Using my Udacity project as a base I prepare for the interview testing cloudformation circleci and github jobs
The main focus for this project is to deploy a webserver in a VPC, inside a subnet. Only a personal PC will be able to reach the webserver. The CI will be important to check in this project.
This project goal is to prepare for the Able interview, create different possible scenarios and be ready during the execution. In this project you will:
- Create a new user
- Provide roles to the new user
- Test your project code using linting
- Configure CI using CircleCi and Github Jobs
- Deploy the infraestructure using cloudformation
- Deploy the network using cloudformation
- Create the appropiate permitions to deploy the complete infraestructure
- Deploy jump server using cloudformation
- Create the user
- Create a policy with the following permissions:
- iam:CreateInstanceProfile
- iam:DeleteInstanceProfile
- iam:PassRole
- iam:DeleteRolePolicy
- iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile
- iam:CreateRole
- iam:DeleteRole
- iam:PutRolePolicy
- iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile
- Add the following policies to a user:
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
- Policy from point 2.
- Configure the user in aws cli in your standalone environment
- Configure the user in aws cli in your jenkins environment
- Create a KeyPair (For this case I use "jb_aws_keypair.pem")
a. Clone this repository in your local environment
b. Configure the user in your aws cli
c. Execute the following commands
cd infraestructure
sh Able-Infra able-infra.yml able-infra-param.json
sh Able-servers able-servers.yml able-servers-param.json
# To create the jumpserver
cd ../jumpserver
sh Able-jumpserv able-jump.yml able-jump-param.json
d. Test connection to the webserver, use the following URL
(.able-infra) [casita@localhost infraestructure]$ aws cloudformation list-exports | grep -A1 "Able-Project-WebAppLBDNSName"
"Name": "Able-Project-WebAppLBDNSName",
"Value": ""
(.able-infra) [casita@localhost infraestructure]$
a. The repository is associated to a jenkins server, the CD will be automated.
- To deploy the infraestructure and the network, run the jenkins branch
- To create the jumpserver, run the jump branch
b. Test connection to the webserver, use the following URL
(.able-infra) [casita@localhost infraestructure]$ aws cloudformation list-exports | grep -A1 "Able-Project-WebAppLBDNSName"
"Name": "Able-Project-WebAppLBDNSName",
"Value": ""
(.able-infra) [casita@localhost infraestructure]$
The output will be the following:
a. Create KeyPairs (In my case I will use only one KeyPairs for both "jb_aws_keypair.pem")
- For the Jump Server in the Public Network
- For the Servers in the Private Network
#Stablish the connection to the Jump Server
ssh -i "jb_aws_keypair.pem"
#Copy the KeyPairs to the Jump Server
scp -i "jb_aws_keypair.pem" jb_aws_keypair.pem
#Connect to the Jump Server
ssh -i "jb_aws_keypair.pem"
#Connect to one of the servers in the Private Network
ssh -i "jb_aws_keypair.pem" ubuntu@
To improve the project it will be required to deploy new scenarios, like deploy subnets inside AZ