HyperRamp is a decentralized peer to peer on/off ramp based on https://www.reclaimprotocol.org/
Figma - https://www.figma.com/file/0u2xwd8lK7HI8z7WaBKADK/HyperRamp?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design
- A has crypto on-chain
- B has fiat in his/her bank account
- A submits their bank account number and bank name to a smart contract
- B submits their bank account number and bank name to a smart contract
- A deposits crypto into an on-chain smart contract (escrow)
- B transfer the fiat to A’s bank account
- B generates a zero knowledge proof that they did the transfer
- B submits the zero knowledge proof to escrow to release the crypto