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Kaniyam Foundation July, August, September 2019 Report

Shrinivasan T edited this page Oct 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Report in Tamil

Report in English

Kaniyam Foundation July, August, September 2019 Report


An environment where all virtual resource, tools and knowledge related to Tamil Language and ethnic groups, are accessible free and open to all.


To ensure that the use of Tamil language is advanced, parallel to social economic and scientific development and to provide knowledge and resources free and open to all.


1000 Ebooks

Published a call for donation to buy 1000 ebooks in unicode format here -

Here is the happy news

University of Toronto, Canada (UTSC) , has provided all the amount to purchase these 1000 ebooks. We have to make and release all the ebooks as epub, mobi, PDF, HTML, txt, odt with cover images in short time. The following works are being done. Hiring few full timers for this work, Training materals as text, video for them, MoU between Kaniyam and UTSC, Announcement document of releaseing all these books in Creative Commons license. Public announcement is here

As we plan for 3-4 full timers, we need to pay them as monthly salary. We are looking for donations to cover this expense.

Thanks for all the donors.


No Activities This Month Total This Month Contributors
1 Ebooks 26 585 Lenin Gurusamy, suriya,S. Rajeswari, G.Sumathi, Thara, shrinivasan
2 articles 46 858 Divya - Haripriya - R.Asokan - S.Kuppan - P.Mahalakshmi - Muthu
3 Videos 5 56 Khaleel, P.Mahalakshmi

Tamil Wikisource

Created a project page at Tamil wikisource for kaniyam contributions. Wrote about the goals, guidelines for contributors etc. 9 contributors joined so far. 36 ebooks are proofread, validated fully and released. 12 books are proofread and waiting for validation. Here is the List of books being worked on


Releasing Digital Works on Creative Commons License

  • Discussing with A.Marx to release his works in Creative Commons license See here

  • Dravidian Research Facebook Group released their content in CC-BY-SA License See here

  • Discussing with Payanam Publishers to release their works in Creative Commons license See here

  • Discussing with Naveena Alezander to release his works in Creative Commons license See here

  • Discussing with S.Dhivan to release his works in Creative Commons license See here

  • Meeting with Alur Sha Nawas see here

  • M.S.Udhayamurthy Books - Discussion See here

  • Marxist Magazine - Dicsussion - See here

  • Nandini devi Discussion - See here

Thanks to Khaleel Jageer, Anwar for finding great content team and asking them to release their works in Creative Commons License.


  1. Sanga Elakkiyam - Following the android app for Tamil Sangam Literature, we are working on to release a website for this. Anitha created the website. See here and

Scanning a very old book

'Pathartha Guna Sindamani' is an old book, released in 1888. Warrant Bala gave this book for scanning. Kalyan of scanned the book. PDF is here Details here

Collecting all the nouns in Tamil

We started to collect all the nouns in Tamil. Details are here

In this spreadsheet, totally 90,811 nouns are added.

Thanks to Divya for the great contributions.

Translating strings in to Tamil needs strings to translated in Tamil. Started a project for this. Details are here

Anitha is getting the strings from OSM and Arunachalam,Raman are translating them.

Scan, OCR, Proofread

When writers release their works in CC license, they give as print books or as PDF files. We started to Scan them, do OCR, Proofread and release as ebooks. Thara joined the team as fulltimer for proofreading works.

Contributors - Anwar (Gets the books), Lenin Gurusamy (Scan), Anwar (OCR), Thara (Proofread)

So far 2600 pages have been proofread. Project details are here.

New Projects

Writing the discussions about new projects here.

This month Donors

No Name Donation
1 Unknown 500
2 Unknown 2,000
3 Balavignesh 3,000
4 Vijaya kumar 10,200
5 Lokesh 10,200
6 Ramkumar 3,400
7 Ramanathan 2,040
8 Ranjith 6,868
9 Prem Kumar 2,070
10 Ravishankar 1,700
11 Jebaraj 1,360
12 Suresh 3,400
13 Bharath 10,000
14 Sivakumari avudaiyappan 2,000
15 Amazon Ebooks Sales Royalty 810
16 Unknown 500
17 Unknown 300
18 Vijaya Kumar 70,424

Total - Rs 1,30,772

Dontations - Internet Resources

  • Noolaham Foundation - server worth of Rs 350/month
  • E2E Networks - server worth of Rs 730/month

Last month balance - Rs 1,20,995


No Name Details Expense
1 Sasi WikiSource Proofreading 2,915
2 Thara Proofreading 24,000
3 Divya WikiSource Proofreading 2,265
4 Info-farmer WikiSource Proofreading 10,860
5 Arun WikiSource Proofreading 3,315
6 Muthu Lakshmi WikiSource Proofreading 3,085
7 Deepa Arul WikiSource Proofreading 3,147
8 Anwar WikiSource Proofreading 3,147

Total expenses - Rs 50,587

Total Balance - Rs 1,20,995 + Rs 1,30,772 - Rs 50,587 = Rs 2,01,180

Donations and expense details are documented in this sheet .

Bank account details

Kaniyam Foundation
Account Number : 606 1010 100 502 79
Union Bank Of India
West Tambaram, Chennai
IFSC - UBIN0560618
  • Please send your donations to this account to support activities of Kaniyam Foundation
  • Send your name, donation details to

For more information or queries, write to -

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