README - a brief documentation on the package (student version) Jan. 2015 by Guoyong SHI:
This circuit parser provides an interface to MATLAB so that students can directly use MATLAB for circuit simulation.
This package contains the following files: Makefile parse.lex parse.y parse_func.h[.c] Symbol_Table.h[.c] MNA_Matrix.h[.c] main.c -- the Linux OS driver
You should have installed CYGWIN (or a Linux equivalent) to compile the flex-bison programs and run makefile. You should also have installed a version of MATLAB on Windows or Linux.
The programs "parse.lex" and "parse.y" are compiled in CYGWIN by running "make".
Then in MATLAB, run the mex compiler as follows: mex -DMATLAB mex_parse.c parse_func.c Symbol_Table.c MNA_Matrix.c
To run the parser in Linux, compile as follows:
make parse
make runparse
Depending on your need, the reader is expected to add more C-programs.
The basic funtionalities are
"parse_func.h[.c]" provide the parsing functions that interfacing from the parser "parse.y" and the symbol tables;
"Symbol_Table.h[.c]" manages the symbol tables.
"MNA_Matrix.h[.c]" manages the matrices resulting from parsing a netlist.
This package is incomplete and only provides a code skeleton for continuing development. The details on the necessary components will be introduced in the course.
For more information on this package, please consult TA or instructor.