COTEN for short, is a classic roguelike built with python and the libtcod library. It has a castlevania-esque setting, a dark castle filled with creatures of the night, that you have to climb to defeat the evil vampire lord.
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the necessary dependencies.
Run python
Mouse: Click anywhere you've explored to move there. Click on items / enemies to interact or attack. Auto-movement will stop when you see an enemy.
Arrows, VIM keys and numpad for movement.
F1 show help menu
. Wait turn
i Inventory
g grab item
d drop item
c character sheet
f shot ranged weapon
/ inspect surroundings (also mouse pointer)
q quick heal (uses a potion from the inventory)
< and > go downstairs or upstairs
You can build a local executable with the following command:
nuitka --standalone --onefile --disable-console --include-data-dir=assets=assets --output-filename=coten
Note: You cant use python > 3.11 for the build, as it is not yet supported.