- Piyachat Leelasilapasart
- Juri Hinz
This Julia package is implemented in Julia V. 1.1.0 which provides a method for approximating the value function in Markov decision processes under linear state dynamic, convex reward function, and convex scrap function using convex piecewise linear functions. Please submit any issues through my GitHub or email (piyachat.peung@gmail.com)
We impose the following restrictions on our Markov decision process
- A finite number of time points
- A Markov process consisting of
a) A controlled Markov chain with a finite number of possible positions
b) continuous process that evolves linearly i.e. where is a matrix with random entries. - Reward and scarp functions that are convex and Lipchitz continuous in the continuous process.
- A finite number of actions.
This Julia package approximate all the value functions in the Bellman recursion and also computes their lower and upper bounds. The following code demonstrates:
Let us assume that within a given time horizon (unit:hours), an energy retailer has the obligation to satisfy the unknown energy demand of his customers while retailer's renewable energy sources produce a random electricity amount. We first set our parameters;
# Load Packages
using Distributions
using NearestNeighbors
using Clustering
using Plots
using Random
using Printf
#Load rcss Module
using rcss_module
mp=Dict{String, Array{Real}}() #model parameters
mp["battery_capacity"] =[100.0] ##battery capacity
mp["nbattery_levels"] =[21] ##battery level
mp["step"] =[mp["battery_capacity"][1]/(mp["nbattery_levels"][1]-1)]
mp["std"] =[15.0]
mp["upper_safety"] =[30.0]
mp["lower_safety"] =[0.0]
mp["UPenalty"] =[50]
mp["LPenalty"] =[0]
mp["upper_charge"] =[10]
mp["lower_charge"] =[-10]
Set the transition probabilities for controlled Markov chain.
function alfa(p::Int64, a::Int64)
temp1 = convert(Array{Float64},mp["battery_levels"][:])
temp2 = mp["battery_levels"][p]
temp3 = mp["charge_levels"][mp["action_map"][a,2]]
pp = argmin(abs.(temp1 .- (temp2 + temp3)))
return(pp) #new level reached from p while action a is taken
Introduce the derivative of the reward and scrap functions and control function:
# Control function
function control(p::Int64,pp::Int64,a::Int64,mp::Dict{String,Array{Real}})
if pp==argmin(abs.(mp["battery_levels"][:] .- (mp["battery_levels"][p] + mp["charge_levels"][mp["action_map"][a,2]])))
#Scrap function
function scrap(timestep::Int64,state::Array{Float64,1},p::Int64, mp::Dict{String,Array{Real}})
result= mp["battery_levels"][p]*result
# Reward function
function reward(timestep::Int64,state::Array{Float64,1},p::Int64,a:: Int64, mp::Dict{String,Array{Real}})
result=-mp["safety_margins"][mp["action_map"][a,1]] * result
result[1]=result[1]-mp["shortage"][p,a] * mp["UPenalty"][1]+mp["excess"][p,a] *mp["LPenalty"][1]-mp["deep_discharge"][p,a]
We define the sampling disturbance which we assume it would be identically distributed across time.
#subgradient representation of reward functions
mp["u"][:]=-1 .+ cos.( (2*pi/24)*(0:168))
mp["v"][:]=1 .+ sin.((2*pi/24)*(0:168)) .^ 2
#sampling disturbance
w[1,1]=1 #skeleton
#Random entries indices
r_index[1,:]=[2,1] #random entry index
# Realization of random entries
modif= zero(Matrix{Float64}(undef, mp["rnum"][1], mp["dnum"][1]))
modif[1,:] = mp["mu"][1].+mp["sigma"][1]*quantile.(Normal(0,1), range(1/(mp["dnum"][1]+2),1-1/(mp["dnum"][1]+2);length=mp["dnum"][1]))
# Weights of realizations
weight= zero(Vector{Float64}(undef, mp["dnum"][1]))
weight[:].= 1 / mp["dnum"][1] # weights
We summarize all the model information into an object
#create the rcss type
global x = rcss(gridsize,initpoint,pathlength,pathnumber,w,r_index,modif,weight,
Perform the Bellman recursion. Note that in this version of rcss, the user can set the number of nearest neighbors.The index_be can be 0, negative value, and positive value.
- If index_be = 0, the traditional method is used. Traditional method finds the maximization of all tangents
- If index_be = positive value (1-50), the fast method is used.
- If index_be = negative value, the slow method method is used.
value, evalue = Bellman(tnum, x,index_be, scalar)
Bellman contains our approximates of the value functions, continuation value functions and prescribed policy at each grid point.
We compute the value function approximation above. Now, we can calculate the bounds using a duality martigale based approach.
#Run diagnostic
trajectory_number=50 #setting number of trajectory
#Produce result
for i in 1:samp
initposition = 1
result = policyrun(evalue,x,initpoint,initposition) #prescribed policy
actions = result["actions"]
states = result["states"]
push!(prices, x.mp["u"][1:48]+x.mp["v"][1:48] .* states[2,:]);
push!(state, states[2,:])
#Bound estimation (index_ph = 1 and index_va = 2)
for p in 1:x.pnum
@printf ".0f" x.mp["battery_levels"][p]; print(" & "); print(" [" );
@printf ".4f"result[p,3,1];print(",");@printf".4f"result[p,4 ,1]; print("] &")print("[");
@printf ".f"result[p,3,2];print(",");@printf".4f"result[p,4 ,2];print("]")
print("\\"); print("\\")
The above gives us:
- For the fast method with 2 nearest neighbors (computational time approximately 1.35 mins)
- -484.7975 (0.2963) for lower bound
- -484.7973 (0.2963) for upper bound
- For the slow method with 2 nearest neighbors (computational time approximately 33.35 mins)
- -484.7939 (0.2961) for lower bound
- -484.7937 (0.2960) for upper bound
- For the traditional method (computational time approximately 37 mins)
- -484.7937 (0.2964) for lower bound
- -484.7934 (0.2963) for upper bound
Tighter bounds can be acheived by either improving the value function approximations by using
- a more dense grid
- a larger disturbance sampling
or by obtaining more suitable martingale increments through - a larger number of sample paths
- a larger number of nested simulations