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An Emacs package for importing symbols from JavaScript and TypeScript modules with helm and ivy (swiper) interface. Also provides jumping and some refactor actions.




Download the source code and put it wherever you like, and add the directory to the load path:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/js-imports/")

(require 'js-imports)

If you are using straight.el, then you can use a normal recipe to install:

 '(js-imports :type git :host github :repo "KarimAziev/js-imports"))

You might be using use-package with straight.el, then you can install and enable at the same time:

(use-package js-imports
  :straight (js-imports
             :type git
             :host github
             :repo "KarimAziev/js-imports"))

An example of configuration with straight and use-package.

(use-package js-imports
  (setq-default js-imports-completion-system 'ivy-completing-read)
  (setq-default js-imports-modules-default-names '(("ramda" . "R")
                                                   ("react" . "React")))
  :straight (js-imports
             :type git
             :host github
             :repo "KarimAziev/js-imports")
  :hook ((js-mode . js-imports-mode)
         (js2-mode . js-imports-mode)
         (typescript-mode . js-imports-mode)
         (web-mode . js-imports-mode)
         (js-imports-mode .
                          (lambda ()
                             nil t))))
  :bind ((:map js-imports-mode-map
               ("C-c C-i" . js-imports)
               ("C-c C-j" . js-imports-jump-to-definition)
               ("C-c C-f" . js-imports-find-file-at-point)
               ("C-c C-." . js-imports-symbols-menu)
               ("C->" . js-imports-transform-import-path-at-point))
         (:map js-imports-file-map
               ("C->" . js-imports-select-next-alias)
               ("C-<" . js-imports-select-prev-alias))))

You can also install it with quelpa.

(quelpa '(js-imports
          :repo "KarimAziev/js-imports"
          :fetcher git
          :url ""))


M-x js-imports

This command read a project file, extract exported symbols from it and ask which to import.

During file completion you can cycle beetwen relative and aliased filenames with such commands:

CommandDescriptionDefault keybinding
js-imports-select-next-aliasToggle forward aliases and relative filesC->
js-imports-select-prev-aliasToggle backward aliases and relative filesC-<

To change keybindings modify js-imports-file-map, e.g:

(require 'js-imports)
(define-key js-imports-file-map (kbd "C-]") 'js-imports-select-next-alias)
(define-key js-imports-file-map (kbd "C-[") 'js-imports-select-prev-alias)

Ivy specific file commands

To change keybindings modify js-imports-ivy-file-map:

CommandDescriptionDefault keybinding
js-imports-ivy-preview-file-exportsPreview expored symbols in fileC-j
js-imports-ivy-find-file-other-windowJump to file in other windowC-c M-o

Helm specific file commands:

To change keybindings modify js-imports-helm-file-map:

CommandDescriptionDefault keybinding
js-imports-helm-find-fileJump to fileC-c M-o
js-imports-helm-find-file-other-windowJump to file in other windowC-c C-o

Additional commands

Toggle minor mode. It is provide such keymap:
CommandDescriptionDefault keybinding
js-importsAdd importC-c M-i
js-imports-jump-to-definitionJump to a definition of a symbol at the pointC-c .
js-imports-symbols-menuJump to symbol in bufferC-c M-j
js-imports-find-file-at-pointFind a file under the cursor
js-imports-transform-import-path-at-pointReplace import path with alias or relative
js-imports-transform-relative-imports-to-aliasesReplace all import paths with alias or relative

For example, such statements

import { a, b } from '../fileA';
import { c, d } from './fileB';

transforms to:

import { a, b } from '@/fileA';
import { c, d } from './fileB';
Customize which completion system to use:
Manually removes cache. It is rarely needed to use, because cache invalidation is managed automatically.
Resets file and symbol sources for helm. Use it if some error occured.



There are two ways to configure file aliases:

  • automatically with TSConfig file (tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json):

No setup is needed if a project root directory contains either tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json with configured paths and baseUrl in the compilerOptions.

For example, with such config two aliases will be used: @ for all files in ./src directory and UI for ./src/components/UI,

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["src/*"],
      "UI/*": ["src/components/UI/*", "src/components/Layout/*"]
  • manually by customizing a variable js-imports-project-aliases:

If no tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json is found, the variable js-imports-project-aliases will be used. It is a list of aliases and associated paths.

You can specify aliases as directory local variable to use different settings per project in .dir-locals.el. For example with such config two aliases will be used: “@” for all files in “./src” directory and “UI” for “./src/components/UI”.

((nil .
      ((js-imports-project-aliases . (("@/" "src/")
                                      ("UI/" "src/components/UI/" "src/components/Layout/"))))))


  • js-imports-completion-system

Which completion system to use.

  • js-imports-project-aliases

An associated list of ((ALIAS_A . DIRECTORY_A) (ALIAS_B . DIR_B DIR_C)).

  • js-imports-tsconfig-filename

Name of tsconfig or jsconfig.

  • js-imports-helm-file-actions

Default actions for files.

  • js-imports-modules-default-names

Alist mapping module path to default and namespace import name.

  • js-imports-root-ignored-directories

A list of directories in project root to ignore.

  • js-imports-normalize-paths-functions

List of functions to use in js-imports-normalize-path.

  • js-imports-preffered-extensions

Preferred suffixes for files with different extension.

  • js-imports-node-modules-dir

Relative to project root or absolute path to node_modules directory.

  • js-imports-node-modules-priority-section-to-read

Package-json sections to retrieve candidates from node_modules.

  • js-imports-package-json-sections

Package-json sections to retrieve candidates from node_modules.

  • js-imports-helm-dependencies-number-limit

The limit for number of dependencies to display in helm sources.

  • js-imports-helm-files-number-limit

The limit for number of project files to display in helm sources.

  • js-imports-quote

Which quote to use in imports.


Copyright © 2020 Karim Aziiev.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3


An emacs package for managing js imports




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