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forked from acidb/mobiscroll

The customizable HTML5 spinner/scroller control for touch devices like smartphones and tablets

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A wheel scroller user control optimized for touchscreens to easily enter date and/or time. The control can easily be customized to support any custom values and can even be used as an intuitive alternative to the native select control (dropdown list). It is designed to be used on touch devices as an alternative to the jQuery UI date picker.

The control is themable. You can easily change the appearance of if in CSS. It also comes with pre-defined, nice looking skins (Default, Android, Sense UI and iOS).

By default the control renders for intuitive and easy usage, but you can also customize it's parameters (width, height,...). For more info see the wiki.

See demo here:

More features and details to follow...

Tested on iOS4, Android 2.2, Android 2.3, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE9. Please submit issues, and compatibility problems with other devices.

If you like it, spread the word!

For the latest info follow us on Twitter!/mobiscroll ! Like us on Facebook !

It'd be cool to see how you're using Mobiscroll!

We're looking at showcasing some of the best work on . Feel free to let us know on twitter @mobiscroll!

Changelog 2.4.1



  • Sense UI theme: border removed when positioned top or bottom

  • Android ICS theme: border removed when positioned top or bottom



  • Positioning fixes

  • Firefox animation bug fixed by removing border-radius from the wheel

Datetime preset

  • Expose datetime preset settings to the inst.settings property

Changelog 2.4



  • Changed: Use div-s instead of ul-s and li-s

  • Changed: Don't scroll the wheels if validate function returns false

  • Added: 'btn' parameter to the onClose event, 'set' or 'cancel' is passed depending on which button triggered the close

Measurement presets

  • Added: if step > 1, fraction wheel is not generated

  • Added: fraction wheel is infinite


  • Added: 'jqmBorder' option to the jQueryMobile theme to change the swatch of the border



  • Fixed: Also disable button elements when showing modal popup

Rating preset

  • Fixed: parseValue returned incorrect value

  • Fixed: value was incorrectly set if elements were generated from a select element


  • Fixed: onCancel event was not fired if scroller was hidden by clicking on the overlay (#58)

Changelog 2.3.1



  • Added: time parameter to the changeWheel method, which means the animation time to scroll the new wheel to the selected value



  • Fixed: missing ":" in core css (#46)

  • Fixed: Don't allow to move another wheel until touchend occurs on the currently scrolled wheel

Changelog 2.3



  • Changed: prevent collisions if core is loaded multiple times

  • Changed: validate and onChange event runs on scrolling animation end providing a more fluid user experience (#36)

  • Changed: user defined event handlers does not override preset event handlers

  • Added: onShow gets an additional valueText parameter

  • Added: onAnimStart event, which is fired at scrolling animation start, and receives the wheel index, animation time, and the mobiscroll instance as parameters

  • Added: shorthand form for presets: $('.selector').mobiscroll().date(). To add a shorthand for your own preset, just add the following line in your preset code: $.mobiscroll.presetShort('mypresetname')

  • Added: highlight selected entry on tap

Select preset

  • Changed: make it work with late validation

List preset

  • Changed: make it work with late validation


  • Changed: prevent collisions if themes are loaded multiple times



  • Fixed: don't do tap ahead, if moving wheel was stopped with a tap

  • Fixed: setValue method was not working correctly (#43)

  • Fixed: if close was canceled (onClose returned false), the value was still set

Datetime preset

  • Fixed: closing tag for the short day name and short month name span was incorrectly added

Select preset

  • Fixed: onChange, onSelect, onCancel events received the disabled value, if the user scrolled to a disabled option, event though on the UI was not selectable (#40)

Rating preset

  • Fixed: stars were not aligned to middle in Firefox and IE

Changelog 2.2



  • Added: move the wheel to the selected value on tap

  • Added: selected values now have a 'dw-sel' css class

  • Added: support for Windows Phone 8

Datetime preset

  • Added: month and day names are wrapped in <span class="dw-mon"> and <span class="dw-day"> to allow more styling

List preset

  • Added: a new preset which transforms ul/ol html lists into a scroller

Animation plugin

  • Added: Internet Explorer 10 support


  • Added: Windows Phone theme



  • Fixed: onClose received null as valueText parameter

  • Fixed: button flickering during animation on Chrome

  • Fixed: options were not correctly updated 'on the fly' (by using the 'option' method on an existing instance) - Issue 112 on Google Code

  • Fixed: wheel could not be stopped on the correct place if another wheel was scrolled before the animation finished

  • Fixed: +/- buttons didn't reappear in mixed mode, if a wheel was changed (e.g. with group select preset)

Datetime preset

  • Fixed: If input had no value, default date/datetime was the time when the control was initialized, not when it was shown

Select preset

  • Fixed: setValue did not set correctly the second wheel, if optgroup was not the original

Changelog 2.1



  • Changed: changeWheel function can change more than one wheel at once

Select preset

  • Added: 'rtl' (right to left) option, when set to true the groups wheel appears on the right



  • Fixed: input change is triggered after the modal scroller is hidden (form controls are re-enabled)

  • Fixed: added a dw- prefix for animation css classes to prevent naming collision with other libraries

  • Fixed: the width calculation in positioning skips the width of hidden wheels

Datetime preset

  • Fixed: Day names on wheels fixed (if long name contained 'D', both short and long names appeared)


  • Fixed: android-ics skin arrows moves the wheel in correct direction

Changelog 2.1-beta



  • Added: new display properties, which controls where the scroller is positioned: 'modal', 'bubble', 'top', 'bottom'

  • Added: 'anchor' property to specify the anchor element for positioning, if 'display' is set to 'bubble'

  • Added: 'animate' property to specify predefined animations in 'modal' and 'bubble' modes, during the show/hide of the scroller: 'fade', 'flip', 'pop', 'swing', 'slidevertical', 'slidehorizontal', 'slidedown', 'slideup'

  • Added: 'scrollLock' setting to disable page scrolling in modal/bubble/docked display modes. Default is 'true'

  • Added: 'changeWheel' public method, which takes the wheelindex as argument, and regenerates that wheel based on the wheel object

  • Changed:'readonly' setting now takes an array too, with the boolean values for each wheel

Select preset

  • Added: 'group' and 'groupLabel' options to render two wheels based on optgroups

Datetime preset

  • Added: 'showNow' and 'nowText' options, which renders an additional 'Now' button (if display is not inline)


  • Changed: iOS theme is updated



  • Fixed: In 'mixed' mode, if wheel was scrolled and stopped with a tap, +/- buttons remained hidden

Changelog 2.0.3



  • Added: Support for language files. Controlled from 'lang' option. Specify language related default settings and language files.



  • Fixed: 'clickpick' mode worked the same way as 'mixed' in 2.0.2

  • Fixed: 'setValue' was not working correctly.

  • Fixed: Wheels were misaligned on Firefox with ios theme and datetime preset.

Datetime preset

  • Fixed: Time was incorrectly parsed when missing year, month or day wheel.

  • Fixed: Default year value was not set, if outside of startYear and endYear.

Changelog 2.0.2



  • Added: animation time is now passed to the validation event (useful, if you want an action to happen only when the wheel stops moving)

  • Added: wheel containers have now numbered classes: 'dwwl0', 'dwwl1', 'dwwl2' etc. to allow different styling for each wheel

Select preset

  • Added: 'invalid' option to set certain values unselectable. This option takes precedence over the disabled options in the original html select element.

  • Added: 'label' option to set the label of the wheel. If not present, the label is taken from the original html select element's label, and falls back to the select element's name attribute, if the label doesn't exist


Datetime preset

  • Fixed: 'shortYearCutoff' option was not working correctly. (With '+10' value if 2 digits years were used, 12 was converted to 1912 instead of 2012)

  • Fixed: if day was not present on the wheels (e.g. credit card expration), the date object defaulted to today's date, which resulted in incorrect value, if current month had more days as the selected month

  • Fixed: day names were incorrect, if initial validation changed the month from an invalid value to the nearest valid one

Select preset

  • Fixed: 'setValue' and 'getValue' methods overwrote the core methods and were unusable for other presets or custom scrollers

Zepto js plugin

  • Fixed: in 'mixed' mode clicking on the +/- buttons caused a short button blink

jQuery Mobile Theme

  • Fixed: Button appearance with JQM 1.1.1

Changelog 2.0.1


  • Fixed: HTML5 min/max attributes propagated to other scrollers

  • Fixed: jQuery Mobile 1.0 compatibility (Issue 95)

  • Fixed: Using values like "1.0", "2.0", etc. on custom wheels caused incorrect behavior because they were converted to numbers and became 1, 2, etc.

  • Fixed: fast scrolling caused value loss, if validation changed another wheel value with animation

  • Fixed: when element was created for 3d testing: document.createElement(mod) - mod was undefined

  • Fixed: setValue and getValue was not working correctly with the select preset

  • Fixed: timeWheels option did not modify the order of the wheels

Changelog 2.0


  • Fixed: setValue / setDate methods did not animate the scroller if time was specified

  • Fixed: In some cases date validation scrolled the day wheel to empty value

  • Fixed: Datetime preset's setDate and getDate methods were using last created instance's resources

  • Fixed: Select options were reordered, if values were numbers

  • Fixed: When using option method to change options on the fly, preset and theme defaults overrode user settings

Changelog 2.0rc3


  • Fixed: In clickpick mode minus button had plus button behavior

  • Fixed: In inline mode getValue always returned the initial values

  • Fixed: min/max attributes were incorrectly parsed when using HTML5 time input


  • Added: invalid option for the datetime preset to set dates unselectable. There are three properties to specify dates, all can be used separate or combined. dates is be an array of dates to disable exact dates on the scroller. daysOfWeek is an array with values from 0 to 6, daysOfMonth is an array which accepts numbers (e.g. every month's 2nd day) or a string in 'x/y' format (e.g. 12/24 means every year's 24th December is disabled). A sample configuration: invalid: { dates: [new Date(2012,5,4), new Date(2012,5,13)], daysOfWeek: [0, 6], daysOfMonth: ['5/1', '12/24', '12/25'] }

  • Added: The select preset automatically disables elements on the scroller if they were disabled in the original html select element

Changelog 2.0rc2


  • Removed: ampm option is now removed, see the new timeWheels option instead

  • Removed: seconds option is now removed, see the new timeWheels option instead


  • Changed: preset option no longer defaults to 'date', it must be explicitly specified!

  • Changed: wheels option no defaults to empty array ([]) instead of null

  • Changed: valid scroller items now have the class "dw-v" instead of "valid"

  • Changed: in 2.0rc1 days not in month were styled as disabled, like items out of the min/max range. From now on days not in month now have the class "dw-h" which, by default has a hidden style in css.


  • Fixed: Inline mode bug with jQuery Mobile, if it was not on the initial page

  • Fixed: Select preset was not working in inline mode


  • Added: headerText can accept a function, which must return a string

  • Added: Day of week can be displayed on the scrollers. Use 'D' (short names) or 'DD' (long names) in the dateOrder options. Sample dateOrder value: 'mmD ddy' will produce '05', 'Thu 03', '2012' on the day, month and year wheels.

  • Added: separator option used by the datetime preset to specify the separator between date and time parts. Default is ' '.

  • Added: readonly option, if true, the scroller appears, but cannot be scrolled. Useful if you want to display a nice clock.

  • Added: timeWheels option to show, hide, and format the time related wheels on the scroller. Default is 'hhiiA'. For the hour wheel use 'h', 'hh', 'H', 'HH', for minutes wheel 'i' or 'ii', for seconds wheel 's' or 'ss', for am/pm wheel 'A' or 'a'. E.g. for 24 hour time format with seconds and leading zeroes use 'HHiiss'.

  • Added: support for HTML5 date/datetime/datetime-local/month/time input types. If mobiscroll is attached to such an input, the format is forced to follow standards specifications. In the popup header the value is formatted according to the date and timeformat specified by the user.

Changelog 2.0rc1

Structural changes

Mobiscroll has now a modular structure. The core contains the wheel generation and scrolling logic. The core can be extended by presets. Presets are basically a collection of predefined settings, which are passed to the core, but may contain other initialization logic, which is executed when the scroller instance is created.

Currently you can include the 'date', 'time', 'datetime' and 'select' presets.

Themes are now also modular, css styles are in separate files for each theme. Themes may have an optional javascript file, where default settings can be set, and an optional init function as well.


  • Removed: beforeShow event is now removed

  • Removed: showValue option is now removed, use the headerText option instead

  • Removed: btnClass option is now removed, button style can be changed by adding css rules to the .dwb class


  • Fixed: Android ICS Light skin fix (small +/- appeared above/under arrows)

  • Fixed: onSelect and onCancel events are now called after the popup is closed and all the form elements on the page are re-enabled, making possible to submit the form in these events.

  • Fixed: In custom events this refers to the original HTML DOM element instead of the settings object


  • Changed: The visibility of year, month and day wheels is now controlled by dateOrder option, e.g. use 'mmyy' to display month and year wheels only

  • Added: display option, which can be 'inline' or 'modal' (default)

  • Added: headerText option to specify a custom string which appears in the popup header. If the string contains '{value}' substring, it is replaced with the formatted value of the scroller. If headerText is set to false, the header is hidden.

  • Added: onShow event

  • Added: delay option to specify the speed in milliseconds to change values in clickpick mode with tap & hold, default is 300

  • Added: jQuery Mobile theme, set theme option to 'jqm'

  • Added: 'select' preset to enhance a regular HTML select. The original select is hidden, and a dummy input is visible instead. The value of the select is maintained by the preset

  • Added: minDate and maxDate options to specify a range which can be selected. Works for datetime as well.

Changelog 1.6


  • Fixed: Tap & hold changes the value on a 300ms interval instead of 200ms (for slower devices)

  • Fixed: When using custom wheels, parseValue function defaults to first value on the wheel, if cannot parse the input value to a valid wheel value


  • Added: showLabel option - show/hide labels on the top of the wheels, default is true

  • Added: showValue option - show/hide formatted value in the header of the popup, default is true

  • Added: Android ICS ('android-ics') and Android ICS Light ('android-ics light') skins

Changelog 1.5.3


  • Fixed: Mouse scroll wheel works now with jQuery 1.7+

  • Fixed: Don't always parse input value on show, only if changed

  • Fixed: Time was incorrectly parsed, if there was no date

Changelog 1.5.2


  • Fixed: First selected value did not work correctly by default for custom scrollers

  • Fixed: Incorerect parsing of am/pm time for 12:xx AM


  • Added: animation on touchend/mouseup event

  • Added: full CSS3 support for Opera 11 and IE10

Changelog 1.5.1


  • Fixed: Destroy didn't set correctly the original readonly state of the input element.

  • Fixed: Input element is not set to readonly if showOnFocus is false

  • Fixed: Disabled state of form inputs was not correctly reset after hiding the scroller.

  • Fixed: Don't show scroller if disabled and show is called programatically.


  • Added: if the onClose handler returns false, close is now prevented.

  • Added: onCancel event handler.


  • From now we are using .prop to set readonly/disabled states. This means thet jQuery >= 1.6 is required.

Changelog 1.5


  • Fixed: setDate method incorrectly sets year, when seconds option is false


  • Added: mode option, with two possible values: 'scroller' and 'clickpick', where 'scroller' is the default behaviour, while 'clickpick' renders + and - buttons for each wheel (Android style).

  • Added: new and updated skins: Android, Sense UI, iOS. Set the theme option to 'android', 'sense-ui' and 'ios'


  • Support for jQuery Mobile 1.0beta1 is now removed (click event was not working). Upgrade to beta2 to use the latest version of MobiScroll.

Known Issues

  • 'Scroller' mode is still not working in Firefox Mobile and IE on WP7

  • When using 'Clickpick' mode, very fast taps causes page zoom on HTC Android.

Changelog 1.0.2


  • Fixed: Click bleedtrough and focus holding with JQM beta 1
  • Fixed: Missing hour 0 on timepicker


  • Added: Date format options for date wheels through the dateOrder option


The customizable HTML5 spinner/scroller control for touch devices like smartphones and tablets






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