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A web app that converts Spotify playlists to YouTube playlists.


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Syncify is a web app that enables you to effortlessly convert your Spotify playlists into YouTube playlists with just a few clicks!

To get started, connect your Spotify and YouTube accounts to the app through the Authorize page, located in the top right corner of the Home Page.

Once you've linked your Spotify and YouTube accounts, you'll gain access to the rest of the website.

On the Spotify playlists page, you can browse through your Spotify playlists and enjoy the following features:

  • View a playlist, which displays a table containing details for each song in the playlist, including a link to the song on Spotify and the total playlist duration.
  • Delete a playlist from your Spotify account.
  • Convert your playlist to YouTube. This feature generates a table of YouTube videos based on your Spotify playlist, with a link to each video. You can review the suggested videos, exclude any that are incorrect, and finalize the playlist.

The YouTube playlists page offers identical features to the Spotify playlists page, except for playlist conversion.

APIs used:

Libraries used:

The following libraries were utilized in the development of Syncify:

  • flask - Web app framework.
  • flask-session - Storage of session cookies.
  • spotipy - Interaction with the Spotify Web API using Python.
  • python-dotenv - Secure storage of API credentials in a .env file.
  • google-api-python-client - Interaction with the YouTube Data API v3 using Python.
  • google-auth and google-auth-oauthlib - OAuth2 usage for connecting user's YouTube account to Syncify.
  • isodate - Parsing of YouTube API's ISO 8601 durations to seconds for proper display of video durations in playlists.

All the libraries required to run the application are listed in the requirements.txt file.

Tech stack used:

Syncify was built using the following technologies:

  • Python
  • Flask
  • HTML and CSS
  • Jinja
  • Bootstrap Framework for HTML pages

Running the app on your own:

To run the application on your own, follow these steps (assuming you are using a bash terminal in your codespace):

  • (Optional but recommended) Create a virtual environment:
    • Create a virtual environment using the command python -m .venv <virtualenvname> in the desired directory.
    • Activate the virtual environment using the command source <virtualenvname>/Scripts/Activate on Windows. To deactivate the virtual environment, run deactivate.
  • Clone the repository using git clone in a directory of your choice.
  • In the same directory, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the necessary libraries.
  • Obtain your API credentials from YouTube and Spotify:
    • Refer to the Spotify Web API Documentation to obtain your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. Create a .env file in your app directory and add two variables, SPOTIFY_ID and SPOTIFY_SECRET, containing your respective credentials.
    • Refer to the YouTube Data API v3 Documentation to create an OAuth2.0 Client. Download the resulting .json file, rename it to client_secrets.json, and place it in your app directory.
  • Ensure that you add proper Redirect URIs to both Spotify and YouTube APIs; otherwise, a Redirect_URI_Mismatch error will occur during user authentication.
  • Until your API Client is fully verified by Spotify/Google, OAuth2 authentication to user accounts will only be available to 'testers' added by you in the Developer dashboards.

File Explanations:

  • /static
    • icon.ico - Tab icon.
    • styles.css - CSS file used by all HTML files in /templates.
  • /templates
    • auth.html - Authorization page that displays connections to Spotify and YouTube.
    • convert.html - Page displaying the proposed playlist before confirming conversion.
    • index.html - Homepage of the app.
    • layout.html - HTML file containing the navigation bar, used as the base for all other pages.
    • playlist.html - Page displaying all YouTube/Spotify playlists associated with the user.
    • view.html - Page displaying tabulated data about a playlist of the user's choice.
  • .gitignore - Git file that excludes unnecessary/sensitive files (such as .env and client_secrets.json) from being committed to the GitHub repository.
  • - The main Python file containing all the necessary code to run the web application. It imports functions from,, and
  • - Python file containing code for performing and validating user authentication with Spotify.
  • - Python file containing code for performing and validating user authentication with YouTube.
  • - Python file containing helper functions that aid in the proper display of playlist and track durations in view.html and convert.html.
  • - The file you are currently reading ;)
  • requirements.txt - A text file containing the names of all the libraries necessary to run Syncify.


A web app that converts Spotify playlists to YouTube playlists.








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