Web site of LEAF
##Local installation##
###Ruby installation### jekyll need ruby >= 1.9.3. Get the version of ruby in your system:
ruby --version
If the version is < 1.9.3 you need to install a newer version (using RVM). With RVM you don't need to change anything on your system (except adding some libraries to build ruby). RVM is used to install a specific version of ruby under the home directory of the user:
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --autolibs=enabled
source ~/.profile
rvm install --default ruby-2.1.2
rvm cleanup all
###Fetch sources###
git clone git@github.com:LEAF-Bering-uClibc/website.git buc-website
###Jekyll installation### You need the bundle command to install jekyll. If you don't have it install it:
gem install bundler
Install jekyll:
cd buc-website
bundle install
###Start jekyll
jekyll serve -w