This repository contains a simple task for designing a website using minimal technology without JavaScript frameworks but utilizing Bootstrap for styling.
The task is to design a basic website with the following specifications:
- HTML: Utilize HTML to structure the content of the website.
- CSS: Use Bootstrap for styling. Leverage Bootstrap's grid system, components, and utilities for layout and design.
- JavaScript: Avoid using JavaScript frameworks or libraries. JavaScript can be used sparingly for interactivity if necessary, but keep it minimal.
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Create the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to complete the task.
- Ensure that the website is responsive and displays correctly on different devices and screen sizes.
- Commit your changes and push them to your GitHub repository.
- Create a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch of this repository.
To view the website:
- Open the
file in a web browser.
- Khoirul Husein
- Ardian Dwi Herlambang
- Panca Purnama