A Neovim plugin that can do sometings like VAssistX.
use {
opt = true,
ft = { "h", "cpp", "hpp", "c", "cc", "cxx" },
config = function()
Now this plugin depends on fd
instead of plenary.nvim
. So please make sure
the fd
has been installed in your system.
Default configuration
require('cppassist').setup {
-- For `SwitchSourceAndHeader`, `ImplementInSource` and `ImplementOutOfClass` command
switch_sh = {
-- Search for target files in the following directories
include_dirs = { ".", ".." },
-- Exclude the following directories when searching for target files
exclude_dirs = {},
-- If you want other flags, see `man fd`
-- -t: This option can be specified more than once to include multiple file types.
-- -s: Perform a case-sensitive search.
-- -L: Using this flag, symbolic links are also traversed.
search_flags = "-tf -s -L",
-- If the return type contains the following keywords, the value of the right side will be used in the return statement
return_type = {
int = "0",
short = "0",
long = "0",
char = "0",
double = "0.0",
float = "0.0",
bool = "false",
pointer = "nullptr",
-- For `GotoHeaderFile` command
goto_header = {
include_dirs = { ".", "..", "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include", "~" },
exclude_dirs = {},
search_flags = "-tf -s",
- It uses regular expressions instead of LSP;
- It can recognize underscores and asterisks in data types;
- It can recognize the simple return type;
- It can recognize multi-line function declarations;
- It can recognize class templates;
- It can recognize function default parameters and remove them;
- It can recognize the following keywords: const,explicit, static, override, final, virtual, friend, = 0, = default, = delete, noexcept, constexpr;
- It supports multiple functions at the same time in
mode; - It supports the custom return value of the basic data type;
- If there are multiple matching at the same time, it will display the optional list;
- Now, it Supports the jump of the header file;
In my opinion, the inline keyword should be defined in the source file and not in the header file, because this keyword needs to be told to the compiler, not the user, so it is not implemented here
Place the cursor on the line where the declaration is located, and press the shortcut key to generate the corresponding definition.
If a function is defined on more than one line, place the cursor on the starting line in the function definition!
If you want to jump to the specified header file, place the cursor on the
line. If there are multiple matches at the same time, there will
be a optional list for selection.
local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
-- switch between source and header
map('n', '<A-o>', '<Cmd>SwitchSourceAndHeader<CR>', opts)
-- generate the function definition or static variable definition in source
map('n', '<leader>cf', '<Cmd>ImplementInSource<CR>', opts)
-- generate the function definition or static variable definition in source in visual mode
map('v', '<leader>cf', '<Cmd>lua require("cppassist").ImplementInSourceInVisualMode<CR>', opts)
-- generate the function definition or static variable definition in header
map('n', '<leader>cv', '<Cmd>ImplementOutOfClass<CR>', opts)
-- goto the header file
map('n', '<leader>gh', '<Cmd>GotoHeaderFile<CR>', opts)
- switch between source and header
- generate the function definition in source
- generate the static variable in source
- generate the Get()/Set() method for variable
- generate the multi function definitions in the view mode
- goto the header file
- ouroboros.nvim: quickly switching between header and implementation files
If you have a better idea, please tell me with email: kohirus@foxmail.com