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A .NET7 web API for handling quizzes.


  • By default, the SQL Server LocalDB that comes with Visual Studio is used. Can be changed in appsettings.json as ConnectionStrings:QuizApiDb value.
  • Run Update-Database in Visual Studio's Package Manager Console.
  • Modify the JwtSettings:Secret value in appsettings.json to secure the API access.
  • Run the app from Visual Studio.


Launching the app should open Swagger UI in your browser with which you can test the API. The app comes with a default admin account (username: admin, password: admin) - change the credentials if you care about security. To do so, first use the /api/account/authenticate to sign in as the admin - in the response you will receive the JWT token (along with its corresponding refresh token) with which you can access the API's secured endpoints.

After getting the token, use the Authorize button in the top-right corner and follow the instructions. For example, having received a token my_t0k3n, enter the following text into the input field: bearer my_t0k3n. Confirm with the Authorize button below and close the popup.

Now you can access the secured endpoints. Try /api/account/details to check the admin account's details. Use /api/account/credentials to change the admin password.

In a short period, the access token you received will become outdated and you will no longer be authenticated (the token lifetime can be configured under JwtSettings:Lifetime in appsettings.json). To save the effort of typing the credentials again, copy the output you got from /api/account/authenticate and use it as input at /api/account/refresh - you will receive a new pair of tokens, in which the first one can be used to regain API access (using the Authorize button) while the second one is a corresponding refresh token.

To create a new user account, use /api/account/register.


Most endpoints are secured. From /api/account, only the following are public:

  • /api/account/register
  • /api/account/authenticate
  • /api/account/refresh
  • /api/account/username

The /api/admin/log is restricted to the admin account. It provides the administrator with the log of authentication events that occur in the app.

Every endpoint under api/quizzes except /info is secured. The public one can be used to provide basic information about a quiz to unsigned users. The rest are for manipulating quizzes belonging to the logged in user. Quizzes are private by default - /open makes a quiz public, allowing other users to attempt solving it, and /close does the opposite. The attempts are shared with the quiz's owner - the owner can inspect the results using /results

All endpoints under api/questions and api/answers are meant for editing the user's quizzes. When a quiz is open, it is impossible to change it or its content. If it is attempted, the API returns 409: Conflict.

Users can make attempts at solving open quizzes that belong to any user, provided that they know the quiz's ID - quiz owners are expected to share it with their chosen audience through the means of their choice. Before attempting, anyone can use the ID to check the quiz's details under the public api/quizzes/{id}/info. To make an attempt, use POST at api/attempts - it will result in a creation of a new attempt that will be open to modification by the attempting user. The attempt includes a copy of the quiz - use GET to inspect it. Use PATCH to mark the answers you deem correct. When you're done, use /api/attempts/{id}/close to finish the attempt. Should you want to abandon the attempt, you can DELETE it as long as it has not been closed. To view your results, use /api/attempts/{id}/result. There is no limit to the number of attempts a user can make at the same quiz.


A web API for handling quizzes written in C#.





