👋 Hi, I’m Kristhian Lizcano
👀 About Me : I am a Full Stack Developer, I love learning new technologies and work methodologies. The technologies I use are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Redux, Express, Sequelize, Mongo DB. Experience in Google cloud / Auth0 technologies, Nodemailer In addition to handling design tools such as Autocad, CNC programming.
🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on: In projects such as Frontend Developer, Backend Developer and Full Stack Developer.
📫 How to reach me:
📩 kristhianlizcano@gmail.com 📘 https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristhianlizcano/ 💻 https://kristhian92-github-5tcs975pn-kristhian92.vercel.app/
Link: freevents.vercel.app