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Raspberry Pi

LPRDev1 edited this page Jun 11, 2016 · 3 revisions


Raspberry Pi Setup

  1. Install Raspian Jesse on the Raspberry Pi 2 (one should work but the video will be slower)
  2. Install Apache 2 (sudo apt-get Apache2)
  3. Install the UV4l user space PiCam driver and streamer
  4. Install Samba (see samba page). Useful for transferring files to/from the Roversentry.
  5. Install Dronekit.


Power can be supplied to the Raspberry Pi via the micro USB port. Any portable 5v charging battery that at least 6000 mah will probably suffice. These are cheap and widely available for charging iPods and other portable devices. Use of Velcro to secure the battery to the RoverSentry is recommended.

Note that the Raspberry Pi (by default) only supplies 600 milliamps to the USB ports. You can change the current supplied to the Pi's USB ports to 1.2 amps by editing the file /boot/config.txt and adding the line max_usb_current=1 to the end of the file.

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