Plug and play-repo to fuzz sudo with AFL inside an Ubuntu Docker Container. Works on Windows 10, although the only non-OS-agnostic component is the syntax for the volume-description in docker-compose.yaml
. Meaning you should be able to run this on a toaster, granted you get to run docker on it.
Who uses this? Very busy nerds. This repo enables you to run the proof of concept for fuzzing sudo in minutes. If you have the time to get to a working fuzzer yourself starting from LO's template, please do. I learned an awful lot during this process.
This is a crude reproduction of LiveOverflow's (LO) Pwnedit Episode02. Use at your own risk.
All Credits: @LiveOverflow Github YouTube and any mistakes that you will find here are mine.
My path is hardcoded in this file. You will have to adjust the 'c:/Users/Alex/Desktop/Fuzzer/src' bit to point to where the src-Folder of this Repository lives on your system.
Open a command-prompt by pushing Win + R (i.e. push down Windows button and R button on Keyboard down at the same time), then enter cmd
and press ENTER.
Enter the following commands without the prefixxed $
$ docker-compose build --no-cache
$ docker-compose up
Here you will get something that looks like this: 'XXX_fuzzer_1'. Write that down. After docker-compose up
leads to fuzzer_1 | ...
, open new command prompt.
$ docker exec -u 0 -it XXX_fuzzer_1 bash
$ /root/code/
$ /root/sudo-1.8.31p2/src/sudo #then press ENTER
$ /root/code/