This is a simple text adventure game written in Python. The game involves escaping from a prison by exploring different rooms, finding items, and making choices.
To play the game, you need to have Python installed on your computer. You can download Python from
To run the game, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved the file Then type python and press enter.
The game will start with a welcome message and ask for your name. Then it will print the description of the first room and ask you what you want to do.
You can enter commands such as go east, take key, or go south to interact with the game. The game will respond with the outcome of your action and the description of the next room.
The game will end when you either escape from the prison or die.
You can modify the game by changing the code in the file You can change the rooms, items, descriptions, choices, and logic of the game as you wish.
For example, you can add more rooms or items by defining them as strings or dictionaries. You can change the descriptions or choices by editing the print statements or input statements. You can change the logic of the game by adding or modifying the if-else statements or functions.
Have fun playing and modifying the game!