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Just unique id generator

Simple unique id generator. Suitable for creating temporary links or identifiers for objects or documents. The basis for creating an identifier is a random set consisting of the English alphabet in upper and lower cases, as well as numbers from 0 to 9, by default an identifier is generated with a length of 24 characters.


juid() - will return id string with a length of 24 characters.

juid(10) - will return id string with a length of 10 characters.

juid(16, 24) - will return id string with a length of range from 16 to 24 characters.

juidFromSymbols() or juidFromSymbols("") - will throw error: "The field 'symbols' cannot be empty or undefined".

juidFromSymbols("justedlev") - will return id string with a length of 24 characters from the string "justedlev".

juidFromSymbols("justedlev", 10) - will return id string with a length of 10 characters from the string "justedlev".

juidFromSymbols("justedlev", 10, 5) - will return id string with a length range from 5 to 10 characters from the string "justedlev".

import { juid } from "just-unique-id";
const id = juid(); // => "v7H3FqrVvX0wC4PL6J0O02VI"
const id = juid(10); // => "bw1VmTVQf1"
const id = juid(16, 24); // => "PIvAFt4A586706Ap"
const id = juidFromSymbols(); // => throw Error: "The field 'symbols' cannot be empty or undefined"
const id = juidFromSymbols(""); // => throw Error: "The field 'symbols' cannot be empty or undefined"
const id = juidFromSymbols("justedlev"); // => "vjelstdvltltvuujvstdljjs"
const id = juidFromSymbols("justedlev", 10); // => "teseseeejd"
const id = juidFromSymbols("justedlev", 10, 5); // => "jsldjt"


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