- this just a multiboot loader
- It just prints
Build an image for our env:
docker build buildenv -t myos-buildenv
Enter build env:
-docker run --rm -it -v "$pwd":/root/env myos-buildenv
Build for x86:
make build-x86_64
To leave the build environment, enter exit
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom dist/x86_64/kernel.iso
Alternatively, you should be able to load the operating system on a USB drive and boot into it when you turn on your computer. (I haven't actually tested this yet.)
Remove the build-evironment image:
docker rmi myos-buildenv -f
I am using a Windows 10 Home so Docker for desktop(hyper-v) doesnt work so use the docker for desktop- integrated with wsl VS code has a remote -wsl feature.
While in the build env, I ran
make build-x86_64
, I gotNo rule to make target 'build-x86_64
, my wsl wouldnt recognise the files in the directory (if youls
no files would be shown). solution-export pwd=/path/of/repo/root
sudo docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/root/env myos-buildenv
then again run your docker image