[j] |
Send Ctrl+j to terminal | Send Ctrl+j to terminal | Ctrl+j is alternative to enter in shell |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[h] |
Send Ctrl+h to terminal | Send Ctrl+h to terminal | Ctrl+h is alternative backspace in shell |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[k] |
Send Ctrl+k to terminal | Send Ctrl+k to terminal | Ctrl+k is to delete to end of line in shell |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[l] |
Send Ctrl+l to terminal | Send Ctrl+l to terminal | Ctrl+l is to clear pane output in shell |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[Shift] +[l] |
Clear scrollback history | Clear TMUX scrollback history | |
Normal | [BK] +[Ctrl] +[s] |
Toggle pane input synchronization | Toggle pane input synchronization | Synchronize input for all panes |
Normal | [BK] +[Shift] +[m] |
Toggle mouse usage | Toggle mouse usage | Mouse usage support |
Normal | [BK] +[m] |
Mark current pane | Mark current pane | Mark pane for following usage |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[;] |
Swap current pane with marked pane | Swap current pane with marked pane | Target pane must be marked first |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[Shift] +[\/-] |
Move marked pane to right/bottom of focus pane | Move marked pane to right/bottom of focus pane | Shift+/- just | for H-dir, _ for V-dir |
Normal | [BK] +[Alt] +[Shift] +[5/'] |
Move marked pane to right/bottom of focus pane | Move marked pane to right/bottom of focus pane | Shift+5/' just % for H-dir, " for V-dir |
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