This is a utility that mimics zfs send and zfs recv for the LVM thin world.
Its developed by Philipp Reisner.
License is GPLv3, feel free to use & test.
send / receive process can be triggered with the following command;
$ thin_send ssd_vg/CentOS7.6 ssd_vg/li0 | ssh root@target-machine thin_recv kubuntu-vg/li0
or you can use socat for streaming;
target-machine$ socat TCP-LISTEN:4321 STDOUT | zstd -d | thin_recv kubuntu-vg/li0
source-machine$ thin_send ssd_vg/CentOS7.6 ssd_vg/li0 | zstd | socat STDIN TCP:
thin_send & thin_recv is an open source software. You can use the slack channel below link to get support for individual use and development use.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!