bwip-js is a translation to native JavaScript of the amazing code provided in Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript. The translated code can run on any modern browser or JavaScript-based server framework.
The software has encoding modules for over 90 different barcode types and standards. All linear and two-dimensional barcodes in common use (and many uncommon ones) are available. An exhaustive list of supported barcode types can be found at the end of this document.
As I really love the original project I decided to create an image for Windows Containers (Docker) and make the user experience even better (please, I just mean less complicated to give all required parts together). Especially for those using Windows Containers.
You can find the image on Docker Hub
- One is providing the main HTTP API to generate the barcodes.
- The second process serves a demo web page that will allow you to visually select a barcode type, specify parameters and it will generate the selected barcode for you. There is also a link Goto URL that will generate the API request based on the configured parameters.
- Run a container with the minimum of the parameters:
docker run -d koubek/bwip-js
- Specify hostname (--hostname) and container name (--name) for easier access and identification:
docker run -d --hostname=bwip-js --name=bwip-js koubek/bwip-js
- Then from you can access the demo service:
eg: http://bwip-js/demo.html
- Or you can call the API directly (no GUI):
eg: http://bwip-js:3030/?bcid=isbn&text=978-1-56581-231-4+52250&includetext&guardwhitespace
You can also use _run.ps1 that will create a container for you and after that will automatically open two links (one for the API, one for the demo page) in a browser.