Clone the project.
Go to the directory from terminal or IDE and type the command “npm install”, this will download
all the dependencies.
- For all the configuration of the project go to projectDirectory/config, and you can change, any
configuration like twitter api auth, port number, database url, etc.
Before running the project, add your auth tokens in projectDirectory/config/twitterConfig.js.
Also you can set a variable TWIT_COUNT (default is 1000), which specifies how many tweets
get indexed in database.
- At the end go to the project's main directory in terminal and type node server.js, to run the
project. You can set TWIT_COUNT variable here, e.g.:- “TWIT_COUNT=500 node server.js”.
After running the server, open url (if port is 8080), “http://localhost:8080/documentation”
Above link will list all the API's.