Kairav is an automatic web reconnaissance tool written in python. This tool made for reconnaissance and information gathering with an emphasis on simplicity. Instead of executing several tools one after another it can provide similar resultas keeping dependencies small and simple.
For now, some sub tool uses API mode, which is based on hacker target API which makes it light and efficient and can be used for the identification of potential vulnerabilities. However, the API is the free one so the scans are limited to 100 calls per day per IP. So you can use a proxy to change your public IP after the API counter exceeds.
- Termux
- Termux
- Internet
- requests
- colorama
- ipapi
- builtwith
- [+] Wizard interface !
- [+] 10+Utilities !
- [+] Easy for Beginners !
- [+] Max information is extracted with APIs, no direct contact is made to the target !
git clone https://github.com/LavSarkari/Kairav
cd Kairav
chmod +x *
Just Type :- Kairav
This tool is only for educational purpose. If you use this tool for other purposes except education we will not be responsible in such cases.