Passion project to build a 3.3.5 WoW server in Go.
If you have a better name than "gomaggus" I am open to suggestions :^)
SQL migrations are managed using goose. A linux CLI is included in bin/
Apply migrations:
$ bin/goose -dir migration postgres 'postgres://gomaggus:password@localhost:5432/gomaggus?sslmode=disable' up
Create a new migration:
$ bin/goose -dir migration -s create MIGRATION_NAME sql
- WoW SRP6 implementation guide - very comprehensive guide that even includes test inputs
- Shadowburn - basic realmd/worldd written in Elixir, has served as a good reference for networking
- WoW dev wiki - good general resource, lots of info
- WoW messages - networking docs that describe every packet payload, absolute lifesaver
- Wireshark - packet sniffer for debugging networking
- How to read from a TCP socket (but were too afraid to ask) - great writeup on the gotchas of TCP