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The code base to accompany an article in the Canadian Journal of Economics


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This repository contains the code base to accompany the manuscript "Penalties for Speeding and their Effect on Moving Violations: Evidence from Quebec Drivers" by Chandler, Morin, and Penney in the Canadian Journal of Economics, 2022

All scripts are available on the GitHub code repository available at the following link: Penalties_for_Speeding_in_Quebec Any updates will be available on the GitHub code repository.

Data Availability

All data were obtained from the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, the driver's licence and insurance agency for the province of Québec. The administrators responsible for the data can be reached at or at the following mailing address:

Service de la recherche en sécurité routière
Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec
333, boulevard Jean-Lesage, C-4-12
C. P. 19600, succursale Terminus
Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6
Téléphone : 418 528-4095

Once the data are obtained, these primary datasets must be placed in the Data folder before running the scripts.

Traffic Tickets

The primary data source is an anonymized record of traffic tickets from the SAAQ for each year in the sample. The data were provided to the authors under an understanding that the data not be made publicly available.

The official name of the database is Fichiers des infractions au Code de la sécurité routière. The datasets are named in the format csYYYY.dta, with YYYY indicating the year in which drivers received tickets.

The datasets contain the following variables.

  • pddobt or or Nombre de points is the number of points.
  • dinf or Date d'infraction is the date of infraction in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • dcon or Date de condamnation is the date of conviction in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • seq or Numéro séquentiel is a sequence of unique identification numbers for the drivers.

Statistics for Individual Drivers

The above record of tickets are marked with driver-specific identifier, which serves as a key for a dataset of driver-specific characteristics. This dataset contains the driver identification number, along with the gender and date of birth of each driver. This information is not publicly available to protect the privacy of the drivers.

The official name of the database is Fichier des numéros séquentiels. The file seq.dta contains licensee data for 3,911,743 individuals who received tickets and includes the following variables.

  • seq or Numéro séquentiel is a sequence of unique identification numbers for the drivers.
  • sxz or Sexe is either 1.0 or 2.0, an indicator for male or female, respectively.
  • an or Année de naissance provenant du numéro de permis de conduire is an integer for the year of birth of each driver.
  • mois or Mois de naissance provenant du numéro de permis de conduire is an integer for the month of birth of each driver.
  • jour or JOur de naissance provenant du numéro de permis de conduire is an integer for the calendar day of birth of each driver.

Aggregate Counts of Drivers

Counts of individual drivers were obtained from the website of the Banque de données des statistiques officielles sur le Québec, available here.

The statistics were compiled into a single spreadsheet SAAQ_drivers_annual.csv, which is available in the Data folder and contains the following variables.

  • age_group is an age range in years.
  • sex is an indicator for the gender of drivers, either "M" or "F".
  • yrYYYY denotes that the column records the number of drivers in each year YYYY on June 1 of each year.


All regression results, tables and figures in the manuscript can be obtained by running the shell script The workflow proceeds in three stages: one set of instructions outlines the operations to transform the raw data in the SAAQ database into the dataset that is the input for the statistical analysis in the next stage. In the final stage, the estimation results are used to create the figures and tables for the manuscript.

Data Preparation

Run the scripts in the Code/Prep folder, which perform the following operations:

  1. Run the R script SAAQ_tickets.R, which collects the record of tickets for each year into a single dataset of tickets. This produces the dataset SAAQ_tickets.csv, which is the record of events in the regression models.

  2. Run the R script SAAQ_point_balances.R, which calculates the accumulated demerit point balances for each driver and collects counts of drivers at each demerit point level. This produces the dataset SAAQ_point_balances.csv, which is the record of counts of drivers at each demerit point level for each day in the sample period. This is the record of non-events for the subset of drivers who have ever received tickets.

  3. Run the R script SAAQ_driver_counts.R, which collects the public record of the number of drivers in each gender and age group category. It uses linear interpolation to transform the dataset SAAQ_drivers_annual.csv into a record of daily counts SAAQ_drivers_daily.csv. This dataset is the the record of non-events for the subset of drivers who have never received tickets.

  4. Run the R script SAAQ_join.R, which joins the above datasets into the complete record of events and non-events for all drivers in Quebec. This produces the dataset SAAQ_full.csv, which is used in the regression analysis in the next stage.

Statistical Analysis

The script in the Code/Reg folder
is the main script for the sequence of regression models.

Run this script, SAAQ_Regs.R, which estimates all models in the paper in a series of loops. It perform the following operations:

  1. Read in the main dataset SAAQ_full.csv.
  2. Create and modify categorical variables.
  3. Define the policy indicator to represent the change in legislation on April 1, 2008 and the sample period over the four-year period centered on this date.
  4. Defines the sequence of sets of models to be estimated, including the full sample, high-point drivers, an event study and an analysis by demerit point balances, as well as placebo regressions.

For each model, the script performs the following operations:

  1. Define the target variable.
  2. Set the relevant sample period, which differs for the placebo regression.
  3. Set the sample selection, to select male or female drivers and to select either the full sample or high-point drivers.
  4. Estimate the linear and logistic regression model.
  5. Calculate HCCME standard errors for the linear probability model.
  6. Calculate the marginal effects for the relevant coefficients.
  7. Save the estimation results in files stored in the Estn folder to produce tables and figures for the manuscript.


Once the estimates are obtained, run a series of scripts to draw from values in the estimation results to produce the figures and tables in the manuscript.

Producing the Output

Run the scripts in the Code/Out folder perform the following operations:

  1. Run the script SAAQ_Tables.R, which produces tables of estimates from the results in the Estn folder. These tables are all output to the Tables folder.
  2. Run the script SAAQ_Estn_Figs.R, which produces the figures from the estimation of the event studies and the estimation with granular demerit-point categories. These figures are output to the Figures folder and are ultimately named Figure3.eps and Figure4.eps.
  3. Run the script SAAQ_Count_Figs.R, which produces the figures of the frequency of tickets from aggregate data by month. This produces num_pts_5_10.eps and num_pts_7_14.eps, which are both output to the Figures folder and are ultimately named Figure1.eps and Figure2.eps. It also outputs a dataset Point_Freq_Gender_Ratio.csv. which is used to calculate the summary statistics in Table 2.

Producing the Tables Separately

All tables in the manuscript were output to the folder Tables.

  1. Table 1 was produced manually and appears in the file Penalties.tex.
  2. Table 2 was produced by an Excel spreadsheet Point_Freq_Gender_Ratio.xlsx from the outputs in Point_Freq_Gender_Ratio.csv and appears in the file Point_Freq_Gender_Ratio.tex .
  3. Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were produced together from the commands on lines 248 to 258 of the script SAAQ_Tables.R using the regression results obtained above and the function library SAAQ_Tab_Lib.R in the folder Code/Lib.

Producing the Figures Separately

All figures in the manuscript were output to the folder Figures.

  1. Figure 1 was produced from the commands on lines 263 to 284 of the script SAAQ_Count_Figs.R.
  2. Figure 2 was produced from the commands on lines 310 to 331 of the script SAAQ_Count_Figs.R.
  3. Figure 3 was produced from the commands on lines 156 to 189 of the script SAAQ_Estn_Figs.R using the regression results obtained above.
  4. Figure 4 was produced from the commands on lines 252 to 292 of the script SAAQ_Estn_Figs.R using the regression results obtained above.


The above programs use functions defined in the following libraries, which are stored in the Code/Lib folder.

  1. The script SAAQ_Agg_Reg_Lib.R defines functions for running regressions with data aggregated by the number of driver days for each combination of the dependent variables. Since weighted regression is used in different contexts, this library makes adjustments, such as for degrees of freedom, to make the results equivalent to those which would be obtained from the full dataset with one observation per driver per day. Since most drivers do not get tickets on most days, this library effectively compresses the dataset by a factor of one thousand, from billions of driver days to millions of unique observations.
  2. The script SAAQ_Agg_Het_Lib.R defines functions for the calculation of heteroskedasticity-corrected standard errors with aggregated data.
  3. The script SAAQ_Reg_Lib.R defines helper functions for data formatting and preparation for regressions.
  4. The script SAAQ_MFX_Lib.R defines functions to calculate marginal effects.
  5. The script SAAQ_Tab_Lib.R defines functions to generate LaTeX tables from regression results.

Computing Requirements

All the tables and figures in the paper can be performed on a single microcomputer, such as a laptop computer. The particular model of computer on which the statistical analysis was run is a Dell Precision 3520, running a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system, with a 4-core x64-based processor, model Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU, running at 2.90GHz, with 16 GB of RAM.


The statistical analysis was conducted in R, version 4.0.2, which was released on June 22, 2020, on a 64-bit Windows platform x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64.

The attached packages include the following:

  • foreign version 0.8-81, to open datasets in .dta format.

  • data.table, version 1.13.0 (using 4 threads), to handle the main data table for data preparation and analysis in the scripts in the Code/Prep and Code/Reg folders.

  • xtable, version 1.8-4, to generate LaTeX tables for Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

  • scales version 1.1.1, to format numbers in LaTeX tables.

Upon attachment of the above packages, the following packages were loaded via a namespace, but not attached, with the following versions:

  • Rcpp version 1.0.5
  • RcppParallel version 5.0.2
  • parallel version 4.0.2
  • compiler version 4.0.2
  • pkgconfig version 2.0.3
  • haven version 2.3.1
  • stringr version 1.4.0
  • withr version 2.4.2
  • foreign version 0.8-81
  • tidyr version 1.1.3
  • stringi version 1.5.3


The authors would like to thank François Tardif for his help with the data in the early stages of this project, as well as Catherine Maclean for helpful suggestions and valuable comments. Jeffrey Penney acknowledges support from SSHRC. The authors are especially grateful to the editor and two anonymous referees for comments and suggestions that led to substantial improvements from the original manuscript.



The code base to accompany an article in the Canadian Journal of Economics







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