Tired of looking up PayPal's arguably terrible documentation every time you need to work with their IPN system?
This package contains TypeScript type definitions for all properties PayPal might pass to you on an IPN request along with documentation for each property.
Pull in the package from npm:
npm install paypal-ipn-types
Pull in the type definitions you need. For incoming IPNs, use the default export:
import PayPalIpn from 'paypal-ipn-types';
app.get('/paypal/ipn', (req, res) => {
const ipn: PayPalIpn = req.data; // You should now have editor auto-completes for all IPN input values.
Depending on your editor, you can also CTRL + CLICK
on ipn.payer_email
to get more information on the property.
Contributions are more than welcome! If you spot a missing or incorrectly formatted or documented property, just submit a pull request.
If you're adding a type, please load and use for the property in paypal-ipn-types.test.ts
This repository is licensed under the ISC license.
Copyright (c) 2019, Jørgen Vatle.