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by Julyee

Web music player for everyone!

Play music, control it from your phone, let guests add tracks from their phones, get song suggestions, use other devices as wireless speakers for a multi-room sound system, no downloads, no extra accounts, just a simple website!


  • Connect using Apple Music
  • Remotely control music
  • Connect devices as speakers
  • Use QR codes for easy connection
  • Display lyrics for songs
  • Recommend related songs
  • Display guest names on music queue
  • Configurable guest rules
  • Save playlists remotely or locally
  • Audio visualizations
  • Connect using Spotify

Running your own server

Clone this repository then run:

yarn install

Create an Apple Music developer token

 node ./keys/music-token-encoder.js [PRIVATE_KEY_FILE] [TEAM_ID] [KEY_ID] [OUTPUT_FILE] [EXPIRES_IN]

where PRIVATE_KEY_FILE is the path to the p8 file you obtained from apple, your TEAM_ID as specified in your Apple developer portal, the KEY_ID provided by Apple (usually part of your key file name), OUTPUT_FILE is the path where the token should be placed (must be ./www/keys/devtoken.jwt for this application) and EXPIRES_IN is the duration of the token (i.e. 31d for a duration of 31 days). For more information check the Apple documentation.

The resulting file must be placed in ./www/keys/ and be named devtoken.jwt

Create a file that holds your API key

Create a file named in the ./www/keys folder with the following contents:

    "service": "",
    "endpoint": "",
    "key": "API_KEY"

where API_KEY is your API key.

Create an SSL certificate

I recommend using Let's Encrypt as it's free and easy to use, alternatively, you could follow a guide like this one to create a self signed certificate.

Run the server

node ./server --cert [CERTIFICATE_FILE] --key [KEY_FILE]

where CERTIFICATE_FILE is the path to your SSL certificate and KEY_FILE is the path to your public key file.


Please log any bugs you encounter and feature requests to our issues section.

If you wish to contribute to the code base, feel free to tackle any logged issue and/or submit pull requests.
