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A golang library, include following packages:

  1. lg
  2. mongobj
  3. dij

lg (Language)

  • Ife
    // aka. text = (len(text) != 0) ? text : "some text"
    text = Ife(len(text) != 0, text, "some text")
    // aka i = (i != 0) ? i : 123
    i = Ife(i != 0, i, 123)
  • MakeIterator, MakeInverseIterator
    ints := []int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
    iter := MakeIterator(ints)
    totalValues := 0
    for v, b, i := iter(); b; v, b, i = iter() {
        totalValues += v
  • IterateFunc, IterateFuncInversely
    totalValues := 0
    IterateFuncInversely(ints, func(v int, i int) (stop bool) {
        totalValues += v
  • map-reduce
    array := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
    floatArray := Map(array, func(in int) float64 {
        return float64(in) * 0.3
    result := Reduce(floatArray, "", func(v float64, lastResult string) string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%1.2f", lastResult, v)

mongobj (MongoDb Object)


dij (Dependency Injection) - draft

  • Sample code
package main

import (
  . ""

type SampleApp struct {
  lib1 *SampleLib1 `di:"lib1"`
  lib2 *SampleLib2 `di:"lib2"`

type SampleLib1 struct {
  lib2 *SampleLib2 `di:"lib2"`

type SampleLib2 struct {
  val int `di:"val"`

func main() {
  appTyp := reflect.TypeOf(SampleApp{})
  ref := DependencyReference{"val": 123}
  inst, err := CreateInstance(appTyp, &ref, "^")
  if err != nil {
  if app, ok := inst.(*SampleApp); ok {
    if app.lib2 != app.lib1.lib2 {
      log.Fatalf("incorrect injection, app.lib2(%v) != app.lib1.lib2(%v)\n", app.lib2, app.lib1.lib2)
    if app.lib2.val != 123 {
      log.Fatalf("incorrect injection, app.lib2.val(%d) != 123\n", app.lib2.val)
  } else {
    log.Fatalf("didn't create a correct instance, %v", reflect.TypeOf(inst))

Following code uses BuildInstance instance of CreateInstance, it should be an easier way.

func main() {
  ref := DependencyReference{"val": 123}
  app, err := BuildInstance(&SampleApp{}, &ref, "^")
  if err != nil {
  if app.lib2 != app.lib1.lib2 {
    log.Fatalf("incorrect injection, app.lib2(%v) != app.lib1.lib2(%v)\n", app.lib2, app.lib1.lib2)
  if app.lib2.val != 123 {
    log.Fatalf("incorrect injection, app.lib2.val(%d) != 123\n", app.lib2.val)

See more examples.

  • Libraries/Services refer dij
    • dij-gin: dij-style gin library, gin library but wrap it by dij.