- If you use Linux pls skip this step, Install WSL (Win10 Subsystem).
- Follow https://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/building-setup-linux.html#building-setup-linux to set up the SITL environment.
- Follow https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/BUILD.md to build the SITL source code. I use ./waf configure --board sitl
- If you use Linux pls skip this step, Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/ to visualize the Linux windows.
- Input the command <sim_vehicle.py -v ArduCopter --console> on WSL terminal to run SITL. Input command <sim_vehicle.py -h> to see how to use the exist parameters.
- Open Mission Planner or QGroundControl to control and monitor the virtual drone.
- Select "USB" option and connect to Pixhawk via USB or select "TCP" and connect to SITL via networks. If successful, "Pixhawk Status" will be displayed "Connected...".
- You can change flight mode (STABILIZE / ACRO / AUTO / GUIDED...) using the drop-down menu beside the "CONNECT" button.
- You can make drone ARM / DISARM / TAKEOFF using the corresponding button.
- You can change the drone's flight speed using the "CHANGE SPEED" button after you input the flight speed you want.
- You can change the drone's yaw angle using the "CHANGE YAW" button after you input the yaw angle you want.
- You can let the drone fly to the destination you want, you have to input latitude / longitude / altitude and the press the "GOTO" button.
★Please change the flght mode to "GUIDED" before you control the drone.
★ If you want to modify the IP & port of ArduPilot SITL. You can change the code from MAVLinkConnection.java
socket = new Socket("", 5762);
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM).param1(is_armed).param2(0).build();
connection.send1(255,0, cmd);
| is_armed | Status |
| ---------| -------|
| 0 | DISARM |
| 1 | ARM |
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF).param1(15).param2(0).param3(0).param4(0).param5(0).param6(0).param7(takeoff_alt).build();
connection.send1(255,0, cmd);
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE).param1(1).param2(CustomMode).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, cmd);
| CustomMode | FlightMode |
| ---------- | -----------|
| 1 | ACRO |
| 2 | ALT_HOLD |
| 3 | AUTO |
| 4 | GUIDED |
| 5 | LOITER |
| 6 | RTL |
| 7 | CIRCLE |
| 9 | LAND |
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED).param1(0).param2(speed).param3(-1).param4(0).build();
connection.send1(255,0, cmd);
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW).param1(angle).param2(1).param3(-1).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, cmd);
CommandLong cmd = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO).param1(pin).param2(PWM).build();
connection.send1(255,0, cmd);
MissionItem mission = new MissionItem.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT).targetSystem(0).targetComponent(0).seq(0).current(2).autocontinue(0).frame(MavFrame.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT).x(lat).y(lng).z(alt).build();
connection.send1(255,0, mission);
★ Bulid a COMMAND_LONG (#76) Message and use MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL (511) command to listen the message you want and set the transmission interval.
CommandLong STATUS_Position = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(33).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_Position);
CommandLong STATUS_Battery = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(147).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_Battery);
CommandLong STATUS_Speed = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(74).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_Speed);
CommandLong STATUS_System = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(1).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_System);
CommandLong STATUS_Attitude = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(30).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_Attitude);
CommandLong STATUS_gps = new CommandLong.Builder().command(MavCmd.MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).param1(24).param2(1000000).param7(0).build();
connection.send1(255, 0, STATUS_gps);
msg | msg_id | Link |
HEARTBEAT | 0 | 🔗 |
VFR_HUD | 74 | 🔗 |
SYS_STATUS | 1 | 🔗 |
ATTITUDE | 30 | 🔗 |
GPS_RAW_INT | 24 | 🔗 |
★ You can receive and handle drone's message from Drone_Message.java
. Take GLOBAL_POSITION_INT ( #33 ) as an example.
else if(message.getPayload() instanceof GlobalPositionInt){
MavlinkMessage<GlobalPositionInt> positionMessage = (MavlinkMessage<GlobalPositionInt>)message;
String payload = "" + positionMessage.getPayload();
String[] payload_GlobalPositionInt = payload.replaceAll("[^\\d-.,E]", "").split(",");
String lat_ = payload_GlobalPositionInt[1];
String lng_ = payload_GlobalPositionInt[2];
String alt_ = payload_GlobalPositionInt[3];
String relative_alt_ = payload_GlobalPositionInt[4];
String heading_ = payload_GlobalPositionInt[8];
lat = String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(lat_) / 10000000);
lng = String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(lng_) / 10000000);
alt = String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(alt_) / 1000);
relative_alt = String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(relative_alt_) / 1000);
heading = String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(heading_) / 100);
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
Log.i("Drone_Message", "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT: " + lat + " " + lng + " " + alt + " " + relative_alt + " " + heading);