- Netflix Clone made with React, Custom Hooks, Context, and Firebase
Demo: Link
- React
- Create-react-app with highly complex frontend structure
- Firebase
- Backend, auth, and database with firestore for users
- Firestore handles all the data and that data is retrieved using a custom hook
- React Router
- Complex and dynamic route generation
- Some pages using protected routes with auth listeners
- React fuse
- For live search
- React testing library
- Test all the components, containers and pages
Netflix Clone made with React, Custom Hooks, Context, and Firebase. Features include a live searchbar, user signup and signin, trailer links, movie and tv show pages and an interactive UI replicated from the original netflix app.
- Users can safely sign up and sign in enabled with firebase
- Collections of popular movies and tvshows for recommendations
- A live searchbar to search through the database
- Original netflix UI replicated with highly organized and advanced css styling
- Justin Hwang