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PMAA File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page May 10, 2023 · 16 revisions

AGL > Graphics Parameters (PMAA)

A PMAA file contain a parameter tree for various graphical effects. This page describes version 1 of the file format.


In little endian mode, the whole header is swapped (even the magic number).

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Magic number (PMAA)
0x4 4 Version number
0x8 4 Endianness (0=big, 1=little)
0xC 4 Filesize
0x10 4 Effect type version
0x14 4 Length of effect type (including null terminator)
0x18 Null terminated effect type

In some games, the parameter tree comes directly after the effect type, even if the effect type causes it to be misaligned. In other games, the length of the effect type is always a multiple of 4.

Parameter Tree

The parameter tree starts with a list whose name is param_root. Its children depend on the effect type and version that are specified in the header.

Parameter List

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Size (including child lists and objects)
0x4 4 Name hash
0x8 4 Number of child lists
0xC 4 Number of child objects
0x10 Child lists
Child objects

Parameter Object

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Size (including entries)
0x4 4 Number of parameters
0x8 4 Name hash
0xC 4 Type name hash
0x10 Parameters


The size includes both the header and data, so it is the size of the data plus 12.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Size
0x4 4 Type
0x8 4 Name hash
0xC Data

Parameter Types

ID Size Name Description
0 1 bool bool
1 4 f32 float
2 4 int int
3 8 vec2 sead::Vector2<float>
4 12 vec3 sead::Vector3<float>
5 16 vec4 sead::Vector4<float>
6 16 color sead::Color4f
7 string32 sead::FixedSafeString<32>
8 string64 sead::FixedSafeString<64>
9 128 curve1
10 256 curve2
11 384 curve3
12 512 curve4
13 buffer_int
14 buffer_float
15 string256 sead::FixedSafeString<256>
16 16 quat sead::Quat<float>
17 4 u32 unsigned int
18 buffer_u32
19 buffer_binary
20 stringRef sead::SafeStringBase

String Types

These are null-terminated strings with a given maximum length. In some games, all strings use the maximum number of bytes (see notes). In other games, the strings use only the necessary number of bytes, even if this causes the rest of the file to be misaligned.

Curve Types

A curve contains two 32-bit integers, followed by 30 floats. The first integer specifies the number of data points of the curve (at most 30). The second integer specifies the curve type (see below).

The types curve2, curve3 and curve4 are the same as curve1, except that they store multiple independent curves behind each other.

ID Type
0 Linear
1 Hermit
2 Step
3 Sin
4 Cos
5 SinPow2
6 Linear2D
7 Hermit2D
8 Step2D
9 NonuniformSpline
10 Hermit2DSmooth

Known Effect Types

Most effect types are defined by the agl library itself, but games and libraries can also define custom effect types.

The following effect types are defined by the agl library:

Type Class
aglNmdw agl::fx::NormalDrawer
aglatex agl::pfx::AutoExposure
aglblm agl::pfx::Bloom
aglcam Camera
aglccr agl::pfx::ColorCorrection
aglclwd agl::fx::Cloud
aglcube agl::env::CubeMapMgr
agldecd agl::fx::DecalDrawer
agldof agl::env::DepthOfField
aglenv agl::env::EnvObMgr
aglenvset agl::env::EnvObjSetMgr
aglfila agl::pfx::FilterAA
aglflr agl::pfx::FlareFilter
aglglr agl::pfx::GlareFilter
agllmap agl::lght::LightMapMgr
agllref agl::lght::LocalReflection
aglmf agl::utl::MultiFilter
aglofx agl::fx::OccludedEffectMgr
aglprojsdw agl::sdw::ProjectionShadow
aglsdw agl::sdw::DepthShadow
aglshpp agl::sdw::ShadowPrePass
aglssao agl::sdw::SSAO
aglvolm agl::fx::VolumeMask
ksky agl::pfx::Sky
pref agl::lght::PlanarReflection

The following effect types are defined by the gsys library:

Type Class
gapkginfo gsys::ApplicationPackageInfo
genv gsys::ModelSceneEnv
glght gsys::ModelSceneGI
glpbd gsys::LightProbeMgr::ProbeVolumeMgr
glpbm gsys::LightProbeMgr
gmsconf gsys::ModelSceneConfigList
gsdw gsys::ModelSceneShadow
gsysdclao gsys::ModelDecalAoObject
ptclconf gsys::ParticleConfig

The following effect types are defined by the LunchPack framework:

Type Class
lpdcam Lp::Sys::DbgCamera

The following effect types are defined by Splatoon 2:

Type Class
sms Cmn::SealShadow


A PMAA file contains null-terminated strings with a fixed size. It is possible that the size is larger than the length of the string. In newer games, the remaining space is simply filled with null bytes. However, in old games, it is filled with 0xCD bytes, except for the last byte, which is set to 0. This is presumably uninitialized memory in the tool that generated the PMAA files.

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