A Vue wrapper for the Paylike SDK. Makes importing and interacting with the Paylike SDK more seamless and Vue-like.
npm install --save paylike-vue
import PaylikeVue from 'paylike-vue';
Vue.use(PaylikeVue, { publicKey: 'your-paylike-public-key' });
You can capture transactions and tokenize cards either through embedding a form in a Vue component, or by
calling the popup()
method on the Vue Paylike prototype exposed by this package.
<paylike-embed :payment="payment" @success="success" @error="error">
<!-- Do not add `name` properties on your input fields. -->
<input paylike-card-number placeholder="4100 0000 000 000">
<input paylike-card-expiry placeholder="MM/YY">
<input paylike-card-code placeholder="123">
<button type="submit">Pay</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
payment: {
amount: 1337, // use minor units. (1337 is the same as $13.37)
currency: 'USD',
methods: {
success({ transaction }) {
console.log(transaction); // { id: ... }
error(paylikeError) {
<paylike-embed @success="success" @error="error">
<!-- Do not add `name` properties on your input fields. -->
<input paylike-card-number placeholder="4100 0000 000 000">
<input paylike-card-expiry placeholder="MM/YY">
<input paylike-card-code placeholder="123">
<button type="submit">Save card</button>
export default {
methods: {
success({ card }) {
console.log(card); // { id: ... }
error(paylikeError) {
export default {
methods: {
popup() {
title: 'Some Product', // optional
description: 'Some descriptive text', // optional
amount: 1337, // use minor units. (1337 is the same as $13.37)
currency: 'USD',
custom: { // optional
someCustomProperty: 'custom-value'
}, this.popupCallback)
popupCallback(error, response) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
console.log(response) // { transaction: { id: ... } }
export default {
methods: {
popup() {
title: 'Add card',
description: 'Please enter your card details',
}, this.popupCallback);
popupCallback(error, response) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
console.log(response) // { card: { id: ... } }
This repository is licensed under the ISC license.
Copyright (c) 2018, Jørgen Vatle