Tool to download SSL certificates form Azure KeyVault to a linux machine
First, if you haven't done it already, create a service principal for your computer with access to your keyvault:
az login # log in with your user
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
app=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $serviceprincipalname --create-cert)
appId=$(echo $app | jq -r .appId)
certFile=$(echo $app | jq -r .fileWithCertAndPrivateKey)
objectId=$(az ad sp show --id $appId --query objectId -o tsv)
az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvaultname --object-id $objectId --secret-permission get --certificate-permission get
az login --service-principal -u http://$serviceprincipalname -p $certFile --tenant $tenantId
Download script
chmod +x ./getazurecert
You are now ready to download certs:
./getazurecert --vault-name $keyvaultname --name my-certificate-name
This will store the certificate in the current folder as my-certificate-name.crt and my-certificate-name.key.
You can specify filename to download to (and check for expiration) using the options --key-file and --cert-file like this:
./getazurecert --vault-name $keyvaultname --name my-certificate-name --key-file /etc/nginx/ssl/my-site.key --cert-file /etc/nginx/ssl/my-site.crt