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The official landing page for HawkHakcs - see here.

Quick Setup 🔨

Install Node.js

Install pnpm using npm

$ npm install -g pnpm

Clone the repo

$ git clone

From your terminal, navigate to the root path of clone

$ cd path/to/your/clone

Install dependencies

$ pnpm i

Run local server

$ pnpm run dev

⚠️ Before deploying to production, edit public/robots.txt to allow search engine indexing.

⚠️ Note: Please install ESLint and Prettier in your editor and enable format on save. In VSCode, you can do so by by setting "editor.formatOnSave": true in you settings.json. (Ctrl + Shift + P. Type "settings" and select "Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)")

Deployment 🚀

Deploys to GitHub Pages

pnpm deploy

Contributing 🥇

  • We welcome all contributions for further information see here