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Streamer Mode - Be Safe!

Streamer Mode - a Neovim plugin to hide your environment variables.

This plugin is not just for streamers, but anyone who wants to conceal their environment
variables and other sensitive information.

Streamer-Mode Demo

Short demo of the basic modes.

If you find a bug, please let me know! I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

Side note: It's recommended that you find a more secure way to store VERY private information than in plain text environment variables. But sometimes it's just easier for a temporary solution.

NOTE: Streamer mode may affect :help docs, as it utilizes the conceallevel variable.

If anyone has any requests for new customizations or other features, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Just open an issue!

Table of Contents

Current Features

By default, Streamer Mode currently supports the concealment of a number of
keywords (see default settings.
You can specify your own keywords to conceal in the setup() function.

  • Hides the contents of all SSH private keys (id_rsa, id_ed25519, id_dsa, etc.)
    in any .ssh directory.

    • Note that this is reliant on the filename starting with id_.
      I will be adding support for private SSH keys with custom filenames
      in the future.
  • Hides environment variables and sensitive .gitconfig information.

  • Three different levels: Secure, Edit, and Soft

    • See Levels or :help sm.levels for more information on level behaviors.
  • Ability to type out new secret variables without displaying them (secure level), like sudo password input.


Install using your favorite plugin manager.

{ 'Kolkhis/streamer-mode.nvim' },
Plug 'Kolkhis/streamer-mode.nvim'  


:help sm.setup

Default Setup:

To enable streamer mode by default with the default settings, add the following
to your init.lua file:


This will enable streamer-mode.nvim with the default settings.

After restarting Neovim, run :StreamerMode or :SM to toggle on Streamer Mode.
It will be off by default.

To enable Streamer Mode on launch:

require('streamer-mode').setup({ default_state = 'on' })  

Now Streamer Mode will be active every time a new Neovim session is launched.
Call :StreamerModeOff (:SMoff) to disable Streamer Mode, or simply toggle it with :SM.

streamer-mode.nvim applies filters to most of the files that will contain sensitive information by default. See default settings.


Streamer Mode will be off be default, unless default_state = 'on' is passed during setup).
To toggle it on, use the command :SM, or :SM(level).

Here's an example of binding it to a key:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sm', '<cmd>SM<CR>', { silent = true })  

Now <leader>sm will toggle Streamer Mode on and off.


:h sm.commands

There are five commands available for Streamer Mode.
Each command has an alias for easier typing.
The new mode will go into effect once the command is called.

  • :StreamerMode (:SM) - Toggle Streamer Mode on and off.
  • :StreamerModeOff (:SMoff) - Shuts off Streamer Mode.
  • :StreamerModeSecure (:SMsecure) - Starts streamer mode with secure level enabled.
  • :StreamerModeEdit (:SMedit) - Starts streamer mode with edit level enabled.
  • :StreamerModeSoft (:SMsoft) - Starts streamer mode with soft level enabled.

Advanced Setup:

These are just examples. To jump to all configuration options, see the parameters section.

Default Settings

The default settings are as follows:

  -- Streamer Mode will apply to any path in here. Defaults to all paths. 
  -- This means that Streamer Mode will hide any of the `keywords` below 
  -- when inside any of these directories or filetypes.  
  paths = { '*' },
  -- Exclude all the default keywords and only use the ones you specify
  exclude_all_default_keywords = false, -- | true

  -- Only exclude the given keywords from the default values
  exclude_default_keywords = {},

  -- Exclude the default path (which is '*', all paths) and only use the ones you specify
  exclude_default_paths = false, 

  -- Same as `exclude_default_paths`
  exclude_all_default_paths = false, 

  -- Any text appearing after one of the keywords specified here will be concealed.  
  -- They are case-insensitive.  
  -- E.g., passing in 'API_KEY' will conceal both 'API_KEY' and 'api_key'.  
  keywords = {

  level = 'secure', -- | 'edit' | 'soft'  
  default_state = 'off', -- Whether or not streamer mode turns on when nvim is launched.  

  conceal_char = '*',  -- Default. This is what will be displayed instead  
                       -- of your secrets.  

Setup Parameters:

All optional. Simply calling require('streamer-mode').setup() will use the defaults.
  • DEPRECATED - use_defaults (Boolean): Whether or not to use the default paths and keywords.
    • Use the exclude options instead. This will have no effect.
  • exclude_default_keywords (List-like table): The default values of keywords that will not be used.
  • exclude_all_default_keywords (Boolean): Whether or not to use default keywords.
    • true: Does not use any of the defaults, only what you specify in .setup().
    • false (default): Use the default keywords.
  • keywords (List-like Table): Keywords that will be concealed.
    • Any text that appears after one of these keywords will be concealed with conceal_char (default is *).
    • It is possible to pass a Vim basic regular expression (BRE) as a keyword.
  • paths (List-like Table): The paths and filetypes that Streamer Mode will apply to.
    • Globbing with * is supported.
    • Pass in paths in the format: paths = { '*/path/*' }
    • Pass in filetypes in the same format: paths = { '*.txt' }
  • level (String): The level in which Streamer Mode will be in effect.
    • See more about the different levels below.
  • default_state (String): Whether or not Streamer Mode will be active
    when you first launch a Neovim session. It's recommended to set this to 'off', turning it on when needed.
  • conceal_char (String): This is the character that will be displayed in place of your hidden text.

Setting Keywords to Conceal

To set your own keywords to conceal, pass them in as a list-like table to
the require('streamer-mode').setup() function.

The keywords table is formatted as follows:

    default_state = 'on',
    keywords = {

Keywords are not case-sensitive.
E.g., passing in API_KEY will conceal both API_KEY and api_key.

Setting Paths and Filetypes

streamer-mode.nvim applies to all files by default.
If you want to apply Streamer Mode to only certain paths or filetypes, pass them in as a list to the require('streamer-mode').setup() function.

For example, to apply Streamer Mode to only files in your home directory, pass in ~/*.

  -- Add your own paths and filetypes for Streamer Mode to be enabled in.  
  paths = {
    '*/*.yaml',  -- Enables Streamer Mode for all YAML files.  
    '*/.bash*',  -- Enables Streamer Mode for all Bash configuration files.  
    '~/*',       -- Enables Streamer Mode for all files in your home directory.  

Enabling Streamer Mode in all files

Streamer Mode is now enabled in all files by default.

Custom Behavior and Style Options

You can customize the following style and behavior options:

  • conceal_char: The character used to conceal text.
  • level: Determines the behavior of the concealed text (see levels).
  • default_state: Whether or not Streamer Mode is enabled when Neovim is launched.
  level = 'secure',
  default_state = 'off',
  conceal_char = '-'  

Example Custom Setup

Here's an example of a custom configuration.

Note that all the default paths and keywords will be used unless explicitly disabled:

  • exclude_all_default_keywords = true or exclude_default_keywords = { 'keyword1', 'keyword2' } etc.
  • exclude_default_paths = true (there is only one value here, '*').
    • exclude_all_default_paths = true will work too.
  • use_defaults = true is being deprecated, since this is the default behavior.
  -- Use the default paths and keywords in addition to your own.  
  use_defaults = true,  -- Deprecated, use the 'exclude' options instead.
  exclude_default_keywords = { 'alias', 'export' },
  exclude_all_default_paths = true, 
  paths = {
    -- While working in buffers that match any path or filetype listed here,
    -- streamer-mode will conceal all keywords in the `keywords` table.  
  keywords = {
  level = 'edit', -- | 'secure' | 'soft'  
  default_state = 'on', -- | 'off'  
  conceal_char = 'X' -- Can be any character  


:h sm.levels

There are three different levels, each with different behavior.

  • 'secure' (default) will prevent the concealed text from becoming
    visible at all.
    This will also conceal any keywords while typing
    them (like sudo password input).
  • 'edit' will allow the concealed text to become visible
    only when the cursor goes into insert mode on the same line.
  • 'soft' will allow the concealed text to become visible
    when the cursor is on the same line in any mode.

Currently Working On

  • User customization of which keywords they'd like to filter.
  • Make :SM command a toggle - enable a single hotkey to turn StreamerMode both on and off.

Known Issues

  • Concealing doesn't currently work in Telescope pickers/previwers.


A Neovim plugin that will hide your secret variables.







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