- i3-wm in any Linux distro you prefer
- Polybar (for most of the themes)
- Rofi (for most of the themes)
- Firefox Themes can be installed using the "Stylish" extension
- git clone https://github.com/unix121/i3wm-themes
- cd i3wm-themes/scripts/
- ./apply_theme.sh {THEME} ({THEME} should be the name of the theme you want to apply)
(example on how to apply the "Minimal" theme) ./apply_theme.sh Minimal
- After you run the script you might have to manually set the wallpaper which is located in the {THEME} directory and also use your appearance manager to apply the Icons and the GTK Themes.
- NOTE: If you notice any bugs on the script feel free to contact me and I will address them
- git clone https://github.com/unix121/i3wm-themes
- cd i3wm-themes/{THEME_YOU_WANT_TO_APPLY}/
- cp .i3/config ~/.i3/config (or ~/.config/i3/config depending on your configuration file location)
- cp .config/compton.conf ~/.config/compton.conf
- cp .config/polybar/config ~/.config/polybar/config
- cp ../scripts/polybar/launch.sh ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh
- cp ../scripts/polybar/music.sh ~/.config/polybar/music.sh
- cp .resources/.Xresources ~/.Xresources
- cp .resources/.extend.Xresources ~/.extend.Xresources
- cp -R ../.fonts/. ~/.fonts/
- xrdb ~/.Xresources
- i3-msg restart
(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
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(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
(More can be found here)
If you are the original artist of any of the photos/pictures featured in those themes, please feel free to contact me, so that you can get credited.
e-mail: unix121@protonmail.com