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Project installation

Kosudo edited this page Jan 15, 2013 · 7 revisions

There is no end-user install for the project because it is currently under development.

Step 1: Clone the repository

To install the development environment you need to clone the GitHub repository. These links may help:

Step 2: Create/replace the database

In the '/install' directory you will find the following MySQL dump file:

  • /install/nextsis.sql

Import this into MySQL to create the nextSIS database, or REMOVE AND REPLACE (i.e. DELETE) your existing nextSIS database with the new one.

Step 3: New installations

You will note in the project's root directory /.gitignore defines a series of files which are ignored when updating git. These are local files like .ini and .project, but also the following project files:

  • /application/config/config.php
  • /application/config/database.php

These are important but locally specific files within the CodeIgniter framework which define your database connection and environment. To assist you in creating these if necessary the following two files were provided within the nextSIS repository on GitHub:

  • /application/config/config.template.php
  • /application/config/database.template.php

As the names suggest these are template files, and they include comments to assist you in configuring them. First of all these files should be renamed with the '.template' portions of the name removed, so that they become:

  • /application/config/config.php
  • /application/config/database.php

Make the following changes to config.php:

  • Set the base_url of your server (Line 17).
  • Set your nextSIS interface language (Line 72).
  • Set an encryption key (Line 227) (Use [this link] ( if you are stuck).
  • Set the session cookie name (don't use underscores here as problems with them have been reported on Windows servers) (Line 247).
  • Change anything else you need to within the file (probably optional and down to your server configuration).

Make the following changes to database.php:

  • Set your database hostname - leaving it as localhost might be OK (Line 51)
  • Set your database username (Line 52)
  • Set your database password (Line 53)
  • Change anything else you need to within the file

That's it. You should only have to configure these files once (unless we direct you otherwise) and of course even if you contribute to the repository the .gitignore ensures your server's private details are not made public(!)

Step 4: It didn't work

If you end up with a server error (probably HTTP Error 500) after going through the steps above then it might be connected with directory permissions. All web directories on a Linux server should generally be 755 (Owner:Read-Write-Execute, Group:Read-Execute, Public:Read-Execute) and files should be 644 (Owner:Read-Write, Group:Read, Public: Read). Windows permissions should be similarly configured.

You can also check your server log files, for example at /var/log/apache2/error.log

If this doesn't solve your problem, contact us.

Step 5: Log in

A default user account has been provided as part of the MySQL database:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

This should give you access to the home screen.

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