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Kaniyam Foundation September, October 2018 Report English

Shrinivasan T edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 1 revision


Kaniyam Foundtion - September, October 2018 Report


An environment where all virtual resource, tools and knowledge related to Tamil Language and ethnic groups, are accessible free and open to all.


To ensure that use of Tamil language is advanced, parallel to social economic and scientific development and to provide knowledge and resources free and open to all.

Foundation Updates செய்திகள்

Events Magazine

  • Released ebooks at - 27

Free/Open Source Software Creation

Bank Statement

  • Current - 10,000
  • Expense - 0

Notes : T Shrinivasan received Rs. 50,000 as a prize for Canada Literary Garden award. He mentioned that he will give that amount for Kaniyam Foundation. He gave 10,000 Rs to start the bank account. He will give remaining 40,000 Rs in two months.

Bank account details

Kaniyam Foundation
Account Number : 606101010050279
Union Bank Of India
West Tambaram, Chennai
IFSC - UBIN0560618
  • Please send your donations to this account to support activities of Kaniyam Foundation
  • Send your name, donation details to

For more information or queries, write to -

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