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Fash Pack 2024: Over 1,400 PDFs of Far-Right Unmaskings

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(AUS) - Antipodean Resistance and the Lads Society - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
(AUS) NSW Young Nationals stacked by Clifford Jennings and Neo-Nazis - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
(CA-ON) - Toronto - Far-right groups are holding two demonstrations in Toronto this weekend - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
(CA-ON) - Toronto Star - Racist misogynists do not deserve a platform - anywhere - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
(CA-QC) - A Canada-Wide Callout to Track Down the Alt-Right Nazi Scumbags Next Door - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA-QC) - Horizon Québec Actuel & Parti indépendantiste - montreal-antifasciste.pdf
(CA-QC) - Horizon Quebec Actuel Members - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA-QC) - Montreal Meet Your Local Alt-Right Nazi Scumbags - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA-QC) - Quebec Far-Right Hold Rally in Support of Law Against Religious Symbols - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
(CA-QC) - Vague bleue - The Racist Islamophobic Fringe of Québec Nationalism Comes Out to Play - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA-QC) - Wolves Don’t Like the Rain - Bad Blood Between La Meute & Storm Alliance - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA) - Collaborators of the CAQ - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA) - La Meute - 2018 - Good Morning Racists - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA) - Storm Alliance Factsheet - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(CA) - The Far Right - A Visual Guide - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
(US-CA) - Berkeley College Republicans and the Fascist Creep at UC Berkeley - NOCARA.pdf
(US-CA) - How the Biggest Racist Alt-Right Rally of 2017 is Happening in Berkeley - NoCARA.pdf
(US-CA) - Looking Back - Anti-Fascism in Northern California 2016-2017 - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
(US-CA) - Meet the Bay Area’s 4chan Kangaroo Court - noCARA.pdf
(US-CA) - Oakland-Community Self-Defense Mobilizes to Defend Hasta Muerte - NoCARA.pdf
(US-CA) - San Francisco - Trump Supporters reunite with the Alt-Right against Sanctuary Cities 2019 - NoCARA.pdf
(US-CA) - The Kids are Alt-Right - The UC Berkeley College Republicans - NoCARA.pdf
(US-CO) - Colorado Springs - Racist Messages Left at Predominately Black Church in Colorado Springs - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
(US-CO) - Denver - Fascists at the Capitol - The Untold Story of Denver March 4 Trump - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
(US-CO) - Denver - The Denver punk scene & the shifting face of Fascist organizing - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
(US-CO) - Denver - White Supremacist Proud Boys Assault Antifascist Dance Party & Get More Than They Bargained For - Torch Network.pdf
(US-CO) - Denver Nazis on Ogden St - William Planer - Shane McCampbell - Shawna Arnott - Wyatt Apodaca - More - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
(US-CO) - Evergreen - White Nationalists Meet in Evergreen CO on June 15th Heres What They Chatted About - Nate Marshall - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
(US-GA) - Alt-Right Gathering at Stone Mountain Park September 10 2016 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Analysis - Leaked Information Details Atlanta’s Alt-Right White Nationalist Scene - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - Anti-Vaccine Conference in Metro Promotes Far-right & Antisemitic Poison - 2022 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - Atlanta Forum Alt-Right Conference Scheduled for January 28 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - CALL-IN to Atlantas John Marshall Law School - Lynching Threats Are Not Acceptable - Torch Network.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - Far-Right Militant at Georgia State University Seeks Information on Anti-Racists - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - Right-Wing Gentrification Gangs - White Nationalists & Atlanta Property Development - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - White Nationalist Activity on Georgia State University Campus 2015 to 2016 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta - White Power Atlanta Forum Held in Marietta January 28 2017 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Atlanta November 4, 2019 - Far-Right Counters Antifa Uprising of its Own Imagination - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Bremen - Neo-Nazis at Quality Inn Hotel in Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Chronology - Six Months of Far-Right Activity in Georgia April 23 - October 23 2016 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Dahlonega - Alert - Neo-Nazi Organizing Salute to President Trump Rally September 14 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Dahlonega - Far-Right Patriots - Trump Rally September 14 2019 (Gallery 1 of 2) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Dahlonega - Far-Right Patriots - Trump Rally September 14 2019 (Gallery 2 of 2) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Douglasville - No-Show from North Mississippi White Knights Assorted Racists March 5 2017 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - More Georgia State University Alt-Right Racists - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Newnan - Final NoNaziNewnan Update - See You on the 21st - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Permit Denied to White Supremacist Rock Stone Mountain II Rally - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - The Racists on Ridgeland Way - Ground Zero for Alt-Right Organizing in Atlanta - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Union Point - Racist Heathen Gathering this Weekend - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Updates on January 28th White Nationalist Atlanta Forum - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-GA) - Will Band Linked to Racist Massacre Perform for Rock Stone Mountain Gathering Apr 23 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
(US-KS) - Garden City - Allen - Stein - Wright - Christian Nationalists on Trial in Crusader Militia Bomb Plot - AFA Nebraska.pdf
(US-MA) - Anti-LGBT Groups in Massachusetts - Fashalert MA.pdf
(US-NJ) - NJ Proud Boys and Fascists Spotted at Rutgers - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
(US-NY) - New York’s Alt Right - Part II - NYC ANTIFA.pdf
(US-NY) - New York’s Racist Heathens 2020 - NYC ANTIFA.pdf
(US-NY) - NYC Football Fans Against Fascism - NYC Fascists - Yankee Stadium 161.pdf
(US-NY) - Statement on the Trump Rally Disruption (7-21-19) - Defend Buffalo.pdf
(US-NY) - Three Months Inside Alt-Right New York - Jay Firestone - communemag.pdf
(US-OR) - Online Fascists Attempt Action on Portland Streets - July 2016 - Rose City Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) - PDX Stormers - Franchised Neo-Nazi Organizing In the PNW - Rose City Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) - PDX Stormers - Franchised Neo-Nazi Organizing In the PNW - Torch Network.pdf
(US-OR) - Portland - City Council Resolution - Portland Must Fire Quincy Franklin & Gregory Isaacson - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
(US-OR) - Portland - Fight the Fascist Creep in Portland with Rose City Antifas 8 - 6 Fundraiser Challenge - Rose City Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) - Proud Boys & Nazis Come to Eugene - Analyzing the America First Rally - Eugene Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) - Rose City Antifascists Statement on Portland Police Captain Mark Kruger - Rose City Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) - Unpacking the March4Trump - Klan Police & III%ers Oh My - Rose City Antifa.pdf
(US-OR) (US-WA) - PNW Patriot Coalition - James Walsh III, David Willis, Trent Ulrey, Daniel Lippke, Chris Tough, Mark Melchi, Kenneth Woods, John Kramer, Corey Wyatt - Eugene Antifa.pdf
(US-PA) - Alt-Right Tries & Fails Again In Philly July 2017 - Philly Antifa.pdf
(US-PA) - Micetrap Radio Shut Down - Philly Antifa.pdf
(US-PA) - Philadelphia - Repression on South - Philly Antifa.pdf
(US-PA) - Philly Antifa News Roundup - April 2017 - Philly Antifa.pdf
(US-PA) - TAAKE that garbage out of Philly - Philly Antifa.pdf
(US-TN) - Murfreesboro - Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #33 - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
(US-TX) - Hardcore White Supremacists Blend in at Alt Right Event.pdf
(US-TX) - Houston - Local Fascists - Cole Jones - Gabriel Grant - Chris Tran - Adam Manley - Screwston AFC.pdf
(US-TX) - Houston Nazis Doxx Each Other Following Anti-Fascist Actions - Screwston AFC.pdf
(US-TX) Doublewide Bar in Dallas openly harbors neo-nazi scum - Antifa Dallas.pdf
(US-UT) - Do You Recognize These People - Kanab Utah Right Watch.pdf
(US-UT) - Meet Your Neighbors - Red Level - Kanab Utah Right Watch.pdf
(US-UT) KURW Business Directory of Extremism & Bigotry - Kanab Utah Right Watch.pdf
(US-VA) - Richmond - Known Fascists & Sympathizers - Likely in Richmond Jan 20 - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
(US-WA) - Exposing the Belligerent - Evergreen State Patriots - pugetsoundanarchists.pdf
(US-WA) - Help Expose the North West Forum Neo-Nazi Gathering - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
(US-WA) - Tacoma - Tac Town Tattoo - Think Before You Ink - Nazi Skinhead Tattoo Shop - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#161 - 99′ to 2019 & Beyond - Resist White Terror - Torch Network.pdf
#161 - Anti-Racist Action Networks 18th Annual Conference - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#161 - Voice Mails From Angry Nazis To South Side ARA - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#3PER (CA-QC) - III% Québec Member Caught Proposing Fake Terrorist Attack - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#3PER #PB #PF #2A (US-IL) - Chicagoland Alt-Right Militias - Explore pro-2nd Amendment orgs - Anne Frank Army.pdf
#A3P #KSS #KKK (US-PA) - Alert - Neo-Nazis To Rally In Harrisburg On February 27th - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#AC (US-GA) - Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part I) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#AC (US-GA) - Inside Southern Sons Active Club (Part II) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#AC (US-IN) - Indiana Active Club - Thread by nsfhbtown.pdf
#AC #3N #NAZI (US-PNW) - EVERGREEN ACTIVE CLUB PART I - Daniel Rowe and His Bonehead Crew - Stumptown Research Collective.pdf
#AC #3N #NAZI (US-PNW) - EVERGREEN ACTIVE CLUB PART III - Spread of the Northwest National Network - SunlightAFA.pdf
#AC #3N #NAZI (US-PNW) - EVERGREEN ACTIVE CLUB PART VI - Thomas Rowe, Jason Stebly, NW Hammerskins - Stumptown Research Collective.pdf
#AC #AWD #Terrorgram (CA) - Active Club Canada Members Repeatedly Tied To Designated Terrorist Groups - Peter Smith - antihateca.pdf
#AC #NSC131 - Let's talk about Active Clubs for a minute - Thread by By Way of Plymouth.pdf
#Accel - White Sharia & Militant White Nationalism - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
#AF - Spotlight On American Front - Violence Nazism & Familial Criminality Collide - PNWAWC.pdf
#AF #Groyper - From Alt-Right to Groyper - IREHR.pdf
#AF #Groyper (US) - Instagram Has a White Nationalist ‘Groyper’ Problem - Tess Owen - vice.pdf
#AF #Groyper (US) - Meet The People Behind AFPAC, The Extreme Right’s Newest Gathering - AngryWhiteMen.pdf
#AFP (US-OR) - Meet the Oregon Chapter of American Freedom Party - Part Two - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#AG - American Guard - Utah Antifascists.pdf
#AG - American Guard Members Identified In Group Photo - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
#AHP #NAZI (US-PA) - Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company - Angry White Men.pdf
#AHP #NAZI (US-PA) - Neo-Nazi Antelope Hill Publishing Moves to Harleysville - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
#AHP #NAZI (US-PA) - The Neo-Nazis of Antelope Hill Publishing - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
#ANA (US-GA) - Aryan Nationalist Alliance Gathering at Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Draketown Sept. 17 2016 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#APF (US-OR) - Meet the Oregon Chapter of the American Freedom Party - Part One - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#APG - American Patriots Brigade & Neo-Nazi Organizing On Discord - It’s Worse Than You Think - PNWAWC.pdf
#APUSA #MEMBERS - Whitewash - American Patriots USA - Enlists GOP Candidates to Launder White Nationalist Agenda - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#AryanGuard (CA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
#Asatru (US) - Asatru Folk Assembly implosion and purge loses 40 members and counting - FolkishFacts.pdf
#Asatru (US) - Happenings after leader Matt Flavel allowed a convicted sex offender in AsFA's ranks - FolkishFacts.pdf
#Asatru #NNN (US) - Asatru Folk Assembly and Northwest Nationalist Network - cvantifa.pdf
#Atalante (CA-QC) - A few notes on Atalante’s postering campaign in MontrealMontréal Counter-Info.pdf
#Atalante (CA-QC) - Atalante Members - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#Atalante (CA-QC) - Where do the Fascists Work - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#AWD - FBI Crackdown on Atomwaffen Division Heats Up With New Arrests - The Daily Beast.pdf
#AWD - Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student - ProPublica.pdf
#AWD - Secret Identities of U.S. Nazi Terror Group Revealed.pdf
#AWD - Unravelling Atomwaffen Exposing America’s New Nazi Militants - Jake Hanrahan.pdf
#AWD (CA) - Canadian Police Raid Homes of Suspected Atomwaffen Members - Vice.pdf
#AWD (US-FL) - An Atomwaffen Member Sketched a Map to Take the Neo-Nazis Down - What Path Officials Took Is a Mystery - ProPublica.pdf
#AWD (US) - #AtomwaffenDivision released a pic of FBI - Thread by Nate Thayer.pdf
#BowlPatrol - Dylann Roof Fans Hope to Inspire More Mass Shootings - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#CCC #AmerFront #AWD #IE #PF #VanAm #IronMarch - Northwest Neo-Nazi Chat Server Leaked - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#Diagalon (CA) - Conservative Leader Finally Denounces Far-Right Group After Rape Threat Against Wife - Vice.pdf
#Disinfo #RacistTrolls - Far Right Troll Spreads Fake News about Antifascist Attack (which never happened) - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#DogheadDivision (US-TX) - Cult of the Doghead - Operation Werewolf - Torch Network.pdf
#FKD - Feuerkrieg Division Exposed - International Neo-Nazi Terrorist Network - Eugene Antifa.pdf
#FKD - Feuerkrieg Division House Testimony Nazarian-Testimony.pdf
#FKD - Leaked Neo-Nazi Terrorist Feuerkrieg Division Organizing Chats - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#Flyer - Recognizing Fascist & White Supremacist Recruiting Symbols on Campus - Haleyville Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
#GD - Golden Dawn North America information released After A Two & A Half Month Intelligence Operation - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#GDL (US-AZ) - Here's the Nazis flyering Tucson Neighborhoods - Left Coast Right Watch.pdf
#GSS (US-CA) - Golden State Skinheads Stabbing Perpetrator & Connections to Nor-Cal MAGA Activists - NoCARA.pdf
#GSS #TWP (US-CA) - Nazi Crew Responsible for Sacramento Stabbings to Co-Organize Trump March - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
#HN - Hammerskins Post - Hunting Guides - Targeting Northwest Communities - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#HN (US-GA) - Neo-Nazi Hammerfest Gathering Planned for Georgia October 1st - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#HN (US-WA) - What We Know About the Hammerskin Attack in Lynnwood - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#HSN (World) - Hammerskins cashflows and business operations - Antifascist Europe.pdf
#ICE - Meet Your Local Lawyers Sending People to Concentration Camps - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
#ID - Identity Dixie Unmasked - Meet the Proprietors of Neo-Confederate Propaganda Machine - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
#ID - Retaking Everything - The Story of Identity Dixie - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
#ID - The Power of Suggestion - Check out Identity Dixie.pdf
#ID #UTR - A membership list of Identity Dixie - Smokehouse - Facebook vetting page captured before Unite The Right.pdf
#IE - Identity Evropa - Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre - NoCARA.pdf
#IE - Identity Evropa Tries To Make Waves With ‘No Sanction’ Bellyflops Instead - NoCARA.pdf
#IE - March 2019 - Panic in The Discord.pdf
#IE - Neo-Nazi Hipsters Identity Evropa Exposed In Discord Chat Leak - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#IE (US-AL) - Defend Auburn Alabama Against the White Power Invasion April 18th - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
#IE (US-MI) - Identity Evropa Michigan - Fraternity of Fascists - NoCARA.pdf
#IE (US-MO) - Kansas City Identity Evropa Fascists Identified.pdf
#IE (US-PNW) - Jacob Labudda - Chad M Jerald Jr. - Nicholas Williams - Bogdan Gerasimyuk - Identity Europa - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#IE (US-PNW) - Jacob Labudda - Chad M Jerald Jr. - Nicholas Williams - Bogdan Gerasimyuk - Identity Europa - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#IE (US-TX) - Dallas - White Nationalists Litter Campuses With Fascist Garbage - Antifa Dallas.pdf
#IE (US-TX) - More fascist Identity Evropa leafleting found at University of North Texas - Antifa Dallas.pdf
#IE (US) - Identity Evropa - Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre in 2016 - It's Going Down.pdf
#IE #AIM - Identity Evropa Rebranded Six Months Later - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#IE #AIM (US-GA) - Identified Five More Members of Identity Evropa - American Identity Movement - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#IE #NAZI (US-OR) - Names & Faces - White Supremacists at Portland State University - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#IE #PF (US-CO) - Antifascists Identity Evropa & Patriot Front.pdf
#KKK - The United Northern & Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#KKK (US-CO) - Postal Service investigating KKK letters in Colorado Springs - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
#KKK (US-GA) - Georgia Sacred Knights KKK Members Rebranding as Soldiers of Odin - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#KKK (US-GA) - International Keystone Knights Hosting White Christian Community Event in Rockmart 2016 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#KKK (US-GA) - Rockmart - Fraudulent Paperwork for October 1st Ku Klux Klan Event - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#KKK #SCK-KKK (US-GA) - A Klan Group in North Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#KSS - Keystone State Skinheads - Yo Northeast Nazis - STFU - Philly Antifa.pdf
#KSS (US-PA) - Cleaning up the Garbage - Philly Antifa.pdf
#KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United - KSS Nazis Attack Black Man in Avalon PA - Philly Antifa.pdf
#KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - BONUS DAY - Philly Antifa.pdf
#KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Closing Thoughts - Philly Antifa.pdf
#LOS - League of the South - spe-lunk-ing.pdf
#LOS - LOSer Leak - Alleged League of the South membership list from 2014 leaks.pdf
#LOS - Meet the League 2018 - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
#LOS (US-GA) - Anti-fascist Scouting Against League of the South Activity in Georgia April 21 2018 - Torch Network.pdf
#Midgard (World) - Massive Leak Of European Neo-Nazi Web Store Reveals Dozens Of Canadian Customers - Peter Smith - antihateca.pdf
#NAM (US-IL) - Theory & Intelligence Against National Anarchism - Torch Network.pdf
#NAZI (CA-QC) - Shawn Beauvais-Macdonald - Vincent Mercure - Gabriel Chaput - Philippe Gendron - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#NAZI (Germany) - ROCK-O-RAMA is still selling Nazi records - Left Coast Right Watch.pdf
#NAZI (US-IL) - Outing Illinois-area White Supremacists - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
#NAZI (US-OR) - Nazi Tactics in Central Oregon - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#NJP #TRS - Neo-Nazi clownshow National Justice Party and TRS have been rocked - AnonCommieStan.pdf
#NSC131 (US-MA) - NSC-131 New England - Fashalert MA.pdf
#NSC131 (US) - The Nationalist Social Club of New England - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
#NSL - Neo-Nazi Splinter Groups Chats Show A Fractured Violent Movement - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - April 21 - Nazi Rally in Newnan Georgia Resisted by Anti-Racists Assisted by Militarized Police - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan Georgia April 21 2018 (Gallery 1 of 2) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - National Socialist Movement & Allies in Newnan Georgia April 21 2018 (Gallery 2 of 2) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - National Socialist Movement & Rock Stone Mountain Post-Rally Evening Events April 23rd - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - Newnan Georgia Authorities Cite Far-Right Militia Sympathizer as Basis for April 21st Planning - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-GA) - Oppose the Nazi Rally in Newnan GA April 21 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#NSM (US-OR) - National Socialist Movement - Gathering - in Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#NSM (US-OR) - Neo-Nazi Organizers Spotted at Rally in Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#NSN #EAM (AUS) - Legacy of Hate - National Socialist Network, European Australian Movement - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
#NWHS #NAZI (US-WA) - Meet Washington's Neo-Nazis - Olympia Racist Protesters and Northwest Hammerskins - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#O9A #ToB #NAZI (US) - Publishers, Distributors and Bookshops Selling Satanist Neo Nazi Books - Bellingcat.pdf
#ONA #AWD - Satanism Drama Is Tearing Apart the Murderous Neo-Nazi Group Atomwaffen - The Daily Beast.pdf
#PA (UK) - White Race Camp - Patriotic Alternative, Britain First, British Movement, DFLA - antifascistRC.pdf
#PA #NAZI (UK) - Patriotic Alternative - what you need to know about the Nazis - Hope Not Hate.pdf
#PB - Biker Cops Latino Proud Boys & the Struggle against Imperialism - Torch Network.pdf
#PB (US-CA) - The Proud Boys in Berkeley’s City Hall - NoCARA.pdf
#PB (US-CA) - The Proud Boys in Berkeley’s City Hall - Torch Network.pdf
#PB (US-CO) - Colorado Nazis To Attend - Proud Boys - Rally in Boulder - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-GA) - Breakfast-Cereal Bigots - The Proud Boys Have Arrived in Atlanta - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#PB (US-GA) - Georgia Proud Boys - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#PB (US-IL) - Chicago Proud Boys - Thread by AntiFashVelma.pdf
#PB (US-IL) - Illinois and Chicago Proud Boys - AntiFashVelma.pdf
#PB (US-NC) - Proud Boys - Appalachia - February 2018 - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
#PB (US-NM) - The New Mexico Proud Boys - ABQ & NM AFA.pdf
#PB (US-NY) - New York’s Alt Right - Part I - NYC ANTIFA.pdf
#PB (US-OR) - A field guide to the Proud Boys of Oregon - hispeedraccoon.pdf
#PB (US-OR) - Proud Boys at Oregon City Pride and Brawl with Rose City Nationalists - hispeedraccoon.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Dominick Owen Tusitala John Toese Aaron Laigaie Anthony Edward Bell - Torch Network.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Jake Farmer - Nick Boling - Travis Taylor - Mark Rupprecht - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Matteo Dagradi - Donovon Flippo - Jason James - Aaron Williamson - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Proud Boys - White Nationalist Social Club - Torch Network.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Rob Cantrall - Dakota Gilmore - Pete Venturo - Graham Jorgensen - David Silliman - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Rob Cantrall - Dakota Gilmore - Pete Venturo - Graham Jorgensen - David Silliman - Rose City Antifa2.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Robert Zerfing - Travis Nugent - Caleb Stevens - Ethan Nordean - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Robert Zerfing - Travis Nugent - Caleb Stevens - Ethan Nordean - Rose City Antifa2.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Russell Schultz - Kory Bentley - Derrick Lancaster - Daniel Garris - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Russell Schultz - Kory Bentley - Derrick Lancaster - Daniel Garris - Rose City Antifa2.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - White Nationalist Social Club - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - White Nationalist Social Club - Rose City Antifa2.pdf
#PB (US-PNW) - Who are the New Proud Boy Elders - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#PB (US-WA) - Proud Boys Greeted May Day Morning [Vancouver WA] - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
#PB #PF #AG (US-MA) (US-RI) - Northeast Neo-Fascist Blue Bloc Members Exposed - North Shore Antifa.pdf
#PF (US-CO) - Patriot Front in Colorado - Network III - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
#PF (US-DC) - Patriot Front Members Exposed in Parking Lot Clusterf_ck - Unicorn Riot.pdf
#PF (US-TX) - Community Warning - Patriot Front Headquarters Moves To Haslet, Texas - Texas Antifa.pdf
#PF (US-TX) - Getting to Know Patriot Front in Texas - Screwston AFC.pdf
#PF (US-TX) - Inside Patriot Front Headquarters - Neo-Nazis Hiding In Plain Sight - Texas Antifa.pdf
#PF (US) - New England's Patriot Front Chapter - Fashalert MA.pdf
#PF (US) - Patriot Front Network 7 - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
#PF #NAZI #CSAM - Why Do Neo-Nazis Keep Getting Arrested For Child Sexual Abuse - Mack Lamoureux -
#PP (US-OR) - The Fascist Creep is Rampant at Joey Gibsons Latest Rally - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#PP (US-PNW) - Patriots & Pedophiles - Patriot Prayer & Their Nazi Sex Offender Allies - PNWAWC.pdf
#RacistTrolls - Alt-Righters Celebrate Holocaust Remembrance Day.pdf
#RAM - Rise Above Movement Arrests - State Repression & Autonomous Anti-Fascism - NoCARA.pdf
#RAM #ActiveClub (US-CA) - Neo-Nazis Are Hosting MMA and Boxing Tournaments to Recruit New Members - Vice.pdf
#RAM #DIYDivision (US-CA) - The Violent neo-Nazi Group Central to the California Alt-Right & Alt-Light Protest Movements - NoCARA.pdf
#RAM #DIYDivision (US-CA) - The Violent neo-Nazi Group Central to the California Alt-Right & Alt-Light Protest Movements - NoCARA2.pdf
#RCN (US-OR) - Rose City Nationalists - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#RN (US) - Rural Nexion and Militant Ruralism - A Rising Fascist Threat - CVAntifa.pdf
#S14 (US) - NJ Hate Watch - Neo-Nazi Crew S14 aka Storm 14 - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
#SHFA #CORR (US-MA) - Super Happy Fun America and Citizens Organized to Restore Rights -
#SOO (CA-BC) - Soldiers of Odin in Dawson Creek - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
#SOO (CA-QC) - By Anonymous - Fuck fascists everywhere - Soldiers of Odin - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#SOO (CA-QC) - Soldiers of Odin - members & demonstrators - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#SOO (CA-QC) - Soldiers of Odin in Montreal - The Police are Still Protecting the Nazis - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#SOO (CA) - The United Conservative Party & the Soldiers of Odin.pdf
#TB - The Base - References - DeBasedDoxx.pdf
#Terrorgram - Telegram App Becoming Neo-Nazi Propaganda Haven - The Age.pdf
#TheOrder #KKK #LOS - The White Supremacists Attending February’s Rock Stone Mountain II Rally - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
#TheShed #RacistTrolls #Disinfo - Spicci Kaspa Gigi iE Microchip - Visualizing Cyber Harassment - Erin Gallagher.pdf
#TPUSA #SAS2022 #Nazi #GDL #NatSocFL (US-FL) - Nazis on the ground at the TPUSA Convention - MIAagainstFash.pdf
#UCP (US-NM) - Hatewatch - Brave in the Dark - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
#UTR - Anonymous White Nationalists May Have Their Identities Exposed in Lawsuit Over Charlottesville Virginia Violence.pdf
#UTR (US-NY) - Unite the Right Mid-Atlantic August 2017 - poolcleaners.pdf
#UTR #IgniteTheRight (US) - One Year Later - Ignite the Right.pdf
#UTR #IgniteTheRight (US) - Red Beard and Sunglasses, we have not forgotten - Ignite the Right.pdf
#UTR #LOS #Flagger - Heritage Preservation Association Flagger joins Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville with League of the South.pdf
#VanAm (US-NE) - Vanguard America now podcasting from Lincoln NE - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
#WDI-USA (US-OR) - Anti-Trans Hate Group Event in Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
#We The People II (US-IL) - Unmasking the armed, violent & pro-civil war - Anne Frank Army.pdf
#WLM - Oops I Did It Again More WLM Logs Published - Torch Network.pdf
#WLM (CA-QC) - White Lives Matter Neo-Nazi Initiative Has a Quebec Franchise - Montréal-Antifasciste.pdf
#WOO (CA-QC) - Wolves of Odin - It wasn’t just McGregor who got beat last Saturday - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
#WOV (US-PNW) - The Wolves of Vinland - a Fascist Countercultural Tribe in the Pacific Northwest - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Aaron B Whallon-Wolkind #PB (US-PA) - Philly PB Vice President - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Aaron Bate & Daniel Seoane #3PER (US-CA) - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Aaron Klinger #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Aaron Krueger #PF (US-GA) - Lawrenceville - Neo-Nazi Spreading Patriot Front Propaganda in Atlanta - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Aaron ORegan #IE (US-UT).pdf
Aaron Schomaker #NAZI (US-OR) - Hipster Nazi in Downtown Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Adam Michael Edward Groff #NAZI #MIL (US-WA) (US-OR) - aka TopKekStudios - Adam Groff served in the Navy - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Adam Ray Davenport #PF #AC (US-GA) - aka Colin Davis - Patriot Front and Active Club Racist Organizer - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Adam Richard Glenn #PB (US-IL) - Charlottesville attendee & Chicago Proud Boy - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Adam Stelmack #MIL #NAZI #NSC131 (US-FL) (US-ME) - Nazi in New England - AntifaGarfield .pdf
Aedan Tredinnick #PF (US-VA) - aka Vincent VA - Patriot Fail.pdf
Alec Kerrigan #IE (US-FL) - Florida Fascist Alec Kerrigan Exposed as Member of Identity Evropa - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Alex Beck (US-CO) - The Irrelevant Turd-Waffle Behind Fascist Honeypot - Torch Network.pdf
Alex D. Wilkinson (Chile) - aka Orwell & Goode - National File Writer Is White Nationalist Living In South America - Angry White Men.pdf
Alex Dickson #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified - salishblackflag.pdf
Alex Loupe #IE (US-CA) - Fascist in San Diego - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Alex Loupe #IE (US-CA) - Identity Europa Fascist in San Diego.pdf
Alex Stein (US-PA) - Alert - Dangerous Predator & State Collaborator Alex Stein - Philly Antifa.pdf
Alex Stein (US-PA) - Further Clarification Regarding Alex - Philly Antifa.pdf
Alex Stein (US-PA) - Philly Anti-Capitalist - Dangerous Individual In Leftist Spaces.pdf
Alex Stein (US-PA) - Philly Anti-Capitalist - Further Clarification Regarding Alex Stein.pdf
Alexander Becker #PP #PDXStormers (US-OR) - aka Mike Gainer - One of Patriot Prayers Steadfast Nazis - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Alexander Blake Luderman #AG #UTR (US-IN) - aka Blake Lucca Luccason - Fascist from Indiana - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Alexander Christopher Beilman #PF (US-CT) - aka Tyler CT - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Alexander Thomas Stansbery #MIL (US-CO) - US Navy White Supremacist - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Alin Nagy #Realtor (US-AZ) - Phoenix - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Allen Michael Goff #RAM #Media2Rise (US-MT) - aka Lucca Corgiat - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Allen Michael Goff #RAM #Media2Rise (US-MT) - aka Lucca Corgiat - Hannah Gais.pdf
Allen Michael Goff #RAM #Media2Rise (US-MT) - aka Lucca Corgiat - Media2Rise Propagandist is Montana Neo-Nazi - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Allen Pucket #PP (US-OR) - A Case Study in Creeping Fascism as Facilitated by Joey Gibson - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Ally Spazzy (AUS) - Greatest Hits - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Alyssa Vinsonhaler (US-OR) - White Supremacy's So-Called Antifa Convert - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Amanda Sproul & Chris Burnham (US-GA) - Meet the Hosts of The Right Voice White Nationalist Podcast - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Amanda Sue Onger (US-FL) - Goth Waffen - Goyim Defense League - antichud.pdf
Amber Ciarolla #NAZI #RacistTrolls (US-CA) - aka Astro Fash - aka Morrigan Carrick - Modesto California Astrology Nazi - Anonymous Comrade.pdf
Amber Gwen Cummings (US-CA) - Gives a Platform to White Nationalism - Northern California Anti-Racist Action.pdf
Amy Mekelburg #RacistTrolls - Trumps Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An Ousted WWE Exec - HuffPost.pdf
Anders Edling (US-ID) - The Making of an Alt-Right Internet Troll - Right Wing Watch.pdf
Andrew Allwander (US-OR) - Eugene - Martial Arts Instructor Plans for Violent Attacks Against Antifascists - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Andrew Allwander (US-OR) - Eugene - Martial Arts Instructor Plans for Violent Attacks Against Antifascists - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Andrew Boies (CA-QC) - Propagandist translates & publishes Christchuch manifesto - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Andrew Casarez #BowlPatrol (US-CA) - aka Vic Mackey - At 2017 Berkeley Protests - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Andrew Casarez #BowlPatrol (US-CA) - aka Vic Mackey - Orangevale - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Andrew Casarez #BowlPatrol (US-CA) - aka Vic Mackey from Orangevale California - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Andrew Ferguson #IE (US-MI) - White Nationalist working for public schools -
Andrew Lee Foster #Asatru #NAZI (US-ID) - Sieg-Heiling Neo-Nazi in Asatru Folk Assembly - FolkishFacts.pdf
Andrew Murphy Harkins #NAZI (US-OR) - Rebranding Fascism & Refinancing Mortgages - Portland's Nazi Banker - PNWAWC.pdf
Andrew Oswalt #NAZI (US-OR) - aka DatGoy - You don’t want this guy teaching you - PNWAWC.pdf
Andrew Sciulli #PF #MIL (US-MD) - aka AJ - US Army & Patriot Front Member - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Andrew Stutts #Asatru (US-CO) - Asatru Folk Assembly Middle School Teacher - Colorado Springs Antifa.pdf
Andrew Stutts #Flyer (US-CO).png
Andrew White #3PER (US-NV) - LasVegas - CVAgainstFash.pdf
Andrew Wietgrefe #IE (US-SD) - aka Der Seeteufel - South Dakota Farmer - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Angel Almeida #ONA (US-NY) - aka Sargent Grey - Neo-Nazi Pedophilic Cult Member Allegedly Coerced Minors to Make Child Porn.pdf
Angelo John Gage #AFP #NYF (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Anthime Gionet #AF #Groyper #J6 #UTR (US-FL) - aka Baked Alaska - J6er and racist livestreamer moves to Tampa Bay - tampabay.pdf
Anthony and Laura Allen (US-PNW) - White Power Nazi Couple in the PNW - Redoubt Antifascists.pdf
Anthony Chandler #PF (US-CT) - Hartford Fascist Rally Participant Identified - Elm City Antifa.pdf
Anthony James Olsen #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Anthony James Olsen #KSS (US-PA) (US-NJ) - aka Felix Bauriedl aka SJSkin - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Anthony Joseph Hammer #GDL (US-TX) - aka Tony Hammer - Violent Neo-Nazi - Denton TX - Sunlight-161.pdf
Anthony Leonard Longdyke #AC #NAZI (US-ND) - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Anthony Mistretta #PF #PB #RAM (US-NY) - Get reacquanted with neo-Nazi organizer - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Antoine Renard #PF (US-MA) - cyberspaceantifa.pdf
April Gaede #NV (US-MT) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Arieana Love & Ryan Burchfield #NAZI (US-GA) - White Power Militants in Savannah Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Ariel Gherman & Paul Preston #UTR (US-TX) - Anti-Fascists Confront Neo-Nazi Outside His Home in Houston - Screwston AFC.pdf
Ariel Gherman #UTR (US-TX) - Harris Media Designer Tied to Alt-Right White Supremacists - Screwston AFC.pdf
Armand Trafford Osgood #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Arthur Krumrey #NAZI (US-NJ) - Neo-Nazi of Monroe, NJ - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Arthur Topham (CA-BC) - Resident arrested for spreading antisemitic hate propaganda (again) - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Ashley Rae Goldenberg (US) - aka Ashley Rae Groypenberg - Capital Research Center Employee & White Nationalist Propaganda - Jared Holt - Right Wing Watch.pdf
Athanasse 'Dimitri' Zafirov #NAZI (CA-QC) - Montreal Nazi Scumbag Who Thought He Could Get Away With It - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Athen Jensen #DEZNAT (US-UT) - Exposed As Racist Homophobic Antisemitic DezNat - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-FL) - Burning Hate - Criminal Lawyer - The Devil's Advocates.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-FL) - Fascist Lawyer Dropped from International Left Hand Path Consortium Event in Atlanta - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-FL) - Fascist Lawyer to Speak at National Socialist Movement Meeting - Rally in Rome GA April 23 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-FL) - Meet & Greet Report Back - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-FL) - To Speak at April International Left Hand Path Consortium in Atlanta - Occultism & Fascism - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US-PA) - Alt-Knights Provided Security for Holocaust Denier & Fascist Augustus Invictus at UTR - Philly Antifa.pdf
Augustus Invictus #FOAK #UTR (US) - Earlier this month Augustus Invictus received permission from - Molly Conger.pdf
Austin J. Conti #NSC131 (US-RI) - Neo-Nazi security guard & NSC-131 member of W. Warwick - Sunlight-161.pdf
Austin Rogers #NAZI (US-OH) - Man faces felony charge for hate flyers - Sandusky Register.pdf
Ayla Stewart #IE #DEZNAT (US-UT) - aka Wife With A Purpose - Exposed As Member of Identity Evropa - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Barbara Jean Palmer #IE (US-CA) - aka celticflame - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Barbara Jean Palmer #IE (US-CA) - aka Celticflame - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Bartholomew Degeneffe (US-OR) - aka Bart - White Nationalist Degeneffe Infiltrating Corvallis Conservatives - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Beau Daniel Merryman #AWD #TB (US-TX) - Texas White Supremacist Jailed for Plot to Blow Up Federal Buildings.pdf
Beau Merryman #AWD #PF (US-TX) - Thread by Nate Thayer.pdf
Beckie Williams (US-IL) - Info Released - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Beckie Williams (US-IL) - The Full Profile Of Beckie Williams - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Ben Arvin and Mandi Gillespie #WAC (US-IN) - aka Jeff Winston and Hiraeth of the White Art Collective - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Ben Baker #PB (US-OR) - aka Angel Cullen - aka Aeonian Isodor - CVAntifa.pdf
Ben Karl Guichard (US-CA) - The racist who vandalized the George Floyd Mural in Long Beach - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
Ben Mockler #ActiveClub (CA-ON) - Cult Recruiter, Neo-Nazi, Personal Trainer - AntiHateCA.pdf
Ben Puckett (AUS) - connections to Neo-Nazis and NSW Young Nationals - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Benjamin Lambert & Thomas Gipson #BowlPatrol (US-MO) - aka Cheddar Mane - aka Hardmous - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Benjamin Lambert #BowlPatrol (US-MO) - Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head of IT Consulting Company - Angry White Men.pdf
Benjamin Maas #IE #UTR (US-OH) - Dayton Accountant - Identify Evropa.pdf
Benjamin Miller Welton (US-WV) (US-MA) - aka The Spooky Nationalist - Freelance Writer - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Benjamin Spooner #IE (US-OR) - From Eugene to Camarillo - Neo-Nazi - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Bennett Bressman (US-NE) - Nebraska Governor’s Antisemitic Field Director - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Bentley Hatchett II (US-PA) - aka Rosenkranz - writer for TFP Student Action & Foundation For A Christian Civilization - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Bentley Hatchett II (US-PA) - Fascist in Spring Grove - Philly Antifa.pdf
Bethany Marie Sherman & Matthew Lee Combs #NAZI (US-OR) - Mr. & Mrs. Blackhat - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Bethany Sherman (US-OR) - Weed Nazi Employs White Supremacist Lawyer William Daniel Johnson to Abuse Court System - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Bill Noble #NAZI (CA-BC) - aka Exterminance - Stormfront user and moderator of racist website - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Bill West #WCOTC (US-MA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Bill Whicker #PB (US-NC) - Hillsborough NC - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Billy Roper #NAZI #NA (US-AR) - Founder of White Revolution - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Billy Valentine (US-AL) - Violent Haleyville Sexual Assaulter - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Blaze Kody Spon #IE (US-CA) - Reddit Troll Fascist & Identity Evropa member - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Bob Katter #PB (AUS) - the original Proud Boy - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Bob Mitchell #PB (US-CA) - Proud Boys & owner of Surf & Skate in Citrus Heights - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Bogdan Gerasimyuk #NAZI (US-WA) - Vancouver WA - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Bogdan Gerasimyuk #NAZI (US-WA) - Vancouver WA neo-Nazi - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Boris Mihajlovic #MIL (CA) - Moonlord - Neo-Nazi Arms Dealer Exposed as Canadian Navy Sailor - Unicorn Riot.pdf
Brad Griffin #LOS (US-AL) - aka Hunter Wallace - 5 Facts You Need to Know -
Brad Griffin #LOS (US-AL) - Notorious White Power Website Led Georgia Neo-Nazis to their Targets #TB (US-GA) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Brad Griffin #LOS (US-AL) - Occidental Dissents Brad Griffin says he was one of Unite The Rights - Primary organizers.pdf
Brad Griffin #LOS (US-AL) - spe-lunk-ing.pdf
Brance L. Wilson #ID (US-TX) - White supremacist pharmacist of Lockney - Lone Star Hate - Sherman Marching.pdf
Branden Mitchel Haney #NAZI (US-UT) - Kaysville Utah is a nazi - Utah Antifascists.pdf
Branden Mitchel Haney #NAZI (US-UT) - Neo-Nazi flight student - Utah Antifascists.pdf
Brandon Adams (US-OH) - Celina Ohio - Member of the neo-Nazi group 'Operation Werewolf' & employee at Eatoncorp in Van Wert - RuthlessWe.pdf
Brandon Audell Howe #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Brandon Cameron #AWD #MIL (CA) - Prominent member of neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division is former soldier - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Brandon Revering #PB (US-CA) - Sacramento Proud Boy & Arms Dealer - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Brandon Russell & Sarah Beth Clendaniel #AWD - Leaked Chats Documents Show Atomwaffen Founder's Path to Terror - splcenter.pdf
Brandon Troutman #NAZI #WAC (US-VA) - aka ManWithTheHand - Neo-Nazi Creep and WAC Sound Guy - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Brandon Witte #PB (US-CA) - Member of the Proud Boys of Rocklin - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Braxton Bragg #ID - Shine some light on Identity Dixie members - Thread by MakePalsOnline.pdf
Brendan Sweeney #IE #AIM (US-IL) - aka AltRightMick - Midwest Regional Coordinator for White Nationalist Organization - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Brendon West #ANTICOM (US-TX) - Nazi Exposed in Central Texas - Updates - Screwston AFC.pdf
Brenner Alexander Cole #PF (US-TX) - aka ND JamesTX - Patriot Front Leader Identified in Texas - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Brent Fox #NAZI (US-NE) - White nationalist recruiter Daily Stormer Book Club - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Brett Jennings #PB #WLM (US-FL) - WLM in Dunedin - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Brian Andrew Grossman (US-OH) - Extreme racism, anti-Semitism - Vigilant AFA.pdf
Brian Herb #KSS #BH (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Brian Hines #PB (US-NJ) - Alleged Proud Boy and Pedophile - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Brian Moudry #NAZI (US-IL) - Pleads Not Guilty To Arson - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Brian Tierney #Terrorgram #WOV #ACE #NAZI (US-VA) - aka Manic - Arrested in Bungled Neo-Nazi Bank Robbery Plot - Mack Lamoureux - Vice.pdf
Brien James #AG #KKK #VSC #KTB #OHS (US-IN) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Brodin Sutherland #IE (US-CA) - East Bay - Organizer Exposed; Brother in Law Enforcement - NoCARA.pdf
Brodin Sutherland #RAM (US-CA) - Rise Above Movement - NoCARA.pdf
Bruce C. McClay #PB (US-PA).pdf
Bryan Christopher Sawyer #UTR (US-PA) - Racist Male Model at UTR - phillymag.pdf
Bryan Curtis #Stormer (US-IA) - Council Bluffs - White Nationalist Recruiter - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Bryan Trottier #NAZI (CA-QC) - Canada - Leader of the English-Canada branch of La Meute - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Bryan Vanagaitis & Patricia Vanagaitis #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Bryce Boepple #IE #UTR (US-NE) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Bryce Boepple #IE #UTR (US-NE) - Omaha - White Nationalist - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Caitlin Phillips #GROYPER (US-FL) - aka Harleen Kekzel - From SJW to Christian Kekistan Fascist - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Calvin Stow-Ortiz #PF #NAZI (US-FL) - aka Authur FL - Meet Calvin Stow-Ortiz “Patriot Front” Member and Nazi Sympathizer - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Cameron Heugly #PB (US-WA) - Olympia Proud Boy - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Cameron Padgett #IE #UTR (US-GA) - Atlanta-area Racist Who Books Richard Spencer’s Campus Visits - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Carol & Aaron Vigil #NAZI (US-CO) - Carpenters Just Like Jesus - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Carter Reynolds (US-TN) - From Football to Fascism - Introducing car14rey of Rogersville - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Casey Jordan Cooper (US-GA) - Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School it’s Time to Stand Against Lynching Threats & White Power Organizing - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Casey Jordan Cooper (US-GA) - Leak of Elite Alt-Right Chats - White Power Leader at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Casey Jordan Cooper #NAZI (US-GA) - Alt-Right White Power Organizer & Atlanta Law Student - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Casey Jordan Cooper #NAZI (US-GA) - White Power Organizer & Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School Student - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos #NAZI #UTR (US-NC) - July - 2018 - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos #UTR #NAZI (US-NC) - aka Cesar Adolfo - UPDATED - Asheville Nazi - Torch Network.pdf
Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos #UTR #NAZI (US-NC) - Antifascist Flyering Leads to Firing of Neo-Nazi - Its Going Down.pdf
Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos #UTR #NAZI #FLYER (US-NC).jpg
Chadwick Seagraves #PB (US-NC) - Doxer Gets Doxed Proud Boy Chadwick Jason Seagraves of NCSU - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Chadwick Seagraves #PB (US-NC) - Doxer Still on NCSU’s Payroll Here’s A Glimpse of His Material - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Chadwick Seagraves #PB (US-NC) - NCSU Declines to Discipline Proud Boy Employee - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Charleen M Ryan #LOS #UTR (US-KY) - aka Char Gasemall - Nazi Troll Unmasked - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Charles Bradley Tinsley (US-GA) - Barnesville - Frustrated Fascist Yearns for Violence - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Charles Matthew Halliday #AWD #IronMarch (US-AL) - AWD Chapter Leader of Alabama - Haleyville Anti-Rapist-Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Charles W. Martinez #Asatru #NAZI (US-IN) - aka Charles Hopping - Antisemitic Apprentice Folkbuilder from Indianapolis - FolkishFacts.pdf
Charles W. Martinez #Asatru #NAZI (US-IN) - aka Charles Hopping - Photo - FolkishFacts.pdf
Chase A. Gilroy #NSC131 #PF (US-RI) - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Chase May #Asatru #KKK (US) - aka William - aka Chase Kamellia - Klansman in Asatru Folk Assembly - FolkishFacts.pdf
Chester Doles #HSN #C38 (US-GA) - Documentation 2016 Battery Case - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chester James Doles Jr. #KKK (US-GA) - Dahlonega Georgia - Flyers Warn Residents about Neo-Nazi Organizer - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chester James Doles Jr. #KKK (US-GA) - Park Pavilion Rental for Dahlonega White Supremacist Rally - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chester James Doles Jr. #KKK (US-GA) - Permit Applications for the Nazi-organized Salute to President Trump Rally - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chester James Doles Jr. #KKK (US-GA) - Tell Georgia’s 9th District Republicans - Silence on Neo-Nazi Trump Event is Complicity - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chester James Doles Jr. #NA #KKK (US-GA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Chris Allen Locke (US-CA) - Local Anarchist-Turned-Nationalist Takes to Terrorizing Reproductive Health Clinic - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Chris B Crooks #IE #AIM (US-IL) - Connecting the dots - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Chris Barker #KKK (US-NC) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Chris Brooks #PNB #PF (US-GA) - From Proud Boys to Patriot Front - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Chris Gonya #PB (US-AL) - aka Noble Viking - How It Started, How It's Going - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Chris Hood - Leo Anthony Cullinan #NSC131 (US-NH) Neo-Nazi Leaders and Members Prosecuted for Civil Rights Violations -
Chris Moody & Valerie Moody #AG (US-UT) - White Power Couple - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Chris White #PB (US-FL) - Fort Myers - He’s a member of the Proud Boys - YourBoris.pdf
Christian Balanda #GROYPER #J6 (US-MI) - aka Michigan Zoomer - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Christian Mathias Forslof #NAZI (US-WA) - aka Kris - Bellingham.pdf
Christian Mathias Forslof #NAZI #Flyer (US-WA).PNG
Christian Michael Mackey #IronYouth - Inside an International Network of Teenage Neo-Nazi Extremists - Insider.pdf
Christian Stacy Hamilton #ID (US-GA) - Hate group member is adjunct professor and county leadership board member - Sherman Marching.pdf
Christopher & Karissa Pack #TWP #UTR (US-NC) - The Neo-Nazis Next Door Alongside Goodwin in Charlottesville - Torch Network.pdf
Christopher & Karissa Pack #TWP #UTR #FLYER (US-NC).jpg
Christopher & Stephany Kilgore (US-OR) - The Weed Nazis Rent House To White Power Couple - Meet The Kilgores - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Christopher A. Pohlhaus (US-TX) - aka The Hammer - Warm welcome to neo-Nazi of San Antonio - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Christopher Acret #GDL (US-CA) - goyimdefenseleague.pdf
Christopher Andrew Healy #UTR (US-SC) - Loafer-boy #PoloHatUTR is Professor of Greenville SC - Sunlight-161.pdf
Christopher Andrukaitis #LOS #UTR (US-MA) - aka Marcus Cicero - Nazi Baby-Formula Bandit and Wannabe Matricide - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Christopher Brands #NAZI (US-IL) - Spring Valley - Torch Network.pdf
Christopher Brown (US-NY) - aka vrilgod - Man Accused of Plot Against NYC Synagogue Connected to Neo-Nazi Twitter Accounts - Vice.pdf
Christopher Carl Young #PB #NAZI (US-CA) - Galt - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Christopher Cedeno #LOS #Flagger (US-FL) - aka Chris Monzon - The Alabama Flaggers & a Cuban-descended Southern White Nationalist.pdf
Christopher Croumbley & Corina Drennen #KSS (US-PA) (US-TN) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Christopher Gibson #PF #KKK (US-GA) - Klansman & Patriot Front Sympathizer in Dublin GA - Torch Network.pdf
Christopher Hodgman #IE #MIL (US-NY) - aka Alex Kolchak NY - Identify Evropa.pdf
Christopher J. M. Cummins #IE #LOS #MIL (US-TN) - Jackson - A Catholic for the Confederacy - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Christopher J. M. Cummins #IE #LOS #MIL (US-TN) - Jackson - Identify Evropa.pdf
Christopher John Grisham (US-TX) - Open Carry Texas Texas Nomads SAR - Fash Finder.pdf
Christopher Joseph Dunphy Jr. #PB (US-MD) - Catonsville - trashpandaAFA.pdf
Christopher Michael Ritchie (US-TX) - Texas Nomads SAR - Fash Finder.pdf
Christopher Pack & Karissa Herbst Pack #TWP #UTR (US-NC) (US-IN) - WCU NC - April - 2018 - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Christopher R. Hood Jr. #NSC131 (US-MA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Christopher Raymond Hood Jr #NSC131 #PF #PB (US-MA) - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Christopher Reinders #AnimeRight #TwitterTrolls (CA-NS) - aka Zanting - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Christopher Rey Monzon #LOS #UTR (US-FL) - aka Christopher Cedeno - The Cuban Confederate - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Christopher Thompson #IE (US-CA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Christopher Thompson #IE (US-CA) - White Nationalist at CSU Stanislaus Plans to Run to Strip Funding for Diversity Events - NoCARA.pdf
CJ Francisco #PB (US-NE) - Scottsbluff Nebraska - RuthlessWe.pdf
Clark Canepa #IE #UTR (US-FL) - Identity Evropa Unite the Right Fascist Exposed Again - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Claudia (CA-ON) - Woman Claims to Drive a School Bus While Homeschooling Her Kids - AntiHateCA.pdf
Clayton Hodge & Katelyn Martin #NSL (US-TN) - National Socialist Legion - Violent Neo-Nazi Group Has Disturbing Plans For Canada - Vice.pdf
Clayton Sandford (CA) - This Is the Man Who Ran Canada’s Biggest Neo-Nazi Podcast - VICE.pdf
Clearview AI - The Far-Right Helped Create The Worlds Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology - HuffPost.pdf
Clemie Richard Haught & Amy Strong #KSS (US-MD) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Clint Cassidy Gene McCook #LOS (US-FL) - Sarasota Florida member of the neo-confederate & white supremacist group League of the South - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Clinton William Hudson #PF (US-OK) - aka William OK - Its Our Pleasure to Introduce Patriot Fronts Oklahoma Network Director - SouthDallas161.pdf
Clyde Eldridge Brown & Kristina Nicole Horacek Olson Brown #Asatru #NAZI (US-MN) - Nazis in AsFA - FolkishFacts.pdf
Cody Alexander Delis #UTR #NAZI (US-WI) - aka Auf WI - You have not dodged us - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Cody Reynolds & Kimberly Westfall #NAZI (US-WI) - Panzer Street Wear - PanzerDox.pdf
Cody William Moreash #AWD (US-AZ) - White Supremacist Stolen Valor - Leader of Neo-nazi Atomwaffen Division Identified.pdf
Cole Jones #PF (US-TX) - University of Houston TA - Grad Student Cole Jones Exposed as Neo-Nazi- Screwston AFC.pdf
Cole Mossey #NAZI (US-OH) - #OpBlitzkreig emails - americannaziparty.pdf
Cole Noorda #DEZNAT (US-UT) - aka Mormonger - Exposed of Salt Lake City Utah - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Cole Thornton #KKK (US-CO) - Imperial Grand Wizard of KKK Says Membership on Rise - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Cole West Russell #IE (US-OK) - aka Wood-Ape - Son of Associate District Court Judge Norman Russell of Kiowa County - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Coleman Thomas Blevins #InkJet (US-TX) - One Nazi planned a mass shooting in Texas anothers in SanJose - Left Coast Right Watch.pdf
Collin Brett Rikard #PF (US-FL) - aka Walking Holocaust - ️AnonymousComrade.pdf
Colton Michael Brown #PF (US-WA) - aka John WA - PNW Network Director - WANaziWatch.pdf
Connor Burgess #IE (US-NV) - Identity Evropa Member - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Connor Mitchell Banks #Groyper #AF #TwitterTrolls (US-MI) - aka Jiu-Jitsu Groyper - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Conor Climo #FKD (US-NV) - I mean you no harm - From troubled teen to neo-Nazi foot soldier - Politico.pdf
Conor James Ryan #INFO #PF (US-CO) - aka Smiter IL aka Francis IL aka Francis CO -
Conor James Ryan #PF (US-CO) - aka Smiter IL aka Francis IL aka Francis CO - Patriot Fail.pdf
Conor James Ryan #PF (US-CO) (US-IL) - Thornton - Working at Executive Security International formerly in Chicago - Chicago AFA.pdf
Cooper Ward #VanAm (US-NE) - Omaha White Nationalist - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Cordell & Carrie Abney #NSC131 #RacistTrolls #Groyper (US-TX) - aka Sam Houston - aka Floyd Reynolds - aka Carrie Fren - Firestorm On Fascism.pdf
Corey Eugene Jeffery Wyatt #NAZI #AryanSoldiers (US-OR) - A White Supremacist Emerges From Prison to Lead Far-Right Faction - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Corey Middleton #ASATRU (US-AL) - aka Hambonesfury - Resident Heathen - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Corey Rayburn Lequieu #3PER (US-NV) - A QAnon Supporter White Nationalist & Three Percent Militia - Biggest Little City Antifascists.pdf
Corey Wells #3PER (US-GA) - aka Sergeant Treeman - Douglasville - Georgia III% Security Force - AntiFashGordon.pdf
Cory Allen Reeves #IE #MIL (US-CO) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Cory Button & Courtney Miller #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Craig Michael Flynn #Asatru (US-NC) - Racist, misogynist, and antisemite - FolkishFacts.pdf
Craig Paul Cobb #NAZI (US-ND) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Cristopher Ocwieja #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Cristopher Ocwieja #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified - salishblackflag.pdf
Daily Salinas (US-FL) - Book ban advocate is antisemitic conspiracist affiliated with Proud Boys and far-right extremists - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Dakota Estes #NAZI (US-AL) - Neo-Nazi of Tuscaloosa Alabama - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Dakota James West #PF (US-OK) - aka Donald OK - South Dallas 161.pdf
Dale Spain (US-AL) - Violent Haleyville Rapist - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Dallas Erin Humber #Terrorgram (US-CA) - Narrator Of Neo-Nazi Terrorgram Promoter Of Mass Shootings - Christopher Mathias Huffpost.pdf
Dallas Humber #TerrorGram (US-CA) - The Gore Artist Turning Terrorgram Manuals & Manifestos Info Audibooks - Left Coast Right Watch.pdf
Dallas Medina #BowlPatrol (US-OH) - aka Mosin-Nagant - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Dalton A. Kennedy #NAZI (US-NC) - aka Alfred Torni - aka Dalton Torni - Nazi from Carolina Beach - anonymouscommie.pdf
Dalton Dixon (US-TX) Wants A Race War -
Dalton W. Dixon #NAZI (US-TX) - aka WarHippie - Armed Neo-Nazi Traveled To Dallas For A Race War - Angry White Men.pdf
Dalton Woodward #PF #MIL (US-AR) - aka Jesse AR - Ex-National Guardsman is Patriot Front Interview Coordinator - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Damian Cirillo & Tabatha Barnum (US-OR) - aka Justin Antitheist - Eugene Provocateurs - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Damien Lee Fraley Sr. #PB (US-NH) - Brick Township - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Damon Michael Huseman #NAZI #FLYER (US-WA).jpeg
Dan Carlson #NSM (US-MI) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Dan Dambly & Ron Sheehy #UTR (US-NJ) (US-PA) - Boneheads Tried to Cause Trouble at Philly I.C.E. Protests - Idavox.pdf
Dan Dubois & Kevin Goudreau - #C3 (CA-ON) - Rally in Ottawa reveals conflict in the far-right movement - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Dan Muench (US-TX) - aka Kash Kustomer - Washed Up Rocker is Racist User - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Dana Kyle Jeffares (US-GA) - Racist Secessionist is Republican Party Precinct Chairman for East Ellijay - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Daniel John Harris (UK) - Teen Gets 11 Years for Neo-Nazi Videos That Inspired Racist Buffalo Mass Shooting - Mack Lamoureux.pdf
Daniel Joshua Springer #PF (US-MN) aka Sam MN - Patriot Fail.pdf
Daniel Kenneth Jeffreys (US-TX) - aka Grandpa Lampshade - The Neo-Nazi Podcaster Next Door - HuffPost.pdf
Daniel Kleve #VanAm (US-NE) - University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Neo-Nazi Safe Space - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Daniel Kleve #VanAm (US-NE) - UNL student Vanguard America member - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Daniel Kleve #VanAm (US-NE) - Update (ATTN Florida) - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Daniel Kleve #VanAm (US-NE) - White Supremacist Who Praises Violence Poses Challenges to Campus Free Speech - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Daniel L. Morley #IE #AIM #LEO (US-VA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Daniel L. Morley #IE #AIM #LEO (US-VA) - Pledge Coordinator Identity Evropa - American Identity Movement - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Daniel Lee Jones #NAZI (US-OR) - Portland Neo-Nazi Sentenced for Mailing Hangmans Noose to NAACP Leader - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Daniel Nelan Starr #Realtor (US-TX) - Neo-Nazi Real Estate Agent - Fash Finder.pdf
Daniel Reardon & Jeff Thomas #UTR #AWD (US-PA) - Flyer in West Philly - Philly Antifa.pdf
Daniel Scott Lyons #PB (US-WA) - Identified - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Daniel Stevens (CA-ON) - aka Anime Graf Mays - Admin of from Canada - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Daniel Turetchi #PF (US-MD) - aka Grant MD - Torch Network.pdf
Daniel W McMahon #PLE (US-FL) - aka Jack Corbin - FBI Searches Twitter Acct of Daniel McMahon.pdf
Daniel W McMahon #PLE (US-FL) - aka Jack Corbin-aka Pale Horse - CORRECTION - Previously Falsely ID’d - Is Actually Daniel W. McMahon - Philly Antifa.pdf
Daniel Wallace Rasch #IE (US-SC) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Danny Brace (US-CA) - Updated-Sacramento Attorney Danny Brace Defends Neo-Nazi William Planer - Torch Network.pdf
Danny Taylor #PB (US-CO) - Salida Flag Waver Nazi & Wannabe Proud Boy - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Danny Taylor #PB #Flyer (US-CO).png
Dave Barley (US-ID) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Dave Daubenmire - aka Coach - Dave Daubenmire & Pass The Salt Ministries - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Dave Ragozzine #IE (US-CT) - White Nationalist Threatened to Kill Everyone at a Preschool in Canton - Elm City Antifa.pdf
David A. Spellman-Oldenquist & Tyler S. Primeva #PF (US-MA) - Patriot Front in Fitchburg - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
David Aaron Mitchell & Jennifer Mitchell #UTR (US-IN) Meet the Mitchells of Exodus Americanus - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
David Balabon (US-TX) - #IE #AIM - Fash Finder.pdf
David Cole Tarkington #AWD #IronMarch #MIL (US-MO) - Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
David Cole Tarkington #INFO #AWD #IronMarch #MIL (US-MO) - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
David Daboll (US-CO) - The Face Behind MSR Productions - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
David DePape (US-CA) - Paul Pelosi Alleged Attacker David Depape Has a Huge Trail of Online Hate - Vice.pdf
David Ernest Duke #KKK (US-LA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
David Fanelli #IE (US-PA) - Fash In Pennsylvania - Panic in The Discord.pdf
David Fanelli #IE (US-PA) - Pennsylvania leader exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
David Fassler #BowlPatrol (US-KY) - aka Wignasty - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
David Hamby (US-AL) - Sexual Assaulter - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
David Hansen (US-AZ) - InfoSec Nazi - Utah Antifascists.pdf
David Irving (UK) - Holocaust-denier to visit Portland OR on Nov.3 - Anti-fascists Will Confront Event - Rose City Antifa.pdf
David James Feiner (US-CA) - Recent CSULB Graduate With Far-right Ties - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
David Jonsson #INFO (US) -
David Jonsson #IronMarch (US-IL) - aka Brotheryellow - Rambling Iron March fascist out of Chicago Suburbs - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
David Perderson & Holly Grigsby (US-WA) - Nazi Couple Extradited to Washington on Murder Charges - Rose City Antifa.pdf
David Phillips & Peggy Caterino #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
David Pringle (US-NE) - Lincoln NE neo-Nazi gunsmith - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
David Scott Holloway #NA (US-VA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
David Shane Connell (US-UT) - Neo-Nazi propagandist & rock climbing hobbyist from Salt Lake City Utah - AntifaGarfield.pdf
David Watson #PB (US-FL) - Apopka - RuthlessWe.pdf
David Woods #NAZI (US-OR) - The Rapper Who Became a Nazi - Rose City Antifa.pdf
David Zsutty #IE (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi in Law School - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Daxter Reed #NAZI #NYF #MIL (US-NC) - aka Dacca Reed aka Carpazo Mimzy - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Dean Daniel Van Zandt Jr. #PB (US-CO) - aka The Zodiak Doxxer - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Denise Cristal Zamora #AG #3PER (US-NV) - So-Called President of American Guard of Nevada - Biggest Little City Antifascists.pdf
Dennis Mahon #KKK #WAR (US-IL) - Illinois White Supremacist Dennis Mahon gets 40 years for package bomb - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Devin R Murdock - #GDL #CO - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Devin Wayne Center #PF (US-AR) - aka Nathan AR - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Diana Brancoveanu #RacistTrolls (NL) - aka Pikachu - aka Simona Thrussell - Romanian Nazi Podcaster - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Doloan Daoud #PB (US-IL) - aka Dylan - Chicago IL - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Dominick K Stanley #NAZI (US-WI) - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Dominick K Stanley #NAZI #INFO (US-WI) -
Donald J. Trump - White Nationalist (US-DC) - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Donovan Chiarlanza #PB #MIL (US-PA) - Philadelphia PA.pdf
Donovan Stai (US-GA) - Georgia Neo-Nazi Organizer is Senior at Whitewater High School (Fayetteville) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Doug Misicko - aka Lucien Greaves - aka Doug Mesner - Fascism in the Satanic Temple - Part 1. - Free Speech - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Doug Vitale #NAZI (US-NJ) - aka Doug Vandinan - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Douglass Mackey (US-NY) - Trump’s Most Influential White Nationalist Troll Is A Middlebury Grad Who Lives In Manhattan - HuffPost.pdf
Dr. Jason Arnold (US-MA) - Eating Disorder Psychologist Supporter of Proud Boys and the American Guard - North Shore Antifa.pdf
Dustin Baker #NAZI #UTR (US-IL) - Dixon - Unite the Right Attendee & Violent Rioter - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Dustin Hart #NAZI (US-CA) - El Cajon CA - Nazi Facemask Guy - RuthlessWe.pdf
Dustin Phipps #IE #AIM (US-TX) - aka Gimlet - Occupy Houston Organizer Exposed As American Identity Movement CTO - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Dustin Ray Hambly #PF #UTR (US-TX) - aka Chef Goyardee - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Dustin Ray Hamby #PF #UTR (US-TX) - UT Admin Ignored Warnings Hired Nazis - Austin Autonomedia.pdf
Dustin Ray Hamby #PF #UTR #Edelweiss (US-TX) - Hamby Exposed as Nazi Leader Chef Goyardee - Screwston AFC.pdf
Dustin Sargent #PF (US-PA) - aka Alan-PA - Patriot Front member identified - Philly Antifa.pdf
Dylan P Annex #NAZI (US-OK) - aka John Fashcroft - Neo-Nazi Podcaster - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Eddie George Jr. #PB (US-FL) - Miami - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Edward Wayne Lif & Jamie Rae Henry #SOO (US-CO) - Soldiers of Odin Scammers - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Eli Young #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Elizabeth Lecron & Vincent Armstrong (US-OH) - Boyfriend of Accused Terrorist Said Murder Plot Was Role Playing - The Daily Beast.pdf
Elliott R. Kline #PB (US-PA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Ellsworth George Lewis III #KKK (US-PA) - Tell Taylor Hospital to Fire PA Alt-Knights Leader - Philly Antifa.pdf
Emily Brooke Davis #GDL (US-FL) - Antisemite RealTrophyWifey - Vero Beach Florida.pdf
Emily Cahill (US-IL) - Chicagoland-based Back the Blue & Protest the Protesters Organize - Anne Frank Army.pdf
Eric Fairburn #VSC (US-VA) - aka Eric Wolf - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Eric Mickael Seguin (CA-QC) - A Key La Meute Militant Founds a Neo-Nazi Organization Then Changes His Mind - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Eric Scott Norling (US-CA) - Nazi Lowriders - Norling Captured By Authorities In Mexico - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Erich J. Gliebe #NA (US-OH) - aka The Aryan Barbarian - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Erick Karl Weigel (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Erika Ostrove #GDL #WLM (US-CA) - aka Hungarian Erika Erika Suveg - Banner Dropping Neo-Nazi GDL Fan Girl and Member of WLM - SoCal Research Club.pdf.pdf
Erin Gurel #S14 (US-NJ) - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Ethan Jones #LOS (US-GA) - Racist Recruiter & League of the South Member in Cartersville Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Ethan Landrum-Denby #NAZI (US-TX) - ATX Neo-Nazi 211 Bootboys Atomwaffen Division Sympathizer - Fash Finder.pdf
Ethan Phelan Melzer #MIL #ONA (US-KY) - Army Private Had a Satanic Neo-Nazi Plot to Massacre Fellow Soldiers.pdf
Ethan Phelan Melzer #MIL #ONA (US-NY) - U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty To Attempting To Murder Fellow Service Members - Department of Justice.pdf
Ethan Phelan Melzer #MIL #ONA (US-NY) -The Satanist Neo-Nazi Plot to Murder U.S. Soldiers - Rolling Stone.pdf
Eugene Allen #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens WA - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Evan Anderson (US-OR) - Alt-Lite Leanings of the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction Director - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Evan James McCarty #NAZI #VanAm (US-OR) - aka Byron de la Vandal - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Evan James McCarty #NAZI #VanAm (US-OR) - aka Byron De La Vandal - Doxed For Hitler’s Birthday - Angry White Men.pdf
Evan James McCarty #NAZI #VanAm (US-OR) - From Musical Theatre to Nazi Propaganda - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Evan James McCarty #NAZI #VanAm (US) - aka Byron de la Vandal - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Evan Thomas Anderson (US-GA) - Update - Anderson's Atlanta Property & May 13 Charlottesville White Power Rally - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Evan Wendell Plumlee #J6 #WLM #ANC #NJEHA (US-PA) aka Andail Chanter - WLM PA Leader and #Insider140 - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Evan Zenker #RacistTroll (US-NY) - aka Paul Town - Part 1 - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Evan Zenker #RacistTroll (US-NY) - aka Paul Town - Part 2 - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Evren Hun Welshons (US-NV) - aka Cultured Thug - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Faith Goldy (CA-ON) - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Faith Goldy (CA-ON) - Faith Goldy’s Racist Pals - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Faith Goldy (CA-ON) - Innocent Journalist or pro-Nazi Propagandist - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Forrest Clark Rankin #PF (US-TX) - Colorado Springs Antifa.pdf
Francois Kemp #TB (SA) - A Neo-Nazi & Base Member - DeBasedDoxx.pdf
Frank John Baptist Bagley II #PF (US-WA) - aka Chad WA - The Burien Pride Flag Thief & Nazi.pdf
Franklin Barret Sechriest #GDL (US-TX) - San Marcos GDL member arrested - Thread by Nate Thayer.pdf
Fraser Anning #NAZI (AUS) - Neo-Nazi connections - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Fritz Berggren (US-CO) - White Supremacist Diplomat of Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Gabe Seymour #NSN (AUS) - Queensland Nazi leader - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Gabriel Diaz #NAZI (US-NY) - Suspended cab driver used by NSM to infiltrate - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Gabriel Grant & Adam Manley #VanAm (US-TX) - Fascists Exposed at the University of Houston - Screwston AFC.pdf
Gabriel Nicolas Mercado #3PER (US-NV) - Racist Militia Member & Operator of Exposing Reno-Commies - Biggest Little City Antifascists.pdf
Gabriel Sohier Chaput (CA-QC) - Anti-Hate Network Calls on Law Enforcement to Investigate Exposed Montreal Neo-Nazi Zeiger - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Gabriel Sohier Chaput (CA-QC) - Major Neo-Nazi figure 'Zeiger' recruiting in Montreal - Montreal Gazette.pdf
Gabriel Sohier Chaput (CA-QC) - Montreal neo-Nazi outed this week was lead cheerleader for deadly U.S. cell - CBC News.pdf
Gabriel Sohier Chaput (CA) - aka Charles Zeiger - Neo-Nazi Faces 2 Years for Antisemitic Online Article - Vice.pdf
Gabriel Warren Chase #AF #Groyper #J6 (US-FL) - J6 Insurrectionist & America First Groyper from Gainesville Florida - Sunlight-161.pdf
Galina Krasskova (US-NY) - Alt-Right Crypto-Fascist Polytheist - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Garrett Martin Sipe #PB (US-OR) - Meet Violent Proud Boy Garrett Martin Sipe - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Gary Lauck #Stormer (US-NE) - aka Gerhard - The Farm Belt Fuhrer of Fairbury NE - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Gena Marie Stroud (US-OR) - Black Metal’s Fascist Creep - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Geoffrey Tyler Rash #NSM #UTR (US-KY) - National Socialist Movement member #NSMParkShieldUTR Identified - Ignite the Right.pdf
Gerald Heidt Jr. & Amy Leanne Brady #NSM (US-IL) - Exposing Illinois NSM State Leaders - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Gina Aversano #NAZI #NJEHA (US-NY) - Arrested and charged in connection with anti-Semitic postings -silive.pdf
Giovanina Nina McCollough (US-AL) - & Daniel Hoff (US-CA) - #MIL #LEO #UTR - A Cop & Her Boyfriend Exposed as UTR2 Organizers - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Glenn M Dawson #IE #MIL (US-CO) - Fort Collins - Identify Evropa.pdf
Gordon MacKenzie #NSC131 (US-IN) - Jeffersonville - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Gordon MacKenzie #NSC131 (US-IN) - Neo-Nazi of Jeffersonville Indiana - NSC-131 - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Grant C Whittenberger #3PER (US-TX) - Fascist Sympathizer Constitutionalist The III% Militia Open Carry Texas - Fash Finder.pdf
Greg Johnson & David Zsutty (US) (HU) - West Coast Nazis in Hungary - wanaziwatch.pdf
Greg McNeil #YELLOWVEST (CA-BC) - Member threatens to kill law enforcement claims to have cache of weapons - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Greg Walsh & Wolf Brigade (CA) (USA) - Hipster Gym Nazis Fuck Off - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Gregory Flowers #Groyper (US-MS) - Clarksdale - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Gregory Flowers #Groyper (US-MS) - Clarksdale - Southern nationalist groyper & scion of cotton plantation money - IdentifyDixie.pdf
Gregory Kevin Martin #PB #J6 (US) - aka #BeanieGiant - Thread by Nate Thayer.pdf
Gregory Scott Woods #LOS #KKK (US-VA) - aka Woodsy - aka Akia Woods - A Condederate White Knight - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Gregory Wheeler #PB (US-CA) - White Nationalist of Sacramento also a member of the Proud Boys - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Guide to Online Hate - Full List -
Guilherme Von Neutegem #ONA (CA-ON) - aka Willima - What You Need to Know About the Obscure Occult Group Linked to Toronto Murder.pdf
Gus Stefanis (CA-ON) - Neo-Nazi Party active in Scarborough - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Guy William Betten Jr. #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Hal Turner #NAZI (US-NJ) - Far-Right Radio Host - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Haley Adams #PP (US-OR) - HimToo-A Movement of White Nationalists & Rape Apologists - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Haley Adams #PP (US-OR) - White Nationalist Wanna-be Celebrity - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Haralambos Sarris #Groyper #AF #TwitterTrolls (US-FL) aka Harris Walker - aka Hardy Walking - Nazi Misogynist - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Hardy Carroll Lloyd #NAZI #WCOTC (US-TX) (US-PA) - Nazi skinhead and murderer - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Harley Ray Petero Jr & Haley Phillips #AC #GDL (US-CA) - NorCal Active Club member and wife - Bay161.pdf
Heïdy Prévost #Atalante (CA-QC) - Atalante & its Sympathizers - Part 1 - Heïdy Prévost - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Howard Goodloe Sutton #KKK (US-AL) - Linden - Publisher of Democrat-Reporter - Racist Anti-Semitic KKK Supporter - Haleyville Anti-Rapist-Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Howard J Fezell #IE (US-WV) - aka Singleton Mosby WV - Identify Evropa.pdf
Howard J. Fezell #IE (US-WV) - Former NRA Director Exposed - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Howard Reece Costner & Jesse Jones #LEO (US-GA) - Spalding County Deputy Sheriffs Express Far-Right Allegiance - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Hunter Calin Forsyth #WLM (US-GA) - Racist Accelerationist Neo-Nazi & Coweta County Firefighter - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Hunter Calin Forsyth #WLM (US-GA) Racist, Accelerationist Neo-Nazi -
Hunter Wyatt Lamm #ANP #MIL (US-GA) Longtime Neo-Nazi Attempts to Build Football Career, Infiltrate Politics -
Ian Douglas Fletcher #PF (US-MO) - aka Mark MO - Neo-Nazi Patriot Front Member Residing in Missouri.pdf
Ian Hoffman #IE (US-PA) - Identity Evropa PA coordinator - Philly Antifa.pdf
Ian Lawton & Austin Wilkison #NAZI (US-OR) - Two Young Fascists - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Ian McCorts #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Ian Michael Fenwick (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Ian T. Brust #TWP #NAZI (US-IL) - aka Fash Dragon - Neo-Nazi user 'Fash Dragon' - ToynbeeRus.pdf
Ignacio Gomez #IE (US-MD) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Ignacio Gomez #IE #AIM (US-MD) - White nationalist from Bethesda - cyberspaceantifa.pdf
Imperium Press (AUS) - Recovering the ‘Aryan worldview’, Western Australian book publisher under scrutiny over far-right texts - Ariel Bogle - The Guardian.pdf
Ingrid Rimland Zündel #NAZI (US-TN) - Wife of Ernst Zundel - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jacalyn Grace Thomas #IE (US-OH) - aka Nitrodubs the NitroNazi - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Jacalyn Grace Thomas #IE (US-OH) - aka Nitrodubs the NitroNazi - UNREDACTED version - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Jack McCasland #PB #LEO (US-TX) - TDCJ Corrections Officer - PegasusAFA.pdf
Jack Michael Espinoza #AWD #IronMarch (US-MI) - aka Black Israelite - MI Atomwaffen Division Leader - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Jackson Charles Rex #PF (US-MI) - aka Alan MI - Regional Patriot Front Leader - Lone Gunmen AFA.pdf
Jacob Alan Rutledge #INFO #IronMarch #NAZI (US-IL) - aka American Blackshirt-
Jacob Alan Rutledge #IronMarch #NAZI (US-IL) - aka American Blackshirt - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Jacob Albert Laskey #NAZI (US-OR) - Oregon Synagogue Attacker Out of Prison Hopes to Rebuild American Front - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Jacob Alexander Sieber #PF (US-NC) - aka Marcus NC - of Patriot Front - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Jacob Anthony Ray #PF (US-TX) - aka Victor TX OH - Texas Fash Watch - Patriot Fail.pdf
Jacob Brown #PF (US-VA) - aka John VA - Patriot Fail.pdf
Jacob Jaeger #IE (US-NY) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Jacob Kirtley #Groyper (US-SC) - Charleston SC - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Jacob Kirtley #Groyper (US-SC) - Groyper White Supremacist & Public School Teacher of Charleston SC - IdentifyDixie.pdf
Jacob Nathaniel Palasek #NAZI (US-MI) - Grand Rapids Computer Repair Nazi - PNWAWC.pdf
Jacob Ott (US-OR) - White Supremacist Organizer Jacob Ott is Not Welcome in Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Jacob Stephen Sundt #PF (US-WA) - Member Who Planned An Olympia Hate Crime.pdf
Jacob Stephen Von Ott (US-OR) - Still A Fascist Still Unwelcome In Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Jacob Stephen Von Ott (US-OR) - Still A Fascist Still Unwelcome In Portland - Torch Network.pdf
Jake Adkins #PB (US-OR) - Planning to Attend Providence April 6th Rally - North Shore Antifa.pdf
Jake Hayden #PF (US-MA) - Victor MA - Fash Alert MA.pdf
Jake Prior & Kenzie Clark #PF #C38 (US-WA) - From Patriot Front to Crew 38 - Tracking the Fascist Activity in WA - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Jake Prior & Kenzie Clark #PF #C38 (US-WA) - From Patriot Front to Crew 38 - Tracking the Fascist Activity in WA - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Jake Purvis #IE #MIL (US-AL) - aka The Lion - Alabama Ex-Marine & Identity Evropa Member - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
James Ambrose Meyer #IE (US-TX) - Identify Evropa.pdf
James Anthony Porebski #PF (US-FL) - Lets meet Nazi 22 year old James Porebski - AnonymousComrade.pdf
James D. Sass #ChurchofSatan - Meet a Church of Satan Nazi - Trident Antifascism.pdf
James Daniel Valentine #PF (US-WA) - Patriot Front’s Goodest Boy - Eugene Antifa.pdf
James Eldridge #PB (US-OR) - PDX Proud Boy - Central Oregon Antifascism.pdf
James Julius Johnson & Amelia Watts #PF (US-WA) - Seattles Patriot Front Couple.pdf
James Ludacka #NSM (US-NE) - Kansas NSM Neo-Nazi - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
James Meyer #IE (US-TX) - aka Procella Eques - Exposed as Texas Member - Panic in The Discord.pdf
James Patrick Shillinglaw #IE (US-FL) - Child Abuser & Violent White Nationalist - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
James Sears (CA) - Editor of Canada’s Most Racist Paper Guilty Of Hate Charges - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
James Sitzler #PB (US-TN) - Knoxville - PegasusAFA.pdf
James Theodore Stillwell III #ChurchofSatan - Meet a Church of Satan Nazi - Trident Antifascism.pdf
James Turner #VSC (US-IN) - aka Grimm - Vinlander Social Club & Indiana Probate Exposed - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Jamie Lee Mallard #NAZI (US-GA) - aka James Futurist - IronMarch Recruiter & Extreme-Right Propagandist.pdf
Jamie Ryan Troutman #WAC #UTR (US-WV) - aka James Ryan - White Art Collective Musician - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Jared Boyce #PF (US-UT) - aka Logan UT - aka Brohumrie Matey - ‘Pack Your Stuff and Get Out’ Says Mom - Justin Rohrlich - Kate Briquelet - The Daily Beast.pdf
Jared Boyce #PF #PP (US-UT) - aka Logan UT - aka Brohumrie Matey - Say hello to Patriot Prayer fan and anti-semite - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Jared Glen Vansandt #RacistTrolls (US-MO) - aka Batemanshadow - the Neo-Nazi from Neosho - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Jared Huggins #AIM #IE (US-GA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Jared Huggins #AIM #IE (US-GA) - Libertarian Turned Identity Evropa - American Identity Movement Racist Activist - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Jared Joseph Cummings and Nicholas Scott Morrell #PF (US-MI) - Michigan Dealership Auto Tech Unmasked - Lone Gunmen AFA.pdf
Jared Taylor #CCC (US-VA) - Editor of white nationalist American Renaissance - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jarod Chase Cantrell (US-AL) - On the Trial of Double Springs Middle School Teacher & Rapist - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Jascha Manny (US-WA) - Attempts re-match in Olympia WA - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Jason Cunningham #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jason Dare #NAZI #LEO (US-NJ) - Neo-Nazi Cop Jason Dare of Vineland - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Jason David Finney #IE (US-IL) - Candidate for 43rd Ward Republican Committee & Credit Analyst at RJ O’Brien & Neo-Nazi - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Jason Honeywell #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed Day 23 - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jason Hunter #LOS (US-FL) - Jacksonville FL - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Jason Judd #GSS #TWP #HN (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Solar Panel Installer - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Jason Kessler #UTR #PB (US-ID) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jason Kirk Wiltsley #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Jason Moore #3per (US-TX) - River Oaks TX - Appears to be preparing to attack demonstrators in or around the FT Worth area - RuthlessWe.pdf
Jason Moore #3per (US-TX) - River Oaks TX - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Jason Philbin & Candace M. Cain #UTR #PF #TWP IE #LOS (US-WV) - Jason Philbin neo-Nazi web designer - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Jason Reza Jorjani #ArktosMedia (US-NY) (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jason Tankersley #MDS #KSS (US-MD) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jasper Collins #NAZI #MIL (US-GA) - Far-Right in Chatham Emergency Services Part 1 - Jasper Collins - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Jay Harrison #IE #MIL (US-MT) - aka Lawrance of Eurabia - ROTC National Guard White Nationalist - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Jayson Wells #NAZI (US-NE) - aka Jayzvola - Omaha esoteric neo-Nazi - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
JD Stockton #PB (US-OR) - PDX Hate Group Member - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Jeff Schoep #NSM (US-MN) - Leader of the National Socialist Movement - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jeff Schwier #PB (US-IL) - Glenwood Illinois - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Jeffery Hughes #OK #MIL (US-WA) - Fascist & Racist who Attends Joey Gibsons Patriot Prayer Events - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Jeffrey Clark Jr. #UTR (US-DC) - Arrested DC Nazi Marched in Charlottesville and Befriended Pittsburgh Shooter - Unicorn Riot.pdf
Jeffrey Keith Mustin #PB (US-OR) - Mustin and the McKenzie River Proud Boys - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Jeffrey Keith Mustin #PB (US-OR) - Mustin being sued by former employee who reported sexual harassment - Emerald Valley ARA.pdf
Jeffrey Kohloff #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy Identified - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Jeffrey Perrine (US-CA) - White Nationalist Street Harasser - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Jeffrey Perrine #PB #NAZI (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Merch Shop - defashsac.pdf
Jennilyn Kae Lohmer (US-TX) - San Antonio Fascist Collaborator Latinos for Trump Texans United for America Texas Nomads SAR - Fash Finder.pdf
Jeremy Bryce Brooks (US-TX) - Texas Nomads SAR - Fash Finder.pdf
Jeremy Jeffery Riesberg #IE #MIL (US-CO) (US-MO) - aka Felden - aka Jackson CO - Identify Evropa.pdf
Jeremy Lynn Ingram & Natasha Bowers #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jeremy Reedy #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens Proud Boy and Salvation Army Captain Identified - salishblackflag.pdf
Jeremy Riesberg #AIM (US-CO) - American Identity Movement Leader - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Jerod Matthew Elder #TB #MIL (US-CA) (US-AZ) - White Supremacist National Guard MP Seeks To Shoot Migrants At The Border - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel (CA-QC) - Postering against Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Jesse Abraham Deutsch & Francis Parker Yockey (US-CA) (US-MO) - Who is Jesse Deutsch - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Jesse Daniel Ogden #TRS (US-MI) - aka Borzoi Boskovic - White Nationalist Podcaster and Author - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Jesse Dunstan #TRS (US-NY) - The Daily Shoah - The Extremist Next Door - The Highlands Current.pdf
Jessica LaFlamme - #WhiteArtCollective #Nazi #[US-GA] - aka J. LaDarc - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Jessie Heerman #MIL #IronMarch (CA) - User New Canadian Empire attempted to Forge Alliances - ARC.pdf
Jim Saleam #ANSP #NAZI (AU) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Jimmy Marr & Judy Marr #NSM #NAZI (US-OR) - aka DatGoy - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Jimmy Marr #NSM #NAZI (US-OR) - Local Racist Gets Marr’d in Corvallis - Eugene Weekly.pdf
Jimmy Thorson #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jobel Barbosa #PB #MIL (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Joden C. Rocco (US-PA) - Suspect in Murder of Black Man in Monaca Had Ties to Alt-Right - Philly Antifa.pdf
Joe Arrigo #IE (US-CA) - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Joe Lowsac #C18 (US-CA) - aka RaHoWarrior - Confederate Hammerskin - Central Oregon Antifascism.pdf
Joey Bounds #GDL (US-CO) - Goyim Defense League Exposed.pdf
Joey Gibson #PP (US-OR) - Montavilla Revisited - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Joey Gibson #PP (US-WA) - Grifter in the name of God - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Joey Gibson #PP (US-WA) - Neo-Nazis Deny Obvious White Supremacism to the Media - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Joey Kane #MIL (US-TX) - The Littlest Stormtrooper Joey Kane gets outed (again) - Antifa Dallas.pdf
Joey Nations (US-OR) - Organizer associates with neo-Nazis - Eugene Antifa.pdf
John Albert Lay #PB (US-MI) - Woodhaven - Proud Boys - AfaVigilant.pdf
John Cartwright II #INFO #IronMarch #NAZI #MIL (US-MD) - aka Blood and Iron - Iron March Moderator- -
John Cartwright II #IronMarch #NAZI #MIL (US-MD) - aka Blood and Iron - Iron March Moderator - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
John Charles Stortstrom #IE (US-MD) - aka Juan Carlos MD - Neo-Nazi & Weapons Instructor for Identity Evropa - Panic in The Discord.pdf
John David Williams #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
John Donnelly #IE #UTR #LEO #Realtor (US-MA) - Nazi Cop John of Woburn Massachusetts #BlazerAviatorsUTR - Ignite The Right.pdf
John F. Rokes Jr (US-NH) - aka Spicci - Alt-right Troll Revealed Keene New Hampshire - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
John Fischer & Ryan Barry #PB #J6 (US-NC) - North Carolina Proud Boys - m1523751.pdf
John G. Dominguez #PB (US-CA) - Thread by AntifaGarfield.pdf
John Jerman #DEZNAT (US-UT) - aka Jack - Mormon Missionary Exposed As Racist Homophobic DezNat - DezNat Exposed.pdf
John Lee Clemmer #IE (US-GA) - IBM Botches Investigation of White Nationalist Employee - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
John Lee Clemmer #IE (US-GA) - Racist Propagandist Identity Evropa member & IBM Managing Consultant - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
John Lee Clemmer #IE (US-GA).pdf
John Lombardo #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
John Michael Estes & Jennette Bayly Estes (US-GA) - Hapeville - Nazi Rock Stone Mountain Organizer - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
John Smaligo #ADS (US-PA) - Prominent member of ADS and vocalist for white power band - Rogues Gallery.pdf
John Smith #NAZI (US-CO) - Colorado Springs - Nazi Biker & Handyman - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
John Snyder #NSM #NAZI (US-IN) - Convicted sex offender - Rogues Gallery.pdf
John Stortstrom #MIL (US-MD) - VP of Republican club alongside white supremacist groups - Rogues Gallery.pdf
John Taylor Bowles #ANP #NS (US-SC) - ANP Political Advisor John T Bowles Exposed Prior Nazi Christmas Party In SC - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
John Thomas VonDrashek III #PF (US-TX) - aka Lewis TX - Patriot Fail.pdf
John Verdier #UTR (US-TX) - Sunny South Dallas AFA.pdf
Johnathan Adam Schutz (US-NV) - Reno Trump Supporter White Supremacist & Convicted Pedophile - Biggest Little City Antifascists.pdf
Jon Carr & Jesse Carr #VSC (US-OH) - Arch City Exposes Jon & Jesse Carr - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Jon Longcrier (US-NE) - aka Oden - Omaha Juggalo & neo-Nazi organizer - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Jon Robert Colgin (US-TX) - Texas Nomads SAR - Fash Finder.pdf
Jonathan Alan Holderfield #UTR (US-AL) - Unite the Right attendee #BloodyFlagUTR Identified - Ignite the Right.pdf
Jonathan Alexander Argumedo (US-IL) - aka Jon Heathen - aka John Alexander - Leader of Anti-AntiFa Chicago - AFA Chicago.pdf
Jonathan H. Gould #IE #MIL (US-OH) - Soldier Artist & White Supremacist - Identify Evropa.pdf
Jonathan Magnano #IE #AIM (US-CT) - aka Jac - Connecticut Neo-Nazi - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Jonny Riches & Naomi Riches (US-PA) - Alt-Right Troll Harassing Ghostship Survivors - Philly Antifa.pdf
Jordan Peterson (CA-ON) - Right-wing Self-help Guru in Atlanta - Further Thoughts on Peterson’s Enforced Monogamy - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Jordan Randle Ryan Roberson #IE (US-FL) - Tampa Florida Area Neo-Nazi & Accelerationist Identity Evropa - Fash Finder.pdf
Joseph & Anna Simmons #NAZI (US-CA) - Neo-Nazis of Carmichael - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Joseph Boswell Gartrell IV #PB #MIL #WLM (US-FL) (US-CA) - aka WhiteShark - aka Joe Cane - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Joseph Casimir Ruff #PB (US-DE) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Joseph Cihlar #MIL (US-TN) - Neo-Nazi Navy Doc Joseph Cihlar Joins Beacon Health Alliance in Hixson Tennessee - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Joseph Hoesch #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed Day 24 - Philly Antifa.pdf
Joseph J. Garvey Junior #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Joseph Jordan #TWP #TRS #NJP #UTR (US-NY) - aka Eric Striker - Prolific Alt-Right Propagandists Identity Confirmed - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Joseph Kane #IE #MIL (US-TX) - Texas Army National Guard & Identity Evropa Neo-Nazi - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Joseph Korbl #WAC (US-NY) - aka Nullus - White Nationalist Poet from Queens - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Joseph Maness #PB (US-NC) - aka Psycho - Proud Boy previously convicted for unauthorized computer access - Camas Defense Alliance.pdf
Joseph Paul Brody #AF #Groyper #J6 #NAZI (US-VA) - aka Broseph - Neo-Nazi Jan 6 Insurrectionist Joseph Brody - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Joseph Phy & Stacy Sautner Phy #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Joseph Shellabarger Jr. #WAC (US-NC) - aka Modernity Leave - aka Boxkhar - Neo-Nazi Dirtbag DJ - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Joseph V. Bednarsky, Jr. #KKK (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Josh Colon (US-PA) - Troll Raiding UR Streams - Philadelphia - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Josh Martin #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Josh Williams #NAZI (US-OK) - Introducing a Chickasha, OK neo-Nazi who sells stickers & patches on Facebook - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Joshua Alexander Yeakel #TWP #UTR (US-CO) - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Joshua Caleb Sutter #AWD #ONA (US-SC) - Martinet Press - FBI Bankrolled Publisher of Occult Neo-Nazi Books Feds Claim - Vice.pdf
Joshua Cody Case #KKK #PBK #LOS #3PER (US-NC) Joshua Cody Case and the Ku Klux Klan - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Joshua Dean Ford #PB (US-TN) - Kingsport - trashpandaAFA.pdf
Joshua Evans #IE (US-RI) - Apprentice Plumber at Malone’s - Rhode Island - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Joshua Frank Froschauer #PB (US-NV) - White Nationalist & Member of neo-Fascist Proud Boys - Biggest Little City Antifascists.pdf
Joshua Frashuer #PB (US-CO) - 4th Degree Proud Boy - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Joshua Hitson (US-GA) - White Nationalist Resigns from Whitewater High School - Fayetteville - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Joshua Hitson (US-GA) - White Power Agitator & Teacher at Whitewater High School - Fayetteville - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Joshua Isgrigg #NAZI (US-CA) - Neo-nazi bomb-maker and elder abuser - defashsac.pdf
Joshua Keith Williams #Asatru #IE (US-SC) - Neo-Nazi Podcaster John Wesley Exposed - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Joshua Lambert #PB (US-AL) - Alabama Chapter head of the Proud Boys - anonymouscommie.pdf
Joshua Long #AG (US-ID) - AG VP - American Guard's Worst Liar - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Joshua Long #AG (US-ID) - AG VP - American Guard's Worst Liar - Utah Antifascists.pdf
Joshua Lourenco & Holly Lourenco #IE (US-CA) - Meet The Bogls - NorCal Nazis - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Joshua Matthew Croom Williamson #ACS (US-NE) - aka JD Moxie - Member of the neo-nazi skinhead group Atlantic City Skins - Antifa Garfield.pdf
Joshua Michael Gillespie #PB (US-CO) - Denver - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Joshua Plotner #PF (US-ID) - aka Walter ID - Idaho Based Patriot Front Member and Neo Nazi - Central Oregon Antifascism.pdf
Joshua Randle #WAC (US-MN) - Fedora-Wearing “Lord Wolfshield” - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Joshua Reville #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Joshua Sayre #IE #AIM #MIL (US-MD) - Another Neo-Nazi Trained By the US Military - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Joshua Wallace #HN (US-CA) - Hammerskins neo-Nazi of Tuolumne County - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Joshua Yeakel & Russell Frankland (US-CO) - Operate 'Reclaim Colorado' Account - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Judson Blevins #IE #UTR (US-OK) - UTR Participant & Identity Evropa Coordinator Runs for Enid City Council - Sunlight-161.pdf
Judy & Jimmy Marr #NAZI (US-OR) - Springfield Nazis Tolerated For Too Long - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Judy & Jimmy Marr #NAZI (US-OR) - Springfield Nazis Tolerated For Too Long - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Just David Lux #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Justin Burger (US-GA) - Ian Booton (US-GA) - Simon Dickerman (US-FL) - Racists Menace Tennessee Church after Mass Shooting - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Justin Daniel Gibson #3PER (US-GA) - aka Operator - Georgia III% Security Force - AntiFashGordon.pdf
Justin Dean Cookson (US-TX) - aka Aristophanes - Right-Wing Twitter Troll and Author - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Justin Laks (US-WA) - White Nationalist murderer teaching Vancouver kids at JT’s Jiu Jitsu - CVAntifa.pdf
Justin Marbury #NAZI (US-OR) - A Nice Buddhist Boy Goes Nazi - PNWAWC.pdf
Justin Milaszewski #PF (US-MA) - Busted for stickering - Idavox.pdf
Justin OLeary #PF (US-WA) - aka Ethan WA - Quartermaster & His Nazi Wife.pdf
Justin Peek #IE #UTR (US-GA) - Metro Atlanta Racist is National Director of Activism for Identity Evropa - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Justin Peek #IE #UTR (US-GA) - Metro Atlanta Racist is National Director of Activism.pdf
Justin Wayne Peek #IE (US-GA) - Posters & Flyers Expose Director of Activism for Identity Evropa White Power Organization - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Kai Schwemmer #Groyper (US-UT) - aka Kai Clips - White nationalist, Nick Fuentes acolyte and leader - Ben Lorber.pdf
Kalana Limkin #ONA #NAZI (US-HI) - Alleged Leader of Child Sextortion Ring Tied to Neo-Nazi Cult Arrested - Mack Lamoureux - Vice.pdf
Kale Muffley #KKK (US-IA) - Council Bluffs IA wannabe Klansman - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Kaleb James Cole #AWD (US-WA) - Atomwaffen Divisions Washington State Leader Stripped of Arsenal in US Banned From Canada - The Daily Beast.pdf
Kalin Schweizerhof #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Karter Regan Brown & Christian Ian Foshee #PF (US-GA) - aka Jackson GA - aka Jesse GA - Meet Georgia Patriot Front White Supremacists - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Kasandra Mileusnic #SHED (AUS) - aka Kaspa - Alt-Right Troll Kaspa Revealed - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Katja & Logan Lawrence (US-OH) - Inside a US Neo-Nazi Homeschool Network With Thousands of Members - Vice.pdf
Katja & Logan Lawrence (US-OH) - The - Dissident Homeschoolers - of Upper Sandusky - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Kayla Bressem #WLM (US-CA) aka Kayla Brackson “K” Identity of White Lives Matter California Admin Revealed After Private Chat Leaks SoCal Research Club.pdf.pdf
Keaton Ty West #IE #AIM (US-TX) - Fash Finder.pdf
Kelly Johnson #GDL (US-CA) - Goyim Defense League Exposed.pdf
Ken Hart #NSM (US-OR) (US-WA) - True Cascadia Member Neo-Nazi Podcast Producer & Domestic Abuser - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Kenaz Filan #ChurchofSatan (US-NJ) - Meet a Church of Satan Nazi - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Kenneth Cruey #IE #AIM (US-NV) - Identity Evropa Member & Former Child Actor - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists2.pdf
Kenneth J. Bonawitz #PB #J6 (US-FL) - aka #MAGAMarlin - Proud Boy and J6er from Davie - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Kenneth J. Schmidt (US-NJ) - White Nationalist organizer - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Kenneth Mitchell Newberry #ID (US-GA) - aka Kenward Jenkins - Ran Georgia chapter - ShermanMarching.pdf
Kent Wade Foster III #DEZNAT (US-UT) - aka Kade - aka Shiz - BYU Pre-Med Student Exposed - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Kevin Alfred Strom #NAZI #NA #NV (US-PA) (US-VA) - Convicted Pedophile - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Kevin Brownfield #IronMarch (US-AZ) - Iron March Neo-Nazi - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Kevin Brownfield #IronMarch (US-AZ) - Update Arizona neo-Nazi has a new Twitch handle - Utah Antifascists.pdf
Kevin Del Puerto (US-CO) - Alt-Right Filipino Fascist - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Kevin Goudreau #NAZI (CA-ON) - Founder and sole member of Canadian Nationalist Front - Thread by ARCCollective.pdf
Kevin I. Slaughter #ChurchofSatan (US-MD) - Meet a Church of Satan Nazi - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Kevin J. Johnston (CA) - Anti-Muslim blogger facing hate crime charge ran for mayor of Mississauga - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Kevin J. Johnston (CA) - Johnston Masquerading as an Ex-Muslim Woman In America - ARC.pdf
Kevin Metzler #PF (US-FL) - aka Kevin FL - Kevin Metzler Patriot Front Nazi - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Kevin Michael Dolan #DEZNAT (US-TX) - aka ExtradeadJCB - Exposed As Racist Antisemitic Homophobic DezNat - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Kevin Pummill #IE (US-IL) - aka Undercover Academic - Identify Evropa.pdf
Kieran P Morris #PF (US-NY) - aka Patrick NY - NYCAntifa 2020-03-13.pdf
Kim Costello #PB (US-OR) - Secret Proud Boy Business Owner In Montavilla - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Kimbal Musk (US-CO) - Boulder Billionaire - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Kristoffer Nippak #AC #AWD (CA-ON) - Key Leader Behind Canadian Neo-Nazi Fight Clubs - Mack Lamoureux -
Kristopher Chase Koon #VanAm (US-TX) - Vanguards DualKoonDog Outfoxed - Torch Network.pdf
Kristopher Evan Wyrick #AG (US-CA) - White Nationalist & Member Of American Guard - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
Kristopher Foster #PP #NAZI (US-OR) - Neo-Nazi Radicalized By Patriot Prayer - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Kurtis Jorgensen #RCN (US-OR) - Rose City Nationalists.pdf
Kyle Aaron Scheuerlein #IE (US-CA) - aka NuclearReactionary - Your code has been broken. - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Kyle Bonham (US-OR) - Domestic Abuser and Fascist Collaborator - CVAntifa.pdf
Lacey Lauren Clark #IE (US-TX) - Wife mother white nationalist hate group member - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Lance W. Smith #Groyper #AF (US-TX) - aka UX - Marjorie Taylor Greene Employed White Nationlist Collaborator - Gais - Squire - SPLC Hatewatch.pdf
Larkin McIntyre #NNN #PB #VR (US-WA) - aka Taxi Driver - Vinland Rebels - Nazi Bonehead in Shoreline Schools - CVAntifa.pdf
Lauren Paul #AWD #IM #NAZI (US-OH) - MIT Alumni & Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division Propagandist - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Lauren Wendy Blasco #ID (US-FL) - Meet former Identity Dixie member - Sunlight-161.pdf
Lawrence Alexander Norman #PF (US-OR) - aka Frederick OR - CVAntifa.pdf
Lawrence of Eurabia #IE (US-MT) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Leah Holland #NatSocFL #NAZI #GDL (US-FL) - aka SmolFash - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Leah Holland #NatSocFL #NAZI #GDL (US-FL) - aka SmolFash - NatSocFL, Goyim Defense League - antichud.pdf
Lee Chappell #ID (US-VA) - Identity Dixie member in Dinwiddle County - ShermanMarching.pdf
Leif Erikson #KSS (US-PA) - Antifa Ruin Day for Keystone State Boneheads - Philly Antifa.pdf
Leo Anthony Cullinan #NSC131 (US-NH) - aka PurePower_88 - Nationalist Social Club Regional Leader - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Leo Anthony Cullinan #NSC131 (US-NH) - Regional NSC Leader - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Leonid Mihaljov #IronMarch (Finland) - Iron March Moderator & Neo-Nazi Residing in Helsinki Finland - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Liam Stevens #IE (US-CO) - Flag-Waver Liam Stevens.pdf
Lierre Keith (US-OR) - Shut down Trans hating Bigot - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Lisa Sandford #NAZI (AUS) - Elected to NSW Young Nationals Executive - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Logan & Courtney Piercy #IE #UTR (US-MT) - A White Nationalist Love Story - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Logan Gregory Barden & Jamie Michelle Stram (US-OR) - Community Bulletin Logan Barden Goes Full Nazi - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Logan Michael Smith #UTR (US-OK) - aka Pol News Network aka Levi Smith aka #LightGreenHatUTR - PNN Identified - SunlightAFA.pdf
Logan Starr Smith #DEZNAT (US-ID) (US-CA) - aka JPBellum - Founder Exposed Of Fair Oaks CA & Pocatello Idaho - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Longneck #NSC131 (US-ME) - NSC Member - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Louie Mario Flores #PB (US-CA) - Proud Boy of West Covina - PacAntifa.pdf
Louie Mario Flores #PB (US-CA) - West Covina Proud Boy Violent Convicted Felon and Driver for Frito-Lay - PacAntifa.pdf
Louis Jeffery Giovingo #BowlPatrol #UTR (LA) - aka Southern Dingo - Southern AF Podcast - Dingvictus - AntiFash Gordon.pdf
Louis Zachary Huey #PB (US-CO) - Propagandist - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Lucas Huston #Asatru #IE (US-ID) - aka Chad Turner - Apprentice folkbuilder and former chief financial officer for Identity Evropa - FolkishFacts.pdf
Lucas Martin #GDL (US-CO) - Hitler Fanboy & Name the Nose CO Tour Participant - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Ludmila Culpepper #NSM #UTR (US-TN) - Unite the Right attendee #NSMCurlyRedUTR identified - Ignite the Right.pdf
Luis Enrique Melendrez Jr. #IronMarch (US-TX) - aka verynoicem8 - Forum Leak - Fash Finder.pdf
Luke Kenna #Terrorgram #WOV #ACE #NAZI (US-NY) - Man With Neo-Nazi Links Arrested With Ghost Gun - Mack Lamoureux - Vice.pdf
Luke Winchester-Kenna & Raven Winchester-Kenna #NAZI (US-NY) - Neo-Nazi affiliated with Militant Ruralism, Op Werewolf - CVAntifa.pdf
Madeline Jones #DEZNAT (US-NM) - Roswell - Exposed As Racist Misogynist Homophobic Bigot - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Madison Hebert (US-TX) - Self-Identified Fascist Working at First Community Credit Union - Screwston AFC.pdf
Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre #IE - Identify Evropa.pdf
Marc Lemire #NAZI (CA) - The Evidence Against Hamiltons Neo-Nazi Employee Marc Lemire - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Marc Macleod #Asatru (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi of Citrus Heights folkbuilder coordinator in Asatru Folk Assembly - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Marcel & Sharon Brettschneider #KSS (US-MI) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Marcel Karol Stein #UTR #IE #PF (US-TX) - aka Fashoslav - UTR Torch March Security - Molly Conger.pdf
Marcus Follin & Liam Tully #IE (US-TN) - A Lion & His Cub - Identify Evropa.pdf
Marcus Follin & Liam Tully #IE (US-TN) - A Lion & His Cub - Murfreesboro Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Mark Allen Davis II #Asatru #NAZI (US-MI) - aka Mark-Magnus Thorson - Violent neo-Nazi hosts of Wolf Pack's White Power Hour podcast - FolkishFacts.pdf
Mark Anthony Tucci #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Mark Chambers (US-AL) - Carbon Hill Mayor Wants to Kill LGBT People & Abortion Advocates - Haleyville Anti-Rapist - Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Mark Daniel Reardon #Stormer #UTR (US-PA) (US-NJ) - Keep Reardon On The Run - Philly Antifa.pdf
Mark Daniel Reardon #Stormer #UTR (US-PA) (US-NJ) - Nazi Who Flyered in West Philly Last Week Identified of Philadelphia - Philly Antifa.pdf
Mark J. Hayden #AC #PF (US-MA) - aka Bill MA - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Mark Kauffman & Sara Sheaffer #NAZI #S14 (US-PA) - S14’s Neo Nazi Leaders - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Mark Kauffman & Sara Sheaffer #S14 #NAZI (US-NJ) - Report Back - Antifascists Turn up the Heat - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Mark Kauffman & Sara Sheaffer #S14 #NAZI (US-PA) - S14 Leaders Neighborhood Hit - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Mark Valdez Jr #PB (US-WA) - Proud Boy Identified - salishblackflag.pdf
Markus Wolff (US-OR) - Waldteufel & Markus Wolffs Involvement in the New-Right Cultural Movement - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Martin McCasland #PB #LEO (US-TX) - aka Jack - TDCJ Has A Law Enforcement Officer That Is A Wichita Falls Proud Boy -
Martin Meyers (US-CO) - The Ancaps of Colorado - Child Predator - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Martinique Louise Fisher #NAZI (US-CA) - aka Western Witch of the Wicked - Nazi Occultist - AnonCommieStan.pdf
Marvin Dominguez #PB (US-NJ) - NJ North Plainfield - trashpandaAFA.pdf
Mason Edward Mead #MIL (US-AL) - Radical Traditionalist Catholic & Fascist US Marine - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Mason Edward Mead #MIL (US-AL) - Radical Traditionalist Catholic and Fascist US Marine - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Mathew Bair #S14 (US-PA) - S14 Member - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Matt Downing #NV #NAZI (US-MA) - aka xthulex - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Matt G. Paradise #ChurchofSatan (US-VT) - Meet a Church of Satan Nazi - Trident Antifascism.pdf
Matt Johnson (US-NE) - aka Oktoberfaust - A fascist in the Omaha metal scene - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Matthew & Rosalee Carroll #AWD (US-OR) - Mr. & Mrs. Maci - The Atomwaffen Division Implodes- Eugene Antifa.pdf
Matthew Althorpe & Kristopher Nippak #Terrorgram #AWD #AC (CA-ON) - Former Atomwaffen Members Facing Terrorism Charges - Peter Smith - antihateca.pdf
Matthew Belanger #AWD #Rapekrieg #MIL (US-NY) - Cop Bought Rifle for Neo-Nazi Rapekreig Marine Who Planned Synagogue Attack Feds - Vice.pdf
Matthew Blais #NAZI (US-WA) - Vancouver - Neo-Nazi - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Matthew Brien Stafford #TWP (US-WA) - From Heroin to Hitler - Matthew Brien Stafford an American Nazi - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Matthew Eagle #PB #IE (US-TX) - Cheesy Neo-Nazi Unmasked Matthew Eagle of Granbury TX - Antifa Dallas.pdf
Matthew F Hale #WCOTC #NAZI (US-CA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Matthew Golos #BASE (AU) - aka Volkskrieger -Neo-Nazi group’s Australian recruiter for The Base - McKenzie - Tozer - McNeill - theage.pdf
Matthew Greene #PB #J6 (US-NY) - J6er purchased an arsenal, arrested - Thread by Nate Thayer.pdf
Matthew Guse #NAZI (PN) - Lackawanna College Neo-Nazi - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Matthew Heimbach #NSM #TWP (US-IN) - Joins the Nat’l Socialist Movement - Torch Network.pdf
Matthew Heimbach #NSM #TWP (US-IN) - Terre Haute - American white nationalist leader working at Thyssenkrupp Presta facility.pdf
Matthew Q. Gebert (US-MD) - Exposed - State Department Official Posted in Nazi Charlottesville Chats - Unicorn Riot.pdf
Matthew Q. Gebert (US-MD) - U.S. State Department Official Involved in White Nationalist Movement - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Matthew Q. Gebert (US-MD) - White Nationalist State Department Official Surfaces in Photographs - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Matthew Robert Warner #IE (US-VA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Matthew Scott Meelhuysen #NAZI (US-WA) - aka Drengr - Accelerationist of Hate Lab and Hate KVLT - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Matthew Smaller #PF (US-MA) - aka Jim MA - Fash Alert MA.pdf
Matthew Spearman (US-WA) - Racist Renton Attacker Identified - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Matthew Thomas Bukaty #GDL (US-FL) - aka DJ Boomer Tech of the Goyim Defense League - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Matthew Thomas Mayo #Asatru (US-GA) - aka Bodi Mayo - Far-Right in Chatham Emergency Services Part 2 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Matthew Urbanik #AWD #IronMarch (US-IL) - Atomwaffen Division Leader - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Matthew Urbanik #INFO #AWD #IronMarch (US-IL) - -
Matthias Cicotte #DezNat (US-AK) - Assistant attorney general in Alaska racist & antisemitic tweets Alaska The Guardian - Jason Wilson.pdf
Max Karim #Groyper (US-AZ) - aka SoCal Val - aka AOCOnlyFans - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Max Newsome #NAZI (NZ) - aka Matt - Leader of Action Zealandia - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Max Towns #NAZI (AUS) - Violent teenage fascist - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Maxime Morin (CA) - aka DMS - DaMcLuv & His Racist Agenda - Montréal Counter-Info.pdf
Maxwell Lucas Myers (US-WA) - University of Washington Neo-Nazi Profile - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Michael A. Dominy & Sam Dickson (US-GA) - Atlanta Attorney Dominy, Dickson, & US-Russia Far-Right Networking - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Michael Adam Sessumes #Asatru #GSS (US-AR) - aka Myers - Former Golden State Skinhead leader on the AsFA leadership track - FolkishFacts.pdf
Michael Adam Windecker II (US-CO) - aka Mickey - FBI Paid a Violent Felon to Infiltrate Racial Justice Movement - The Intercept.pdf
Michael Alan Jones #PF #PB #J6 (US-NC) - aka Adam NC - He stormed the Capitol with the Proud Boys - Jordan Green - RawStory.pdf
Michael Alan Jones #PF #PB #J6 (US-NC) - aka Adam NC - Meet Patriot Front member now in federal custody - arelephanteau.pdf
Michael Alan Jones #PF #PB #J6 (US-NC) - aka Adam NC - Patriot Fail.pdf
Michael Bercaw #UTR #NAZI (US-FL) - aka Pharoah Bearclaw III - Florida Nazi and Charlottesvile marcher - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Michael Blevins #NSM (US-FL) - aka Vonbluvens - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Michael Britt Williams #IE (US-AL) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Michael David Weaver #GDL (US-GA) - aka Michael Carothers - Cartersville Georgia Neo-Nazi Activist - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Michael David Weaver #GDL #FLYER (US-GA) - aka Michael Carothers - Community-Alert-June-2022.pdf
Michael Dorsey #Stormer (US-OR) - Gresham OR neo-Nazi - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Michael Garrett Dorsey #PB #UTR #RCN (US-OR) - Rose City Nationalist Unmasked by ProudBoys- Rose City Antifa.pdf
Michael Halahan III #ActiveClub #C562 (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi and member of Southern California-based Crew 562 - PacAntifa.pdf
Michael J. Schloer #NSM (US-IL) - Ex-Wife Jennifer Brower Speaks Out - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Michael J. Schloer #NSM (US-IL) - Michael Schloer On The Streets - NSM Chicago Where Are They Now.pdf
Michael Jones & Saturnine Ritual #NSBM #O9A #ToB (US-IA) - Seigepilled Black Metal in Corn Country - cvantifa.pdf
Michael Lawrence Staley #PB (US-CA) - Galt California - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Michael Marcink - Elizabeth Marcink - Anthony Marcink #KSS #BH (US-IN) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Michael Matthews #PB (US-WA) - Lake Stevens - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Michael McArthur #NS (US-IL) - aka Iron Balls - Berwyn Neo Nazi Doused in Urine - Torch Network.pdf
Michael McGuigan #PB (US-PA).pdf
Michael Monteforte #PB (US-FL) - Tampa - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Michael Patrick Hagerty II #PF #RTT (US-GA) - Nephew of Tennessee Candidate for US Senate is Racist Militant in Georgia - Torch Network.pdf
Michael Rearich #KSS (US-PA) - Philly Antifa.pdf
Michael Renzulli (US-PA) - South Philly block captain for 12th & Ritner proprietor of - Phillys Finest Construction LLC.pdf
Michael Steven Pollardo #PB (US-WA) - Middle School Football Coach - Salish Black Flag.pdf
Michael Steven Schiele (US-FL) - Tampa Florida.pdf
Michael Wade Page #MIL (US-WI) - Wisconsin Sikh Massacre Perpetrator White Supremacist (US-CO) - Ties - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Micheal Anderson #PB (US-FL) - aka Wolf Blitzkrieg - Proud Boys, Moms for Liberty, extremists campaign against LGBTQ month - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Micheal Monteforte #PB (US-FL) - Tampa Proud Boy & employee at All Seasons Plumbing - RuthlessWe.pdf
Mike Chubb #PB (US-IL) - Franklin Park Resident and member of SPLC Designated - Chicago Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Mike Mahoney #AWD (US-OR) - aka Mike Ma - PSU College Republicans Host a Fascist Propagandist - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Mike Peinovich #TRS #NJP #UTR (US-NY) - aka Mike Enoch - Audio of Mike Peinovich playing the Charlottesville Police Department like a fiddle.pdf
Mike Peterson #NAZI (US-MI) - Founder of white supremacist Gallows Tree group - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Miles Douglas Furrow #PB (US-OR) - Violent Proud Boy Identified - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Milo Yiannopoulos (US-OR) - Keep Alt-Right Superstar Out of Portland - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Mitchell Craig Brooks #IE (US-CA) - aka OMGDwayne - you’re doxxed - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Morgan Hill & Martin J. Wenzel #WLM (US-CA) - Member of White Lives Matter CA and NorCal Active Club - Bay161.pdf
Morris Gulett #AN (US-LA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Myles G. Burton (US-IL) - Elmhurst College Student Charged With Hate Crime - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Natasha Veronica Devine (née Thompson) (US-IL) - Of Fightwing a White Nationalist Org based in Peoria IL - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Nate Barker #UTR #AIM #IE (US-NC) - Meet Nasty Nate Bootlickin’ Barker - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Nate Marshall (US-CO) - Dickweed Makes the News Again - Threatening Jefferson County Recall Activists - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Nate Marshall (US-CO) - Is Dumb as Hell - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Nathan Block (US-WA) - aka Exile-Former ELF - Green Scare Prisoner - Now a Fascist - NYC Antifa.pdf
Nathan Damigo #IE #MIL (US-CA) - Meet the Damigos - All American White Supremacy - NoCARA.pdf
Nathan Damigo #IE #MIL (US-CO) - Operating Out Of CSU Stanislaus - NoCARA.pdf
Nathan Damigo #IE #MIL (US-GA) - Violent White Nationalist Leader Works on Anti-Antifa Info Project from New Base in Atlanta - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Nathan David Brenner #PF (US-CO) - aka Ben CO - Patriot Front Network 3 Director - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Nathan David Brenner #PF (US-IA) - aka Ben CO - Patriot Fail.pdf
Nathan David Cross #Asatru (US-FL) - Holocaust denying antisemite of Palatka in AsFA - FolkishFacts.pdf
Nathan Davies (US-TN) - aka g117ch - Neo-Nazi Sex Offender and User - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Nathan Guerrette #TB (CA-QC) - aka Elksworth - A Montreal Canada Based Neo-Nazi - DeBasedDoxx.pdf
Nathan Jones #DEZNAT (US-NM) - Roswell - White Supremacist Mormon Fascist DezNat Exposed.pdf
Nathan Patterson #NS (US-NE) - aka Fashy Mav - UNO - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Nathan Petri #IE (US-MI) - Hillsdale College Student & member of Neo-Nazi Group - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Nathaniel Carroll & Emily Carroll #IE (US-KY) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Nathaniel J. Noyce #PF (US-VA) aka Roger VA - Patriot Fail.pdf
Nathaniel Joshua Leavitt #PF (US-MO) - aka Clarke MO - Neo-Nazi Member Residing in Springfield Missouri.pdf
Nathaniel Menefee #UTR (US-DE) - aka Nate Adams - aka Naternot - Unite the Right attendee #ImNot12UTR - Ignite the Right.pdf
Nathaniel Palmer #AWD #IronMarch (US-WI) - Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Recruiter - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Nicholas Allen Gervasio #KSS (US-PA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Nicholas Bysheim & Jonathan K. Baldwin #GDL (US-FL) - aka JEHU - Goyim Defense League spotted in West Palm Beach - MIAagainstFash.pdf
Nicholas Daniel Large #ActiveClub #ClockworkCrew #C562 (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Cult Member and Co-Founder of Crew 562 Clockwork Crew - PacAntifa.pdf
Nicholas G. Mucci #WLM #AC #NJEHA (US-NJ) - Attempted attack on anti-racism event at church - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Nicholas Gene Ambrose #PF #WLM #AC (US-OH) - aka GoyHio - Neo-Nazi and Patriot Front member - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Nicholas J. Cerce & Andrea Battaglia Cerce #PF #UTR (US-RI) - aka Mike RI - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Nicholas John Stiso #PF #PB (US-IL) - Patriot Front Member & Current Chicago Proud Boy - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Nicholas Jonathan Gregory #NAZI #NJP (US-NC) - North Carolina Neo-Nazi podcaster behind Night Nation Review - Night Nation Nick - Sunlight-161.pdf
Nicholas Magner #PB (US-NJ).pdf
Nicholas Tyler Gibbs #GSS (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Golden State Skinhead member - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
Nicholas Walker #NAZI (AUS) - aka Niklaus Velker - Nazi of NSW Young Nationals - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Nick Chappell #NAZI (US-ND) - Nazi Party Member - C.S.News -
Nick Fuentes #AF #Groyper (US-IL) - Owns a new apartment building in Berwyn.pdf
Nick Stiso #PB #PF (US-IL) - The Chicago Nazi punk who won’t fck off is on TikTok.pdf
Nick Tuuk #3PER (US-IL) - Tinley Park IL - Threeper - Anti-Antifa - discord panic.pdf
Nima Cheraghi #DEZNAT (US-UT) - Racist Antisemite Misogynist DezNat - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Noah Gunn #PP (US-OR) - The problem of Neo-Nazi Indoctrination of Youth at Patriot Prayer Events - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Norman Asa Garrison III #NJP #TRS (US-TX) - aka Spectre - Racist Alt-Right Podcaster Used To Be Local Reporter - Southern Poverty Law Center.pdf
Nunzio Pellegrino #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Oliver Krvaric #AF #IronMarch (US-CA) - Ex-GOP student leader Oliver Krvaric on role at the Capitol Jan 6 - Will Carless.pdf
Olivia Banner Key #NAZI #WAC (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Singer for White Art Collective - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Olivia Myers #IE (US-FL) - Model White Supremacist - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Oscar Tuckfield #NAZI (AUS) - aka Oscar Tuckers - aka Oscar Tucker - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Parker Dane Murphree #IE (US-TX) - Texas A&M Neo-Nazi - Fash Finder.pdf
Patrick Casey #IE (US-VA) - Executive Director - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Patrick Casey #IE (US-VA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Patrick Dennis Ryan #UTR (US-MD) - Unite The Right - Emily Ghoulcenski.pdf
Patrick Gordon MacDonald #AWD (CA-ON) - aka Dark Foreigner - Home Linked to International Neo-Nazi Propagandist Raided By Police Sources.pdf
Patrick Gordon MacDonald #AWD (CA-ON) - aka Dark Foreigner - The Artist Who Fueled a Neo-Nazi Terror Movement - Vice.pdf
Patrick J McNally #IE #AIM (US-FL) - aka Grossly Incandescent - Panic In The Discord.pdf
Patrick J. McNally #IE (US-FL) - Neo-Nazi CNA - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Patrick Joseph Laporte IV #IE (US-SC) - aka Pack LaPorte - 2020-05-19.pdf
Patrick Joseph Laporte IV #IE (US-SC) - aka Pack LaPorte - aka PureDurePure - Elgin South Carolina - Part 1 anonymouscommie.pdf
Patrick Joseph Laporte IV #IE (US-SC) - aka Pack LaPorte - aka PureDurePure - Elgin South Carolina - Part 2 - IdentifyDixie.pdf
Patrick Joseph Laporte IV #IE (US-SC) - aka Pack LaPorte - SouthEastARA.pdf
Patrick Kevin Kelly #IE (US-CA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Patrick Kevin Kelly #IE (US-CA) - Self-Avowed Fascist - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
Patrick Kevin Kelly #NAZI (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi, Armed Security Guard and Cal Stat - SunlightAFA.pdf
Patrick Kiehl #PB (US-CA) - Placerville Proud Boys Leader - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Patrick Landon #WLM #NAZI (US-IL) - Neo-Nazi of WLM Illinois - 1312UnitedAgainstFascism.pdf
Patrick Lanzo (US-GA) - Posted N word in front of restaurant, hosted Klan rallies and Hammerfest - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Patrick Little #LOS #MIL (US-CA) - How the Mainstream made the Little Nazi that Could - NoCARA.pdf
Patrick Mushaney #WLM #SoCalActiveClub (US-CA) - aka Chadwaffen Hate Drone Pilot - Neo-Nazi Fight Club Participant White Lives Matter Admin and SoCal Active Club’s Hate Drone Pilot from Norco CA - SoCal Research Club.pdf.pdf
Patrick Nelson Sharp (US-GA) - FashyFit - Organizer of Georgia State Univ White Student Union - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Patrick Rogers & Heidi McCarthy #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Patrick W. Cook #Asatru #MIL (US-WV) - Military officer, Militia volunteer, AsFA member going into teaching - FolkishFacts.pdf
Patryck #TB (CA) - Journalist Uncovers Identity of Winnipeg Recruiter For Violent Hate Group - The ARC Collective.pdf
Patryck Scott Durham #PF (US-CO) - A very not-happy birthday to Patriot Front member & neo-Nazi - Sunlight-161.pdf
Patryck Scott Durham #PF (US-CO) - aka Kevin CO - Patriot Front member & neo-Nazi Aurora - Sunlight-161.pdf
Patryck Scott Durham #PF (US-CO) - Neo-Nazi - Aurora CO - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Paul Bonnen #NAZI #Volksfront (US-OR) - National Socialist Black Metal Musician - Vinland Elite Productions - CVAntifa.pdf
Paul Cornelius Gray #MIL (US-TX) - White Nationalist Neo-Nazi - Fash Finder.pdf
Paul Fromm #CFAR #NAZI (CA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Paul Gilbert #NAZI (UK) - aka ThePatriArt - Fascist activist “The PatriArt” exposed - Hope Not Hate.pdf
Paul John Hansen (US-NE) - Omaha slumlords Sovereign Citizens & Christian Nationalists - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Paul Michael Gancarz #PF #PB (US-VA) (US-NY) - aka Samuel VA - Patriot Front Network Director - Torch Network.pdf
Paul Minton #AC #WLM (US-PA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Paul Minton #NAZI #KSS (US-PA) - A brief history - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Paul Minton #Poster #WLM #AC (US-PA) - March2023.png
Paul Minton #WLM (US-PA) - Alert neo-Nazi living in South Philly - Sunlight-161.pdf
Paul Murrell Stewart #Midgard (US-TN) - Convict found in Midgard leaks - WhiteRoseAFA.pdf
Paul Preston #HG #Realtor (US-TX) - aka Whit Wooderson - aka Woody White - Houston Realtor is Nazi Group Leader - Screwston AFC.pdf
Paul Romero Jr. (US-OR) - aka PJ - Oregon Congressional Candidate Exposed - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Paul Schmeider #UTR #NAZI (US-NY) - Identified at Unite the Right - Ignite the Right.pdf
Paula Ann Morin #LOS #TwitterTrolls (US-OH) - Nazi Troll “Helen FeralBlonde” - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Payton Gendron (US-NY) - Buffalo Shooter Planned Massacre Using YouTube How to Videos - Vice.pdf
Peter Earl Diezel (US-IL) (US-IN) - White supremacist from Indiana also active in Illinois - Chicago - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Peter Machinis #IE (US-IL) - Posted Photo of Himself With Don Trump Jr. - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Phillip James Wiglesworth #IE (US-FL) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Quentin Pallavicini #Atalante (CA-QC) - the Mole Inside Atalante Who Fed Information to Antifascists - Montréal-Antifasciste.pdf
Rachel Carter Allen Ogden #NAZI (US-CO) (US-MI) - aka Borzette - The Worst Nurse - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Ralph Northam (US-VA) - Governor's racist policies - Yesterday’s Blackface Today’s Pipelines Racist Cops All Along - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Raymond Hudgins #TB #MIL (US-MI) - Plans to Reclaim Homelands by Force - DeBasedDoxx.pdf
Reagan Lodge #NAZI #IronMarch #MIL (US-CA) - Former Marine, Fascist - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Richard Bowman II (US-OR) - Operation Werewolf in the Pacific Northwest - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Richard Cameron Boster #NAZI #IM (US-OH) - Lebanon Ohio Neo-Nazi - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Richard Cameron Boster #NAZI #IronMarch #INFO (US-OH) - Lebanon, Ohio Neo-Nazi -
Richard Golgart Jr. #IE (US-NV) - Identity Evropa & Young Americans for Liberty Member - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Richard Hanania (US) - aka Richard Hoste - Right-Wing Writer Richard Hanania's Racist Past Exposed - Christopher Mathias - huffpost.pdf
Richard Lindstrom #NA (US-NJ) - aka Bjarni - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Richard Rygaard #NAZI (US-NJ) - Neo-Nazi of Vineland, NJ - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Richard Spencer - National Policy Institute - Neo-nazis - The Lamp.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-AL) - Not-so-Warm Welcome at Auburn University Alabama April 18 2017 - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-AL) at Auburn University - April 18 2017 (Gallery 1 - 3) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-AL) at Auburn University - April 18 2017 (Gallery 2 - 3) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-AL) at Auburn University - April 18 2017 (Gallery 3 - 3) - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-DC) - Everything You Need To Know About Richard Spencer & His Move to DC - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-FL) - Operational Doc Shows Planning for Spencer’s Gainesville FL Visit - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Richard Spencer (US-MT) (US-VA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Richard Warren Young and Joseph Frank Chiddo #GDL (US-NC) - Meet NC Goyim Defense League Members - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Rick Clark #PB #Realtor (US-OR) - aka Dick Clark - Oregon Proud Boy detained at far-right PPH protest - We Will Be Ruthless.pdf
Rick Fitzgerald #PB #LEO (US-CA) - Ex-Fresno Cop still a Proud Boy - defashsac.pdf
Riggin Scheer (US-SD) - aka Gordon Kahl - Achtung Amerikaners of Brookings South Dakota - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Riley Johnson #PF (US-SD) - aka Tyler SD - Computer Science Major at DSU - Central Oregon Antifascism.pdf
Rinaldo Nazzaro #TB (Russia) - Leader of U.S. Nazi Terror Group Revealed.pdf
Rinaldo Nazzaro #TB (US-NJ) - Identity of the leader of an American neo-Nazi terror group - The Guardian - Jason Wilson.pdf
Rob Stamm #LEO (US-VA) - VA Capitol Police Shows Affinity with White Nationalist Groups - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Robert A. Stamm #Asatru & Daniel Morley #UTR (US-VA) - 2 Virginia Police Officers Are Fired Amid Allegations of Links to White Nationalists - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Robert Allan Bray Jr #VinlandRebels #PB #AC (US-TN) - Former Proud Boy Turned Active Club Member - Trash City Metaverse.pdf
Robert Clement & Janette Clement #Arvada (US-CO) - Introducing Arvada Neo-Nazi Power Couple - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Robert Clement & Janette Steedley-Clement #BH (US-CO) - Robnette - Blood & Honour Draaaama - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Robert Donovan (US-TN) - McEwan - Avowed white supremacist employee at QuadGraphics has a Facebook account for his Nazi flag biz - RuthlessWe.pdf
Robert Donovan (US-TN) - McEwan - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Robert Freeman #NA (US-CT) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Robert Gaus & Melissa Gaus #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Robert Gonshak #ID (LA) - aka Roux Desjardins - aka Dude1492 - Main meme maker of New Orleans LA & Miami - Making Pals Online.pdf
Robert Huber #NAZI (US-DE) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Robert J. Westman #Midgard #MIL #NAZI (US-WI) - aka Bob Westman - Bob's Social Media Presence - Thread by LateNightAFA.pdf
Robert J. Westman #Midgard #MIL #NAZI (US-WI) - aka Bob Westman - Thread by OdanSymbiont.pdf
Robert Kehne Moeller (US-FL) - Brevard County charges - Unicorn Riot.pdf
Robert Lane Ashby #Asatru (US-FL) - aka Lane Ashby - Venomous racist elevated to Folkbuilder - FolkishFacts.pdf
Robert Reitmeier #AG #NAZI (CA) - Thread by ARCCollective.pdf
Robert Rundo #RAM (US-CA) - A Neo-Nazi Street Fighting Gang Leader Was Just Indicted in LA - Vice.pdf
Robert Sunday #PB (US-CA) - Orangevale - Proud Boy - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Robert Thomas Budzyna #PF #NSC131 (US-MA) - aka Red Wood - aka Peter MA - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Robert Wheldon #WLM #PB (US-CA) - San Diego neo-nazi Proud Boy and head of White Lives Matter California - PacAntifa.pdf
Roger Dale Rowe #MIL #ONA #AWD (US-CA) - aka Velton Vindex - Neo-Nazi & Suspected Member Of AWD - Long Beach Antifa.pdf
Roger Hahn #PB (MN) - Fergus Falls MN - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Roger Williams #NA (US-CO) (US-TX) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Ron McVan #NAZI (US-MT) - Influential Racist Neo-Pagan Lives on the Butte Hill - MHRN.pdf
Ron Sheehy (US-NJ) - aka Tremley - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Ronald Andrew Evans #BowlPatrol (US-OH) - aka Uncle Dad - aka Joseph Goebbowls- Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Ronald Gilford Doggett #WPP #KKK #NA #NAZI (US-VA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Ronny Cameron (CA-ON) - Prominent far-right organizer in Toronto says he quits political activism - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Rory Fonda Handley #PB #NAZI (US-WV) (US-TX) - aka Rory Reddington - Rory Handley is a prolific White Nationalist propagandist - ️AnonymousComrade.pdf
Rosie Palfy (US-OH) - Cleveland Photographer Alert - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Roy Frankhouser #KKK (US-PA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Rupen Balaram-Sivaram (CA-ON) - Toronto judge considering case of man accused of advocating genocide online - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Russell Bert Frankland #TWP (US-CO).pdf
Russell Hampton Ouellette #PB (US-VA) - Violent Proud Boy - Right Wing Parler Watch.pdf
Ryan & James Mason #AWD - An Atomwaffen Affair - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Ryan Hatfield #AWD (US-CO) - aka Ryan Arthur - Atomwaffen Division - Colorado Springs Antifa.pdf
Ryan Lane Thomas #IE #AIM (US-MO) - aka Placidseven - Fenton Missouri - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Ryan Lee Venable #Flagger (US-VA) - Virginia Flaggers - Meet the Danville Black Confederate.pdf
Ryan Michael Roy #PF #UTR (US-VT) - aka RexusLexus - aka Rex VT - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Ryan Michael Slingerland #UTR #HWNDU #NAZI (US-NY) - aka Sharia LaBoeuf - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Ryan Printy #IE (US-OH) - aka Reactionary Tree - Identify Evropa.pdf
Ryan Saxer #RAM (US-FL) - aka Sean Battle - Floridas Fascist Freemason - Torch Network.pdf
Ryan Saxer #RAM (US-FL) - aka Sean Battle - Pastebin.pdf
Ryan Wojtowicz #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Ryan Woodie Dumperth #SHED #TwitterTrolls (US-VT) - aka Woe - aka Treblewoe - aka Eschatologuy - Antisemitic Lutefash - Machiara Action.pdf
Ryan Woodie Dumperth #SHED #TwitterTrolls (US-VT) - aka Woe - aka Treblewoe - aka Eschatologuy - Thread Version - Machiara Action.pdf
Sal Munafo #PF (US-MA) - aka Phillip MA - Patriot Front member Phillip MA - Waltham Night's Watch.pdf
Sam Dickson (US-GA) - White Power Leader Sam Dickson’s Bankruptcy Filings - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Samantha Jenaye Humphries #J6 (US-CO) - aka Mikayla Tȟóksape - J6 Attendee & Nazi Collaborator - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Samuel Cordova #PF (US-CO) - Lifestyle Anarchist - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Samuel James Fredeen #IE (US-VA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Samuel James Fredeen #IE (US-VA) - Virginia Coordinator - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Samuel King & Alexander Katsnelson #Groyper #AF (US-DC) - Ex-Gosar staffers racist on social media - Jerod MacDonald-Evoy - azmirror.pdf
Samuel King & Alexander Katsnelson #Groyper #AF (US-DC) - Gosar's racist groyper ex-staffers - Photos and Tweets - Thread by LateNightAFA.pdf
Sara Ault #Asatru #WAU (US-WI) - AsFA member works with Women for Aryan Unity - FolkishFacts.pdf
Sarah Dye #IE (US-IN) - aka Volkmom - Fascist at Schooner Creek Farms from Nashville Indiana - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Sayed Javid #PF #NSCDixie #NAZI (US-VA) - aka Robbie Javid - aka Reform the States - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Scarlet Horse (US-OR) - aka tradfuturist - White Nationalist Wannabe Tradwife Working at OHSU - CVAntifa.pdf
Scott Baxtin (US-PA) (US-OH) - Erie Fascist - Philly Anti-Capitalist.pdf
Scott Butler (US-NM) - Attempted to Run Over Protesters - ABQ & NM AFA.pdf
Scott Cooper #3PER (US-GA) - aka Wraith - Security Force - AntiFashGordon.pdf
Scott Edward Chapman #ID (US-TN) - Identity Dixie member from Franklin - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Scottland Kevin Belk #AB #WCOTC (US-NC) - aka RevBelk - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Sean Clayton Spaulding #UTR #AC #RAM (US-CA) - UTR Participant with Long History of Hate Groups - SCResearchClub - SunlightAFA.pdf
Sean Curran #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Sean Dolan #DERAD (US-IL) - On leaving white nationalism and finding community - Chicago Anti-Fascist Action.pdf
Sean Kauffmann #AC #NAZI (US-TN) (US-AZ) - Boog Fuhrer and Kiltman - Gwen Snyder.pdf
Sean Michael Miner #IE #AIM (US-CA) - Brother of Courtney Miner Piercy - Keeping White Nationalism in the Family - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Sean Wolthers & Joshua Wolthers #GDL #PB (US-FL) - aka Masked Penguin - Neo-Nazi activists - antichud.pdf
Sean Wulfe McCann #AG #VSC (US-UT) - Largest Lad - Corvallis Against Fascism.pdf
Sean Wulfe McCann #AG #VSC (US-UT) - VSC’s Largest Probate - Utah Antifascists.pdf
Sean-Michael David Scott #PB #NAZI (US-WA) - Community Alert - Neo-Nazi Proud Boy Exposed - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Sean-Michael David Scott #PB #NAZI (US-WA) - Community Alert - Neo-Nazi Proud Boy Exposed - WANaziWatch.pdf
Shandon Simpson #UTR #MIL (US-OH) - aka Zoltanous - National Guard Soldier Who Deployed to DC Identified- Unicorn Riot.pdf
Shane Duffy - Jakub Zak - Wil Zachary Smith - Hank Yoo - Robert Kehne Moeller - Taylor Wilson - #NAZI IDs 2018 - Emily Gorcenski.pdf
Shane Duffy #AFA #TWP #UTR #NAZI (US-IL) - AsFA member and Unite the Right participant - FolkishFacts.pdf
Shane Marshall & Tyler Russell #CF #Groyper (CA-ON) - Disruption at Trudeau campaign stop - antihateca.pdf
Shane Marshall #CF #Accel (CA) - PPC Riding Director Runs Multiple White Nationalist Social Accounts - antihateca.pdf
Shane Michael Dilling #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Shane Reeves #PB (US-CO) - Charlottesville Participant & Nazi Proud Boy - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Shannon Neubauer #PB (US-NE) - Omaha - RuthlessWe.pdf
Shanta Meeder #TwitterTrolls #NAZI (CA-AB) - aka Anita Bieverlekker aka Kate Hikes - Neo-Nazi Troll - Late Night Anti-Fascists.pdf
Sharon Hewitt #VSC (US-NY) - aka Sha1428 - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Shaun M Williams #IE (US-NM) (US-DC) (US-OH) - aka Giovannidannato - Fascist Incel Blogger - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Shaun Mulville #WLM #NAZI (US-CA) - Ventura CA neo-nazi and member of White Lives Matter California - PacAntifa.pdf
Shawn Deats #NAZI (US) (Japan) - aka Alt Skull - The latest Nazi rat-fuckery exposes longtime creep - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Shawn Deats #RacistTrolls (Japan) - aka Alt Skull - WN Telegram Channel Owner is English Instructor Living Abroad - Angry White Men.pdf
Shawn McCaffrey #IE (US) - Well-Known White Nationalist Kicked Out Of Air Force - Christopher Mathias - Huffpost.pdf
Shawn Tyler McCreless #AF #Groyper (US-AL) - aka Loulz - White supremacist live-streamer - Move Silent Sam.pdf
Shawnae Kathleen Belanger #Asatru #NAZI (US-MN) - Blatant Neo-Nazi of Asatru Folk Assembly - FolkishFacts.pdf
Sienna Kitchen & Matthew Curnutte #NJP #GDL (US-TN) - Neo-Nazi Gruesome Twosome - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Simon Michael Dickerman #UTR (US-FL) - Tampa Florida Area White Supremacist & Unite The Right Attendee - Fash Finder.pdf
Skyler Philippi & Brian Tierney #Terrorgram #NAZI #PAWG (US-MN) (US-NY) - The Rise & Fall of Primal Aryan Warlord Gang - SunlightAFA - SCResearchClub.pdf
Somerled Macdougall #IE (US-NC) - Meet Asheville Fascist & White Nationalist - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Sonny Sullivan #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Soren Renner (US-IL) - Exposing Rogers Park White Nationalist - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Spencer Lee Corbin #BASE (US-WI) - aka Stephen Landser - Member of The Base and Producer for Billy Roper Shieldwall Network - debased.pdf
Spencer Sturdevant & Cyan Rose Quinn #IE (US-WA) - Identify Evropa.pdf
Spencer Thomas Simpson #PF #NAZI (US-WA) - The Pee Jug Patriot Front Nazi in Ellensburg WA.pdf
Squarespace - Stop Hosting White Supremacists - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Stacy Hoffman #NSM (US-WA) - aka Leebelle - Mortuary Student Neo-Nazi Recruiter All-Around Monster - PNWAWC.pdf
Stephen Hartley #PB (US-PA).pdf
Stephen James Trimboli #PF (US-FL) - Patriot Fronts Florida Network Director Lawrence FL.pdf
Stephen Thomas Farrea #NSC131 #MIL #Asatru (US-RI) - Former Marine member of NSC - By Way of Plymouth.pdf
Stephen William Arnquist #IE #UTR (US-TX) - White Nationalist High School Teacher.pdf
Sterling Joseph Long & Joshua James Rapin #BloodTribe #WLM #GDL #Asatru (US-WI) It’s time for #NameTheNazi Blood Tribe edition - Antichud.pdf
Steve Hildebran (US-CO) - Neo-Nazi Flat Earther - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Steve Hildebran (US-CO) - Neo-Nazi Flat Earther - INFO.pdf
Steve Sailer (US-CA) - Race science propagandist and white supremacist - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Steve Shallenberger #PP (US-OR) - Fascist Creep in the Patriot Movement - Kip Beebe - American Front - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Steve Smith #KSS (US-GA) - Philly Anti-Capitalist - Boycott Gertrude Hawk.pdf
Steven Derrick Tucker #PF (US-TX) - aka Don TX - Patriot Fail.pdf
Steven Eugene Speers (US-IL) - Pedophile & Fugitive Arrested at Illinois White Nationalist Gathering - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Steven Eugene Speers #Asatru (US-ND) - aka Steven the Viking - Pedophile and antisemite with arrests for violence - FolkishFacts.pdf
Steven Howard #KKK (US-WA) - Miss. Klan Leader spreading hate in Portland OR area - PNWAWC.pdf
Steven Jason Parr #PB #BloodTribe (US-GA) - Neo-Nazi Leader of Blood Tribe Dixie in Athens, Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Steven Scheele #IE #AIM (US-IL) - Northern Illinois University Student - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Steven Scott Smith #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Steven Scott Smith #MIL #KKK #KSS #KU #CCC (US-PA) - aka Steve Smith - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Steven Wiegand #NAZI (US-PA) - Claims to be Shutting Down Micetrap Records - Philly Antifa.pdf
Stuart Churchill #NAZI (AUS) - aka Stuart Durand - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Tabatha Barnum & Damian Cirillo (US-OR) - Anti-Antifa Provocateurs in Eugene - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Tanner Jarl Peterson & Bryan Joshua Hanks #PB (US-WA) - Violent Proud Boy Roommates In Seattle - Tacoma Area - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Taylor James Ragg #NAZI (US-KY) - Alt-Right Neo-Nazi - mboroafa.pdf
Taylor Michael Wilson #NAZI (US-MO) - Armed Missouri neo-Nazi Amtrak attacker - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
Terrence Raymond Stockey #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Terry Nicole Ritz Williams #IE (US-SC) - aka Mary June Voss - Virulent Racist White Nationalist Exposed - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Tessa Hamilton #GSS (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi affiliate of Elk Grove - Antifa Sacramento.pdf
Thom Robb #KKK (US-MI) - National Director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Thomas Adam Guba #INFO #IronMarch #NAZI #MIL (US-MD) - -
Thomas Adam Guba #IronMarch #NAZI #MIL (US-MD) - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Thomas Bauder #INFO #IronMarch #NAZI (US-PA) - -
Thomas Bauder #IronMarch #NAZI (US-PA) - Previously arrested for Nazi propaganda - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Thomas Bauder #NAZI (US-PA) - Erie - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Thomas Brasher (AUS) - aka Thomas Hopper - Ethno-nationalist and Antisemite - thewhiterosesociety.pdf
Thomas Cade Martin #MIL (US-KY) - aka Cade Martin - Active duty USMC infantryman - RWDS - RuthlessWe.pdf
Thomas Dail #PF (US-VA) - aka Kenneth VA - Patriot Fail.pdf
Thomas Gilmer #PF (US-AZ) - aka Jack AZ - Former University of Arizona Student and Member - Central Oregon Antifascism.pdf
Thomas Gipson #NAZI (US-MO) - aka DJ Hardmous HardMaus H4rdM0us JohnGonzo88 - AnonymousComrade.pdf
Thomas Graham Bartran (US-TX) - Man Caught With Weapons at El Paso Rally is Houston InfoWars Activist - Screwston AFC.pdf
Thomas J. Turner Jr. #ACS (US-NJ) - Atlantic City Skinheads Associate Arrested On the Same Day ACS Gets Smashed in Philly - Philly Antifa.pdf
Thomas Randall Sparks #PB (US-NM) - Albuquerque Proud Boy Nazi conspiracy theorist & convicted child molester - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Thomas Rousseau #PF #VanAm (US-TX) - 18 Year Old Thomas Rousseau Is Rebranding Nazis As Patriots - Its Going Down.pdf
Thomas Savasta #PB (US-PA) - aka Big T.pdf
Thomas Timothy Totten #NAZI #WLM #VR (US-ID) - Nazi active with Vinland Rebels and WLM - fashfreenw.pdf
Thomas Turner #ACS (US-NJ) - aka Q-Ball - Next on the White Power Chopping Block - Idavox.pdf
Thomas Vance Pollack #PF #AFN (US-NC) - aka Vance Pollock - Asheville Anti-Racism.pdf
Thomas White (CA) - The Racist League of the North Podcaster Who Started a Neo-Nazi Coffee Company - VICE.pdf
Tia Azar Foster (US-NC) - Eco-Fascist Monster - Asheville Anti Racism.pdf
Tiffany Logan Faulhaber #TheShed #MAGA3X #PatriotsUnited #RacistTrolls (US-SC) - aka Tiffany83 - aka loganSC83 - Spartanburg - SouthEastARA.pdf
Tim Allen Hancock #KKK (US-OR) - Meet the Man Behind the KKK Flyers - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Tim C Durkan #NSM #KKK (US-IL) - aka Sgt. Sean Finnerty - South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action - Abusive Father.pdf
Tim Davis #TAPS (US-OR) - Springfield White Supremacist & Member of The American Patriot Society (TAPS) - Eugene Antifa.pdf
Tim Knowles #LOS (US-AR) - Arkansas Chairman Right Wing Watch.pdf
Tim Manning #IE (US-SC) - Columbia - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Tim Manning #IE (US-SC) - Columbia - The Nazi who gloriously fucked up the Airbnb accommodations for UniteTheRight - Identify Dixie.pdf
Tim Nelson #TCM (US-IL) - Outing Creativity Movement Member Tim Nelson - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Timothy Allen Dunham #PB (US-MI) - Lansing Proud Boys - AfaVigilant.pdf
Timothy Kohl #IE (US-OH) - Brother of Identity Evropa Member Caleb Kohl Exposed as Ohio Member of IE - Panic in The Discord.pdf
Timothy Wylie #KSS #KU (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
Timothy Wylie #KSS #KU (US-PA) - Keystone United Member Arrested For Various Gun-Related Charges - Philly Antifa.pdf
Todd Gee (US-TN) - Racist Lawyer in Tennessee - Torch Network.pdf
Tom Christensen (US-IL) - White Supremacist Trigger Tom Sent to Hospital by Chicago Antifa - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Tom Frederick Christensen #PB (US-IL) - Truly Sabotaged ‘Trigger’ president of Proud Boys Chicago Chapter - Chicago Antifascist Action.pdf
Tom Metzger & John Metzger #KKK #WAR (US-CA) - White Aryan Resistance - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Tom Moerman #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Tom Ramsey #J6 (US-CO) - Louisville J6 Rioter (Westmark Design & Construction) - Front Range Antifascists.pdf
Tom Weeks (US-WA) - Bellingham - Owner of Weeks Custom Carpentry Tried to drive through protestors at a #BLM protest - RuthlessWe.pdf
Tom Weeks (US-WA) - Bellingham Resident Attempts to Run Over Protesters - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Tomasz Winnicki (CA-ON) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Tommy Long & Larry Callahan #KKK #LEO (US-GA) - East Ellijay Police Chief Ignored Officer Long FB Activity - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Tommy Long #KKK #LEO (US-GA) - Cop & Klan - East Ellijay Police Officer Supports the United Northern & Southern Knights - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Tommy Long #KKK #LEO (US-GA) - Police Department Spins Implausible Tales to Clear Klan-supporting Officer - TORCH NETWORK.pdf
Tommy Parnell #Flagger (US-NC) - aka Tom - aka Strawberry.pdf
Tony McKay #IronMarch #MIL (CA-BC) - aka Dead - Iron March Leak - Active Military Member University Student in Vancouver - The ARC Collective.pdf
Tor Gustafsson Brookes #Groyper (US-NY) (AUS) - aka Catboy Kami of AUS Arrested in Williamsburg - NYC Antifa.pdf
Travis David Condor #HSN #UTR (US-WA) - A day after a neo-Nazi is convicted of murder - splcenter.pdf
Travis David Condor #KSS #NAZI #MIL (US-PA) - aka Travis Konderak - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Travis Eastburn #MIL (US-CO) - Fort Collins Anti-BLM - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Travis Frey #NAZI #IronMarch (US-NV) - CoreCivic Chief of Security & Iron March Fascist in Nevada - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Travis Morgan #AWD (US-MO) - Missouri Alacami Employee & Prospective Atomwaffen Member - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Travis Patron #NAZI (CA) - Anti-Hate Network to Publish Names of 250 Neo-Nazi Party Members in Canada - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Trent East #MIL #LEO (US-GA) - Update on Haralson County Jailer & Alabama National Guard Member - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Trent East #MIL #LEO (US-GA) - White Nationalist Features Haralson County Jailer & Active Duty National Guardsman - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Tristan Kyle Bass #KKK #LOS (US-AL) - aka Major AL - Klansman - Haleyville - ARA.pdf
Tristan Michealangelo Yeager #PF (US-TX) Identified As Member Of Patriot Front -
Tyler Dykes #NAZI (US-SC) - CEO of Technology King of the Lowcountry Bluffton SC is a neo-nazi - Sunlight-161.pdf
Tyler Hall-Kuch & Bernardo Garcia #NAZI (CA) - Podcasters barred from United States - Canadian Anti-Hate Network.pdf
Tyler Ray Glasscock #IronMarch (US-TX) - aka PetroFash - Iron March Forum Leak - Fash Finder.pdf
Tyler Russell #Groyper #CF #NAZI (CA) - Canada First - Canadian White Supremacist Chatroom - Sébastien Roback - antihateca.pdf
Tyler Russell Arbuckle #PF (US-UT) Member Of Neo-Nazi Organization Patriot Front -_ -
Tyler Wiesing #S14 (US-NJ) - Neo-Nazi of Point Pleasant - Jersey Counter-Info.pdf
Tyler Yamaguchi #PB (US-PA) - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Tyler Ziolkowski #PB (US-FL) - Deland - Firestorm On Fascists.pdf
Van Ramsey Laws-Spencer #MIL #IronMarch (US-CA) - Neo-Nazi Organizer and Marine - Iron March Dossiers.pdf
Vernon Chuck Henderson #NAZI (US-FL) - Tampa Florida Teacher is Member of the pro-Nazi - Right Wing Death Squad FB group - RuthlessWe.pdf
Victor Aigner #RacistTrolls (UK) - aka FedPostRedacted - Sunlight-161.pdf
Victor Staab #PF (US-DC) - Regional Network Director - Washington D.C. - Antifa Seven Hills.pdf
Vincent & Briana Bertinelli #GDL (US-CO) - Goyim Defense League Exposed.pdf
Virginia Abernethy (US-TN) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Wade Mendisabal #AWD (US-WA) - Seattle-Based Member of Atomwaffen Division - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Wade Michael Page #HN (US-WI) - Page & Pacific Northwest Neo-Nazis - Rose City Antifa.pdf
Wade Michael Page #HN (US-WI) - Page Of The Hammerskin Nation Leaves Six Dead In Milwaukee - South Side Chicago ARA.pdf
Wade Searle #Groyper #AF (US-DC) - aka Chikken - Gosar Staffer is a Prominent Follower of Nick Fuentes - Hunter Walker - talkingpointsmemo.pdf
Walter Zilinski (US-NJ) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Wendy Rishel Konig & Rebecca Quate Dillingham (US-NC) - Racist Neo-Confederate hosted on Dissident Mama podcast - Megan Squire.pdf
Wesley Michael Gober #PB (US-NY) - New York NY - RuthlessWe.pdf
William Alfred Ring #PF (US-MD) (US-PA) - aka Tyler MD - Patriot Fail.pdf
William C Bavier #Groyper #TwitterTrolls (US-FL) - aka AttorneyFren - Groyper Lawyer - MIAagainstFash.pdf
William Condie #IronMarch #MIL (CA) - aka KanadianKommando - Another Iron March Neo-Nazi In The Canadian Armed Forces - Simons - Smith - antihateca.pdf
William Decker & Evan Decker #KSS (US-PA) - Keystone United Exposed - Philly Antifa.pdf
William Dennis Daniel #IE (US-OK) - aka Volkisch Soldat - University of Oklahoma student & vitriolic white nationalist - Panic in The Discord.pdf
William Fears #UTR (US-VA) - Burning Hate: Fears and Loathing in Charlottesville - The Devils Advocates.pdf
William Fisher (US-AZ) - aka Bill - Arizona White Supremacist & Grassroots Republican Activist - Torch Network.pdf
William G Rempel (US-NE) - aka tiptiptopkek - Hastings White Nationalist - Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska.pdf
William Marean #PB (US-CO) - Aurora - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
William Migala #TennesseeActiveClub #Asatru (US-TN) - aka Will the Viking - aka Viking Will - Updates - Trash City Metaverse.pdf
William Pierce #NA (US-WV) - aka Andrew MacDonald - Head of National Alliance and author of Turner Diaries - Rogues Gallery.pdf
William Rehm IV #TB (US-OR) - aka Werwolf - Oregon Member Exposed - Eugene Antifa.pdf
William Scott Planer #PF #AC #Asatru #NAZI (US-CO) - aka Wilson CO - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
William Scott Planer #TWP (US-CO) - The Total Failure of the Colorado Traditionalist Workers Party - Rocky Mountain Antifa.pdf
Wilton Jordan #PB (US-NC) - Asheville ARA.pdf
Wyatt Trahan #PF (US-NH) - aka Josh NH - Patriot Front Member from New England - Fashalert MA.pdf
Zac Johnson (US-GA) - Hitler-Loving Alt-Right Propagandist in Alpharetta Georgia - Atlanta Antifascists.pdf
Zac Staggs #PB (US-WA) - Seattle - Capitol Hill’s Self-Professed Proud Boy - Puget Sound Anarchists.pdf
Zach Beck #AN (US-WA) - Rogues Gallery.pdf
Zach Lightner #PB (US-CO) - Proud Boy - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Zach Martin #DezNat (US-AZ) - aka Hoss - Exposed As Racist Antisemitic Extreme Homophobic DezNat of Mesa Arizona - DezNat Exposed.pdf
Zach Rehl #PB (US-PA) - Philly PB President - Say Hello to Your Local Proud Boys.pdf
Zachary Clayton Lambert #RCN (US-OR) - Rose City Nationalists - Stumptown Research Collective.pdf
Zachary Hudson Fisher (US-WI) - aka Milwaukee DJ Hdsn Acid - Unite the Right’s Swastika Pin Identified - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Zachary Kaczmarek #WAC (US-WA) - aka Alma Lahar - White Art Collective performer - Anonymous Comrades Collective.pdf
Zachary Michael Lee #NSC131 (US-MA) - aka Pine - AntifaGarfield.pdf
Zachary S. Wade #UTR #NAZI (US-TN) - Identified at Unite the Right and other Nazi events - ne0ndistraction.pdf
Zachary West (US-CO) - Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists.pdf
Zachary West #NAZI (US-CO) - PrivateBin.pdf
Zephyr Garrison #TB #FKD (US-NH) - The Teen Behind East Coast Efforts to Rebrand the Base & FKD - Eugene Antifa.pdf

You can follow @LateNightAFA and @SunlightAFA on X.


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