Akyuu is a discord bot created with Poise. The purpose of the bot is to give players information regarding the characters in the 15.5 installment of the Touhou series Touhou Hyouibana ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers developed by Twilight Frontier.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JustAPenguin9/Akyuu-bot.git
If a database already exists that was used with JS Akyuu leave it as is because the initial migration transitions it to the new format.
If you are importing a mariadb-dump
or mysql-dump
name the file "dump.sql" and run ./import-sql-dump.sh
before running Akyuu for the first time to set it up for the initial migration.
After a MariaDB or MySQL database is setup, either by itself or though a container, create a .env file and run Akyuu.
cargo run
# OR
podman compose up -d --build
# OR
docker compose up -d --build
After running the migrations (migrations are ran when Akyuu is ran) use ./import-character-sql.sh
to to include all the moves in ./character-sql/* in the moves
In the .env file include:
DISCORD_TOKEN=[the token given to you through the discord developer portal]
COMMAND_PREFIX=[the prefix to all commands, by default it is "!"]
DB_PASSWORD=[password to the database]
DB_URL=[this will likely be "mariadb://akyuu:${DB_PASSWORD}@"]
podman compose -f db.docker-compose.yaml up -d
# OR
docker compose -f db.docker-compose.yaml up -d
Migrations are checked and ran when Akyuu is ran but they can also be manually applied and reverted using the sqlx cli eg.
cargo sqlx mig run
cargo sqlx prepare
for contributing through Discord
- AOCF discord server - the only place the official bot is being used
- AOCF wiki - where most of the data is taken from