- find phone number in a list
- find email address in a list
27 - TV Movie, TV Special Details Scraping - Excel + Selenium / optimized for TV Movies, TV Specials, not ideal for Movies, TV Series (project 22/23) /
- ask the new title`s IMDb link
- collect the new record`s details(title, director, stars..) from the site and add to the excel sheet
- open the poster image in the same tab (the poster image is not 'right click saveable' on IMDb by default)
- in a new browser tab look for the movie`s hungarian title
- end of process confirmation message displayed
- if you want to test it, make sure the excel sheet links are updated (around line 21, 211)
- details scraping for: TV Movie, TV Special (project 27)// Movies (project 22) // TV Series (project 23)
- instead of starting one of the 3 programs according of the new record`s type
- start only one, which triggers the chosen one
- user: copy the address we want to search for
- user: start the script
- it takes the address from clipboard
- it launches Google Maps in a new browser tab displaying the direction between "your postcode" and the "target location"
- user: copy the title we want to search for
- user: start the script
- it takes the address from clipboard
- it launches the browser / IMDb search result
- user: copy the word(s) you want to search for
- user: start the script
- it takes the address from clipboard
- it launches the browser / Google Translate result (ENG->HUN)